Chapter 96 - Pay Attention to Me

Translator's Note:

Hello, I hope you've all been doing well.

Here you go, and I wish you a good read.

And as I said before, if you wish to read ahead, you can head over to my Patreon to get early access to all the translated chapters.

A class of fellow students took a day off and could barely accept the fact that their school tyrant had also reversed his fortunes to become a top student, but other students in the grade didn't think so.


Several questionable posts appeared online, all saying that Yin Che got to the top by cheating and must have copied his brother's answers in the test while sitting in the back seat, and some even speculated that the Yin family had used their connections to raise their kids' grades.


"The school has already checked the monitoring and approved of your results, what are these people still doubting you?" Jiang Yao could not stand it and called for his group of brothers, including Zhao Cheng, to deal with all these posts.


"Originally, I didn't have a good reputation, this is normal." Yin Che acted as if he didn't care and continued to do his questions.


Tonight was the garden party, grade one and two were partying on campus. The school was afraid of disturbing the third-years' study, so they canceled the evening self-study, and all third-year residential students went back to their dormitory to study.


Listening to the indistinct noise coming from the distant school building, they remembered that they were once part of it, but now they could only listen to their juniors play and have fun. Many students had a weathered and worn look, as one's youth will never return.


In their third year of high school, they had already stepped into the adult world with one foot but still felt like a child, not ready for anything, still unable to face the cruel world.


Guo Zhixiong sighed: "Happiness is theirs, we have nothing."


Jiang Yao: "You guys go back to your dorm, and let me have my own happiness."


Han Meng: "Hehe, as soon as we leave, will you two be alone in the same room? No way, we must protect our Brother Che!"


A few big boys gathered in Jiang Yao's dorm, chatting endlessly for half a day. Zhou Haoliang was really not in the mood to do his homework. He took out his mobile phone and said: "Brothers, do you want to watch a movie?"


Jiang Yao tactically backed off: "No, my boyfriend is here."


Guo Zhixiong also backed off: "My girlfriend is not here, but I can't betray her."


Han Meng followed them and backed off.


Zhou Haoliang: "You don't have a girlfriend!"


Han Meng: "I'm not interested, and anyway, the actress is definitely not as beautiful as me."


Zhou Haoliang was speechless: "Can't you shut down your dirty minds? It's just an action movie!"


Yin Che: "A love action movie*?"

[T/N: A love action movie refers to a movie that expresses strong love through intense action. Because the content themes are usually more esoteric and not understood by children, it is also called adult film. Actors who appear in such films will be honored as teachers.]


Zhou Haoliang: "Brother Che! How come even you!"


In the end, it was really an ordinary action movie.


Guo Zhixiong: "Haoliang, are you even a man, our school network is so bad, and you bothered to play an action movie?"


Zhou Haoliang: "It's still good to have something to watch, but you're being so picky. If you are not happy with it, don't watch it!"


Jiang Yao swept his gaze around and asked, "Where's Zhang Ke? Did you not call him?"


Zhou Haoliang: "He's not in his dorm, probably sneaked off to play with the junior classes."


Guo Zhixiong: "He recovered so fast. He was still depressed when he got his results yesterday."


"He's always been like that, a happy-go-lucky guy, forgetting all his worries at the tiniest distraction. It's okay, don't mind him. Let's keep watching."


After watching the movie, they felt refreshed, but their eyes were also tired. Guo Zhixiong rubbed his eyes and fixed them on the two big brothers sitting at the desk, their heads leaning on each other's. Jiang Yao's fingers were shallowly inserted in Yin Che's soft hair, pressing against his ear, you don't know what they were whispering.


"Ahem! You two, pay attention, there are outsiders here."


Jiang Yao turned his head: "Have you finished watching? Can you go back now? Che Che and I need to get started."


Guo Zhixiong: "......"


"Who's starting anything with you, I'm going back." Yin Che picked up his homework and left.


Guo Zhixiong: "Hahahaha, that's game over."


"I'll get back at you guys later." Jiang Yao chased after him, "Wait for me!"


After leaving the room, he found that Yin Che had not gone far and stood still at the door.


"I knew you'll be waiting for me." Jiang Yao smiled and walked up to him, but found that Yin Che's brow was knitted deeply and his gaze was looking upwards.


"What are you looking at?" Jiang Yao followed his line of sight and looked up in the direction of the rooftop on the side of the dormitory building.


There was a small black shadow on the edge of the rooftop.


"Look at that person." Yin Che raised his hand, pointing at the black shadow. He hesitated again and again before asking, "Doesn't it look like Zhang Ke?"


The temperature at the end of December was already close to zero degrees, and the cold wind from the top floor blew on their faces like razor blades cutting through their flesh.


Jiang Yao and Yin Che ran to the sixth floor and found that the door to the rooftop was locked.


Yin Che raised his hand to knock but was stopped by Jiang Yao: "Don't give him time to react. You back off, I'll do it."


Yin Che obediently gave way.


Jiang Yao took a few steps back, inhaled deeply, paused for half a second, then rushed towards the door.


"Bang!" There was a loud noise and the door lock was knocked open.


Zhang Ke was startled and turned his head blankly: "Brother Yao..."


Jiang Yao quickly rushed to him, grabbed him by the arm, and dragged him to a safer place before daring to scold him: "are you crazy? What's wrong with you? Can't we solve it all together?"


"I can't help it. I just wanted to cool off..."


