Chapter 95 - Pay Attention to Me

 Translator's Note:

I'm going to pick up a new novel titled "Blindness" very soon. The first 7 chapters of this novel will be updated daily. Please look forward to it.

And as I said before, if you wish to read ahead, you can head over to my Patreon to get early access to all the translated chapters.

With all that said, I wish you a good read.

Today was the first day of the mock exam.


This time, the seats were arranged following the alphabetic order of their names, and Yin Che entered the examination room with his backpack to find a seat, without looking at his examination number. He knew exactly where his seat was when he spotted his brother's figure.


"I heard you went looking for Dad to test a bottle of drink?" He didn't know from where Yin Ze got the news, "Was there something wrong with that drink? Who gave it to you? Cheng Hao?"


"Not him, but maybe I was mistaken, and there's no problem with that bottle."


"Not necessarily, who knows what you've done to incur other's hatred again."


Yin Che was used to it, so he simply asked, "Are things going well with Bai Yuwei lately?"


Yin Ze was stunned: "Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"


"She is quite nice, don't play with her feelings."


"I know, no need to tell me that." Yin Ze averted his eyes, "Although I often change partners, I'm definitely not so heartless, okay?"


"Do you still plan to play around in the future?"


"Look at how she's treating me, it's almost annoying me to death. She's yelling at me every day, saying I'm childish, even scolding me every night when I call. This is too much, every girlfriend I had before was better than her."


Yin Che smiled: "But you've been dating her longer than every one of them."


"... That's because I'm too lazy to look around."


Yin Che didn't expose him again, lest he gets angry, which risks affecting his performance in the test.


Three days of exams passed in the blink of an eye.


This time, the difficulty of the test papers was really as the teacher said, not to gauge the students' level, but to finish them and hopefully mend their ways.


The top students of First High who had never scored under 130 in their life, for the first time after the test, were deeply shocked and depressed. They felt so weak, pitiful, and helpless in the examination room.


All of a sudden, the library and study rooms of First High became full at noon, full of hard-working students who were striving to progress.


Zhang Jiaozhu passed by the library and was quite satisfied to witness such an inspiring scene. It seems that it's good to higher the difficulty level of the tests occasionally, thus motivating the students to surpass themselves.


He casually strolled around and suddenly saw two familiar figures behind a row of bookshelves. Fixing his eyes on them, he discovered that they were both the first students in their grade.


Not bad, even Jiang Yao is starting to work hard. The future of First High was indeed quite promising.


Zhang Jiaozhu walked over quietly to give them a surprise and compliment their achievements. However, the closer he got, the clearer the voices of the two talking became.


Jiang Yao: "This one looks good, trust me."


Yin Che looked at the cover, which was black with a few ghostly figures: "I don't read horror novels."


Jiang Yao: "Are you scared? It's okay, I'll read it to you, come to my dorm at night, and you can snuggle in my embrace if you're afraid - Shit! Zhang Jiaozhu? Don't scare me like that, ah."


Zhang Yinfeng was speechless to the extreme: "Can't you see what time it is! You two are still here reading novels! Will you do well in the exams this time? Huh?"


Jiang Yao smiled: "I've been brushing through the questions for a week now, so I'm sure it'll be fine."


Zhang Jiaozhu felt quite doubtful, but he was aware of Jiang Yao's achievements, the former number one in Eighth High. Even after coming to First High, he was still number one. As long as he plays his part properly, it is estimated that he will also be among the top ten in the city in the first mock exam.


However, the one beside Jiang Yao was far worse.


"Yin Che, it's okay for Jiang Yao to read some novels since he's the first in the grade, but how can you do the same? You better learn from his good points, you might as well study some more if you have the time."


Yin Che: "Yes, I know."


Zhang Jiaozhu lectured them for a while and then left.


Jiang Yao's chin rested on his own rabbit's shoulder, rubbing his head a few times: "Pretending to be good in front of the teacher but being so fierce with me. Last night you even kicked me out of bed."


"You deserved it." Yin Che continued to look for the book he wanted to read.


Jiang Yao smiled, unconcerned: "Hey, how high do you think you can rank in this exam? In the top fifty?"


"I didn't control the score this time."


"Hmm?" Jiang Yao instantly understood, "You mean..."


"I want to let the person who reported me last time know." Yin Che's finger ran across the books, "Just because I didn't pursue it doesn't mean I don't have a temper."


This temper tantrum of Yin Che was really quite big.


So big that even if Jiang Yao had prior knowledge, he was still a bit incredulous after the school issued the ranking for the mock exam.


