Chapter 94 - Pay Attention to Me

Translator's Note:

I picked this up because it's been a long time since it was last updated.

This novel will be updated twice a month, but for those who wish to read ahead, you can head over to my Patreon to get early access to all the translated chapters.

With all that said, I wish you a good read.

After the rain, the temperature fell sharply, although it won't officially be winter till a few more days.


Zhang Jiaozhu* recalled the winter running event that was implemented last year, which went quite well. He slapped his forehead and decided to just do the same for this year.

[T/N: Jiaozhu - revered figure.]


No matter how reluctant the students were, they still gathered on the cold and windy sports field during their break.


The whole school went to battle together, and the scene was quite impressive. But when you looked closer at each student's face, almost all hung their heads dispiritedly, looking more dead than alive.


After running a few laps, the students walked back to the teaching building.


Han Meng's legs and feet felt weak and he was holding on to Jiang Yao's shoulder as he helped him up the stairs: "Brother Yao, you're such a high spec boyfriend*..."

[T/N: 'Boyfriend Power Max' is an online catchphrase. In general, it is often used to describe the performance and behavior of some attractive traits that attract women most.]


Jiang Yao: "Shut up, my boyfriend is right here beside me, say one more word and I'll throw you down."


Yin Che didn't care about them, he took the lead in climbing the stairs with his hands in his pockets. Just as he was about to head into the classroom, he found a student squatting at a corner of the stairs. Another student was anxiously pacing beside him, and just as he looked up and saw Yin Che, they hurriedly called out to him: "Hello! Can you lend us a hand!"


Han Meng followed him up. Seeing who it was, he immediately whispered, "Brother Che, don't pay attention to them."


Yin Che looked at Su Qi, who was squatting on the ground clutching her stomach Then he looked at Tang Shasha who just called out to him. He walked over and said, "What's the matter?"


Han Meng: "Damn, Brother Che is so magnanimous."


Jiang Yao smiled and said, "That's just how he is."


Yin Che actually didn't think much about it. Even if there had been some discord between him and Tang Shasha, that already happened a year ago. As for Su Qi, while his suspicions still remain, this and that are two different things. There was no need to turn a blind eye and let her suffer.


Tang Shasha pointed at Su Qi, saying: "After she just finished running, she said she had a stomachache and couldn't keep standing up. I wanted to take her right away to the infirmary, but I couldn't carry her there by myself. Can you help me?"


Hearing that, Jiang Yao interjected: "Let me carry her."


Yin Che looked back at him: "No way."


Jiang Yao: "I'm strong so it'll be easy to carry her, I won't take long."


"You can only carry me." Yin Che said coldly, "I will be jealous if you carry other people."


Tang Shasha: "..."


Su Qi: "..."


Han Meng: "Fuck?!"


What the hell? What did he just hear? Is this still the unruly school tyrant from their class?


Jiang Yao was also stunned. Then he covered half of his face, which was slowly heating up. "Oh, well, you do it."


It seems like the brat has heard what he said that night, but why did he feel like he had dug a hole for himself...


Yin Che squatted down in front of Su Qi: "Come up."


Su Qi hesitated, so Tang Shasha gave her a hand: "Don't be afraid, I'll go with you."


The three of them went into the infirmary together. The school doctor asked Su Qi to lie down on the bed and to show her where it hurts, so she had to lift her clothes. Yin Che and Tang Shasha then retreated outside of the curtain and waited.


The two people had little contact before, the only encounter they had happened to be an opportunity to form a feud. Thus, the resulting atmosphere was far from harmonious.


"Thank you." Tang Shasha spoke first, sounding friendly. However, the next sentence didn't sound quite right, "Say, you really don't look like an omega."


Yin Che hummed vaguely, seeming unconcerned.


But Tang Shasha kept on talking: "You obviously don't have any pheromones, are you really an omega?"


Yin Che gave her a sideways glance: "Have you never studied the chapter on markings in our biology books?"


"Of course, I have, so you've been marked by Jiang Yao?"


"I guess so."


"But Jiang Yao only transferred over in his sophomore year, how did you hide so well in your freshman year of high school?"


"Why are you asking so many questions?" Yin Che threw the question back at her, "We don't seem to know each other that well."


"I'm just curious, who in the whole school isn't curious? It's just that no one dares to ask you."


"Sorry, I don't want to talk about it."


Thus, Tang Shasha put an end to their conversation: "Than, forget about it."


Ten minutes later, the school nurse came out and said that Su Qi was not seriously hurt, it is estimated that her stomach pain was caused by her weak constitution, she just had to drink some hot water and she'll be fine. As she lacked exercise, after training some more, she would soon get used to it.


After Su Qi would lie back down for a while, she'll be able to get out of bed by herself. Yin Che went back to the classroom first and caught up to the second half of the language class.


At noon, Su Qi came to Class 1 to find him and gave him a bottle of warm milk tea bought from the canteen: "Yin Che, thank you for today... Also, it really wasn't me who reported you last time, I was only looking at you because... because you were Jiang Yao's partner..."


The girl's mouth shriveled, her eyes red again, "I just want to know why he likes you and not me..."


Yin Che didn't want to be blamed again for bullying girls and making them cry, he took the milk tea from her hands and comforted her calmly: "Because he is blind, okay?"


Once Su Qi heard this, her eyes filled up with tears once more: "You mean, he... even though he's blind, he still despises me, right..."


"......" Yin Che was speechless, "Think what you like."


Su Qi finally started crying again and ran away.


... It seems like he can't escape that blame.


Yin Che took the milk tea back to his seat and casually threw it to his tablemate: "Here, from your crush."


