Chapter 19 - Blindness

Translator's Note:

Hello, I hope you've all been doing well.

Here you go, and I wish you a good read.

And as I said before, if you wish to read ahead, you can head over to my Patreon to get early access to all the translated chapters.

I Want to Support You



"Does it still hurt? Your wound, I mean."


"No... I received proper treatment, so I'm fine. But, um..."


Aoi was now inside Yuto's small and modest room.


The usually dazzling Aoi sat on a small bed that seemed unfitting for his elegance and status. He gently supported Yuto's back, who had changed into a comfortable shirt.


Even in such a room, the presence of Aoi-sama transformed the atmosphere into one of opulence... No, that's not what's important right now...


"I'm sorry. I... shouldn't have said those things."


"What things?"


"That I didn't want to be an Omega..."


"Oh... right."


Aoi's expression clouded slightly, as if taken aback, and he fell silent, carefully choosing his words. Yuto's heart raced as he waited for Aoi's next words.


"I want to be with you, Yuto. That means I also want you to bear my child. But if you don't want to do that, I don't mind."


"Huh...!? But, doesn't Master Ren wish for you to carry on the Kunishiro family lineage? If I become your partner, you won't be able to embrace other Omegas, and we might not have children, right?"


"I don't have any intention of embracing other Omegas anymore. As long as you're here, Yuto, that's all I need."


"W-Wait a moment! I... Before I met Master Aoi, I thought that way, but..."




Aoi's azure eyes, faintly tinged with anxiety, swayed with a sense of vulnerability. It was an unusually delicate expression, and it made Yuto's chest tighten.


"I... I'm willing to bear Master Aoi's child. Since it's yours, I don't mind."


"Yuto, you don't have to force yourself. I..."


"I'm not forcing myself! Before I met Master Aoi, I truly despised my own body. I couldn't go on without taking medicine every day, never knowing when I would go into heat, living in constant fear... Those days were truly painful, and I often wondered why I was born an Omega and felt so disgruntled."




"However, being with you, Master Aoi, makes me forget about all of that. The time we spend together is so enjoyable that those concerns become insignificant. What brings me the utmost happiness is being needed by you and being able to support you... It fills my heart with joy, pure and overwhelming."


As Yuto pleaded while gazing deeply into Aoi's eyes, Aoi's body gently enveloped him. Aoi held him tightly, wrapping him in his warmth, so Yuto could distinctly sense his body heat and the rhythm of his heartbeat.


"For me, Master Aoi is an irreplaceable existence. If I were to have a child with you, I... I find myself desiring to bring that child into the world. It's a thought that has never crossed my mind until now."




"But... I'm really worried about whether a child born from someone like me would grow up to be a suitable and capable successor to the Kunihiro family... I mean, I've never been good at studying, and in terms of appearance, I'm rather plain compared to Mr. Suno-san or Dr. Ayase, and... well..."


"What are you saying? You don't need to worry about such things."


Aoi said in a gentle voice, slightly distancing himself while still gazing at Yuto. The sapphire-colored eyes that were filled with uncertainty just moments ago now sparkled with a hint of happiness. The clear color was incredibly beautiful, and Yuto looked up at Aoi, entranced. Suddenly, their lips met, and Yuto blinked in surprise.


"I really love your face, Yuto. It's incredibly adorable... Even though you might not be happy being called cute..."


"Oh, um, no, it's not like that..."


"Especially when you smile, it's so cute and beautiful. I've always wanted to see it up close. Being able to see Yuto's smile like this, it feels like a miracle to me."




"And... I'm really happy that you're willing to bear my child."


"Ah, yes... I'm sorry. I made you worried earlier..."


"That's right. I thought I was going to get rejected."


"N-No way! I would never do that! It's impossible!"


As Yuto stubbornly denied Aoi's words, Aoi smiled charmingly. He gently traced Yuto's face with his fingertips, as he used to do when he couldn't see, and his eyes softened, revealing a glimpse of his pearly white teeth.


Ah... How beautiful...


Even a simple smile caused Yuto to feel slightly dizzy. Aoi gently caressed Yuto's lips with his thumb, and once again, their lips met in a tender kiss.




"I love you, Yuto... really..."


"Hold on... w-we can't do this here... mmm..."


"Just a little."


"Mmm... Haa..."


Aoi delicately nibbled on Yuto's lower lip, savoring the elasticity of his lips. Aoi's own lips were moist and tender, offering an exquisite sensation that was nothing short of intoxicating, a sweet kiss that left Yuto dizzy with delight.


In the midst of their passionate kiss, Aoi gazed intensely into Yuto's eyes. The golden shimmer of his long, fluttering eyelashes, coupled with his gentle smile, showcased Aoi's breathtaking beauty. Entranced by the sweetness of Aoi's lips and captivated by his allure, Yuto found himself completely enthralled.