Not to mention the other students and teachers in the first grade.


"Did I hear correctly... who is number one in our class?" Zhang Ke asked in a daze.


Chen Yingying was in a trance: "You heard it right... it's him..."


Wu Guozhong stared at the ranking table of the entirety of the class in the whole city.


There were five digits rankings among them, which was still quite normal, but there were also two single digits, which was very abnormal.


The only person in their class who can break into the top ten in the city should have been Jiang Yao.


Not to mention that this person also tied for second place with Jiang Yao's score.


Wu Guozhong and Zhang Yinfeng deliberately asked for the examination room monitoring, suspecting whether the two Yin brothers colluded, however, from the beginning to the end, they didn't find any signs of cheating.


Yin Che, a somewhat problem student, actually came second in the city.


After school, Yin Che was called to the office as expected. He came back just before the evening study session started.


As soon as he returned, he was surrounded by a group of people.


The Class 1 students had been in shock all day. At that moment, they had already calmed down a bit, but they still found it unbelievable.


Guo Zhixiong: "Brother Che, what did Lao Wu ask you? Does he also suspect that you've swapped heads?"


Yin Che: "He asked me how I suddenly got such high grades."


Guo Zhixiong immediately raised his hand, "I want to hear it too!"


"Me too!"


"We're all ears!"


In the eyes of Class 1, Jiang Yao's first place was purely due to the slippery hands of the Heavens, accidentally pouring too much IQ into his head.


But their Brother Che was different.


Yin Che has been studying seriously since he entered school, and it is obvious to all that he has made steady progress in the last few exams, which means that his efforts were justly rewarded. He must have mastered efficient study techniques if he could get such a high score this time.


This is the way of heaven! It's where there's a will, there's a way!


Guo Zhixiong: "You tell us quickly, we are in a hurry."


Jiang Yao bought burgers, coke, and cupcakes from outside as he came near them, "Let your Brother Che eat dinner first."


Yin Che took a bite of his burger, it was still hot. He said while chewing slowly, "I'll just say, study hard every day and you'll eventually progress this way."


Yang Yile seriously wrote this down in his notebook, "So that's how it is..."


Zhang Ke pondered: "Can you really improve your grades like this?"


Han Meng: "You listen to him, a couple of hundred people are casually taking the test for fun, you lots are the real deal, you can surely make it."


Zhang Ke: "Right..."


Han Meng then asked, "Brother Che, did Jiang Yao teach you any secret techniques? Tell us too."


Jiang Yao smiled: "You really want to hear it?"


All of them nodded together, their eyes full of thirst for knowledge.


Jiang Yao: "Unfortunately, these secret techniques can only be practiced between couples..."


Yin Che kicked him for his decent words: "People who can have six points deducted from their paper score because of such reasons are not qualified to talk."


When mentioning this, the others felt quite happy: "Brother Yao is really amazing. You had two points reduced in every subject except math. Otherwise, you might be the first in the city."


Jiang Yao steadied his chair: "That can't be helped. Who knew that the teacher would be so strict with the examination paper this time?"


The evening study bell rang, so the others had to go back to their seats first. Yin Che threw away the burger package he had finished eating, he was too full to eat a cupcake. He thought about it and said, "I'll give it to my brother later."


"Don't, you going to find him now will be perceived as you flaunting on him."


Yin Ze was ranked sixth in the city this time and third in the whole year, which is also a very good result, but for the perennial number one student in the whole school, dropping to second was already hard to swallow, let alone dropping to third place. Jiang Yao could almost imagine what ironic remarks Yin Ze would make.


"Then who's going to eat it? You don't like sweet things."


"You can have it later as a night snack." Jiang Yao propped his head up to look at him and suddenly curled his lips into a smile, "You're really strong."


"Not bad, I've also made a few mistakes, next time I'll overtake you."


"Your tone is quite wild, you're sounding more and more like a school tyrant."


"Wasn't it like this before?"


"No. In the past, it used to be more like a lofty little prince's, with a look that didn't care about anything else. Bearing no attachment whatsoever, it felt like you could disappear at any moment." Jiang Yao murmured softly, "Now, you finally look like a true living person."


Feeling happy, angry, confessing boldly, fighting back fearlessly, and showing your strength so blatantly.


The little rabbit is not worried about being remembered anymore, his dust-covered self has finally woken up from its ten years of slumbers, and is starting to blossom, little by little.


I don't know how brilliant and dazzling the future will be.


The author has something to say:


Dual cultivation for couples guarantees improvements by leaps and bounds. Well, it may not be that sudden, but it'll still be very fast.

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