As soon as Jiang Yao received that drink, he immediately threw it forward like a hot potato: "Haoliang! It's from a girl!"


Zhou Haoliang was shocked and ecstatic: "Heck?! Finally, a girl who has a crush on me appeared. Which class is she from? How does she look? Forget it, I'm not even picky, is it a girl?"


"What girl or boy?" Jiang Yao said, "That girl gave to your Brother Che, Cheche gave to me, and I gave to you. Rounding it all up, that's equal to her giving it to you."


"... Why didn't you just say that the canteen owner gave it to me?" Zhou Haoliang instantly wilted. Having lost interest, he easily screwed the cap of the bottle, "Luckily, you still have some conscience,helping me unscrew this bottle..."


Yin Che looked up and snatched the milk tea bottle out of his hand.


Zhou Haoliang: "Hey?! Brother Che, I'm already miserable enough. Did you regret giving it out?"


"Don't drink it." Yin Che frowned, "There might be something wrong with this milk tea."


Zhou Haoliang: "It can't be... isn't that sister just being thoughtful, helping you unscrew it beforehand?"


"I don't know, but it's always good to be cautious."


Jiang Yao said: "Better check its content first, if there is really a problem with it, then the matter is more serious than we think. If it's okay, it's not too late to change our mind and not think too badly of others."


Zhou Haoliang nodded: "I agree, we can't let the bad guys off the hook, but we can't wrongly accuse the good guys either."


Yin Che looked at the plain bottle of milk tea and pondered for a moment, "I'll ask my dad to check it out."


Yin Quantai was surprised when he received the phone call in the evening: "It's rare that you to seek out my help."


There were few opportunities for the father and son pair to have a chat on their own. After talking about the milk tea case, Yin Quantai asked, "Did something happen at school?"


"No..." Yin Che paused. Although this matter was only related to Su Qi, for some reason, he suddenly remembered Cheng Hao and asked, "Dad, do you know someone named Cheng?"


"No, why?"


It seems that he was overthinking.


"It's nothing, maybe I was wrong."


At this point, it was almost time to hang up the phone, but Yin Quantai coldly asked, "That boyfriend of yours, is he good to you?"


Yin Che froze.


Talking to his parents about his relationships was always a bit awkward, not to mention that his dad hadn't had a discussion with him in a long time.


He knew that his dad cared about him, nor did he mean to always lecture him with a stern face, he was just using seriousness to hide his inner guilt, feeling that he hadn't performed his fatherly duty well in the past.


Now that there is an extra person to take care of his son, his dad should have a pretty complicated feeling, just like a father facing at his new son-in-law.


"He's very good to me."


Yin Quantai was noncommittal: "Treating you well goes without saying, I heard your mother say his condition is average. If you look again, you may find better partners than him."


"No need, he is already the best."


Yin Quantai was silent for a moment: "As you wish. If he doesn't treat you well in the future, don't be reluctant to break up, you have plenty of other options, okay?"


Yin Che felt helpless: "Got it, thanks dad."


It seems really necessary to take his boyfriend back home some other day.


The results of the milk tea test won't be available until a while later, so this matter was put aside for the time being.


The biggest event in December is the garden party that would be held at the end of the month, however, in order not to affect their studies, the third-year students were not allowed to participate.


What's worse, during those two days will be held the first mock examination test for the third-years.


Teachers from First High, Eighth High, and other key high schools in the city will come together to produce the test papers for that exam. Once the scores are assembled, there will be a citywide ranking. A good reputation is said to give students a little sense of urgency, but in fact, it's actually about finding out each other's capabilities.


This time, the first mock exam is much more important than the unified district exam. It is easy for First High to get first place in the district examination. However, it is hard to say whether it can take the lead of all the city's schools. If not, it would depend on the external evaluation. As a result, all of First High's teachers were nervous during this period, they distributed the practice papers in complete sets, the questions being quite difficult.


The students who usually have average grades were like reading a heavenly book*, not to mention those at the bottom of the grade. Zhang Ke turned the English paper upside down: "I wonder if I was looking at it backward, how can I not even understand a word?"

[T/N: The book being as difficult to understand as a book from the sky or a heavenly book.]


Xu Beini said, "I know the teacher who made this paper, they like to take original texts from the Internet as reading chapters, you can pray just to get an average score this time around."


The students at the bottom of the grade sighed.


When class ended, Jiang Yao was called by Wu Guozhong for a while and came back with a few more books in his hand, for language and mathematics, both in Chinese and English.


Han Meng: "Yo, Brother Yao, even you're trying to surpass yourself?"


Jiang Yao smiled: "Old Wu gave it to me so I could finish them before the exam."


"How come he just gave it to you and not us?"


Zhou Haoliang turned around, "That goes without saying, Jiang Yao is the hope of our entire school, it's up to him to overpower the other schools."


"Come on." Jiang Yao shoved his book into his desk drawer.


"Aren't you going to do them?" Yin Che asked.


"I will, don't worry." Jiang Yao thought about it, "Why don't we do them together? Come to my dorm in the evening?"




"Study until lights out, and then do something else after?"


Zhou Haoliang: "..." What unbelievable conversation did he just hear?


What was even more unbelievable is that he heard the other bigshot respond, after a few seconds of silence,




The author has something to say:


Let this Aunt see how many peeping LSPs* we have here.

[T/N: LSP - It's an acronym of the Chinese word "老色批" directly translated into "dirty old man". It is widely used among the Chinese-speaking ACG groups with a rather positive and self-mocking sense. People use the word to refer to themselves or others when they show affection for artworks with sex/lewd implications.]

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  1. Does anyone know where to read the first chapter

  2. Thanks for your translation! May I know where can I read the first chapter please?

  3. thank you for picking this up!


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