"Ah... Haa..."


"What's the matter? Your expression has turned all soft and hazy."


"...Well, it's because of Master Aoi's kiss..."


"If you show me such a face, I can't control myself either."


"Mmm... Ah..."


Gently, Aoi's hand slipped into the loose fabric of his shirt, gliding along his sides and caressing the expanse of Yuto's back. A shiver ran down Yuto's spine, causing him to squirm in response. Meanwhile, Aoi leisurely explored the depths of Yuto's mouth, eliciting occasional sultry breaths that made Yuto tremble. The growing heat in Aoi's breath stirred a primal response within Yuto, igniting his senses.


"Ah... Master Aoi..."


Just as he was about to be pushed down onto the bed, knock, knock, knock came a hurried series of knocks on the door. Without waiting for a response, as usual, Seita swung open the door.


"Yuto!! How's your injury... Oh!"


"M-Mr. Seita...! I've always told you not to immediately open the door right after knocking!!"


Observing Aoi's half-kneeling posture and Yuto's dazed expression, Seita seemed to grasp the situation immediately. After a brief moment of surprise, he entered the room unceremoniously, wearing an angry expression on his face.


"Hey! Don't you dare flirt in here! ...I mean, please!"


While still displaying his anger, Seita quickly added polite language when addressing Aoi before clearing his throat. The two quickly separated and sat side by side on the bed.


"Listen here, Master Aoi. If you want to do that kind of thing, please do it in your own room. I don't care where, but not here."




"The servants' quarters have a lot of traffic. Although it may not be possible at the moment, this is not a time for open displays of affection. Didn't I just give you a warning not to let your guard down?"


"...You're right."


"Seriously... So, how about Yuto's injury?"


"Oh, um, I'm completely fine."


"Are you sure?... So, what happened with Master Suno? Did he understand and accept your situation?"


"He... understood, I think. He said he would watch over us..."


"I see..."


While wearing a somewhat pained expression, Seita looked at Yuto's wound and Aoi, who was caring for him. Then he let out a sigh and readjusted his ascot tie firmly.


"Oh, right, I got a message."


"Huh? What is it?"


"Master Ren will be arriving soon. Since your celebration party is getting closer, he'll probably be staying here more often."


"Brother... I see."


When Yuto heard Ren's name, his body instantly tensed.


When will Aoi tell Ren about them? And how will Ren react when he learns about their relationship? Such thoughts caused his blood to drain from Yuto's limbs, and his fingertips to quiver ever so slightly.


Noticing Yuito's reaction, Aoi tightly grasped Yuito's hand, his long fingers, which had a hint of roughness, providing warmth and comfort. Yuito gazed up at Aoi, returning a gentle smile, albeit with a hint of fatigue.


"Do your best... I'm not sure if it's my place to say this, but recently, Master Ren doesn't seem to be in good shape, so please show him some care and consideration."


"Brother... Is that so? Yuto, you said before that he seemed tired or something."


"Ah... I'd rather you didn't mention that too much..."


Upon hearing that, Seita glared at Yuto for a moment. Yuto involuntarily shrunk back.


"Besides, it's been years since you last saw Master Ren, right? Master Ren was also eagerly awaiting your recovery. While talking about partners and children is important, first and foremost, you need to face Master Ren properly."


"...Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Seita."


"No... um, I should be the one to apologize. Because of Yuto, my tone towards Master Aoi has been a bit rough..."


"Hey, don't blame it on me!"


"Hehe, it's fine. That kind of approach suits me better. It's okay to treat me the same way as Yuto."


"No, no... That's going a bit too far."


"If you start treating me with respect, it'll be just right."


Yuto suggested that to Seita, and as a response, Seita glared at him again and roughly ruffled his hair.


"W-What are you doing?!"


"Don't get cheeky with me! This brat always keeps worrying me! It's all his fault!"


"Sorry, okay! Geez... You really are rough."


"Did you say something?"


"No, nothing."


As Yuto looked up at Seita with a pout, he suddenly heard Aoi let out a small laugh.


"You two are like a parent and child."


"Eh, no way. He's such a nag!"


"I could say the same about you! Besides, I'm not that old, you know."


Upon seeing Seta's stern face, Aoi laughed again.


Having said that, Yuto was greatly encouraged by Seita's rough encouragement and advice.


It might be the same for Aoi as well, as both their expressions now showed a brighter and more relaxed smile.


Master Aoi must be anxious too. I need to become more reliable so I can support Master Aoi...


Yuto gently squeezed Aoi's hand in return, making a firm promise to himself.

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