"Can't you go to your balcony to cool off? There are no guardrails here. Aren't you afraid for your life, standing so close to the edge?"


Zhang Ke was frightened by his fierce tone. Stumbling for half a day, he could not utter a complete sentence.


Yin Che looked at them both, one in anger and the other in fear. He sighed and said: "Don't scold him yet, let's listen to him first."


Three people sat down on the rooftop.


"My total score this time is just over three hundred." Zhang Ke wiped his reddened eyes, "I was scolded by my parents. They said I was hopeless."


Yin Che thought for a while before speaking, "This test was hard, and the average score was just over four hundred."


Zhang Ke: "But you two both scored more than seven hundred!"




"I know you guys have good brains. But I'm not like you, I'm stupid and I'm used to always being at the bottom, but, but..." Zhang Ke's voice dropped and he sniffled, "It's not like I don't care..."


"Who wants to be a bad student, who wants to copy homework all day, but I really can not write ah. It takes only five minutes for you guys to do a problem. but I can't even do it in half an hour, even if I want to. I'm always late to finish my homework, but I can't turn in a blank paper, or else I'll get scolded by the teacher. What can I do with myself..."


"My parents spent so much money on tutoring me, but there was still no effect. They feel resentful because I failed to meet their expectations and are disdainful of me, I understand that. But what can I do? My brain is just stupid ah! I'm almost halfway through my third year. My grades still haven't improved. No matter how hard I try, there is no hope..."


The pressure that has been building up for nearly three years only needed an opportunity to break free.


Late at night, people were quiet, and there was a suppressed sobbing sound on the rooftop, which was even more desolate in the cold wind.


Yin Che opened his mouth and closed it again.


For people who always bring happiness to others, what should he do to lift their spirit?


He could not empathize with him, nor was he in the same situation. Every word of comfort he uttered would seem like the pity of the high and mighty for the weak.


"You may be hopeless now." Jiang Yao suddenly said.


Yin Che looked at him in surprise.


Jiang Yao's hair was messed up by the wind, floating in front of his forehead, and the light in his eyes peeked out behind the strands of his hair.


It was a kind of firm and persistent light.


"What hope can there be when you have already given up on yourself?"


Zhang Ke huffed: "But, but... it's useless for me to try, I'm not a school tyrant like you two..."


"If anyone can become a school tyrant, school tyrants wouldn't be such a rare thing." Jiang Yao said, "This may sound a bit sarcastic coming from me, but I'm declaring in advance that that's not what I mean."


"Except for some outstanding people in the world, most people are ordinary. There are ups and downs in life, and no achievements are mediocre, but mediocrity is not equal to ordinary."


"Even if you do not have the halo of the protagonist, so what? Ordinary people also have things only can reach, just by jumping up and stretching their hands. The question is, have you ever tried to jump? Have you gone high enough?"


"Set the goal a little higher than your ability to reach, then set the next goal even higher, and keep jumping up until one day, when you look down you will find that you have stood higher than many other ordinary people."


"Although you may never reach the top, do you want to be an ordinary person who does nothing or an ordinary person who can achieve some value in life?"


Zhang Ke was speechless as he listened.


Jiang Yao stood up and extended his hand towards him, "Stand up if you want to seek the latter. If you can't stand up, I can give you a hand now, but you still have to rely on yourself in the future."


Zhang Ke's nose was sore and tears welled up like a spring: "Wuwuwu... Brother Yao... I, I..."


"I, I... what? Have you listened to me!"


"I've listened, listened!"


"Will you do this again?"


"No more!"


"Good, if you're a man, stand up!"


"Yes!" Zhang Ke grabbed his hand and stood up, then hugged him tightly, "Brother Yao! Don't say anything else, I'll do as you say! Set a small goal, one step at a time, but you have to help me!"


"No problem!" Jiang Yao gave him a heavy pat on the back and winked at Yin Che.


Yin Che lowered his head and smiled lightly as his lips hooked up.


With this person around, it seems that everything can be done.


Jiang Yao may be more than just his miracle.


The appearance of someone who never gives up hope and always has sunshine in his heart is a miracle for anyone who's caught up in the darkness of their troubles.


Zhang Ke still cried when he came downstairs, pulling at Jiang Yao and not letting go, thus attracting the stares of the younger students who were returning to the dormitory building after the garden party.


As he was too embarrassed, he cried even more fiercely after returning to his dorm.


Guo Zhixiong and the others were shocked to see him like this. Jiang Yao did not explain in detail, he just told them that he was in a bad mood and needed some more coaxing. Several big boys were at their wits' end, rushing to take him back to his room, and giving him all their snacks.


Zhou Haoliang had a bright idea: "Right, let's play a film..."


Zhang can angrily rebuke: "I am so sad that you can still fucking think about watching porn!"


Zhou Haoliang: "Who the hell said it was porn! You all wronged me! I just want to cry, okay?"


The boys' emotions came and went quickly, and half an hour after Yin Che returned to his dorm room, he heard the usual laughter coming from next door.


"What you just said... is quite philosophical." He held down his breath and pushed the man away.


Jiang Yao smiled: "I always used to instill these great principles with the gang of brothers back in Eighth High, otherwise how could I be their boss? How could I keep them motivated? Anyone can encounter setbacks in their life and feel depressed, and may lack someone to pull them up."


Yin Che lay back and looked at his profile, raising his hand to stroke his increasingly handsome face.


It seemed slightly too late to still address him as a boy.


"Can we continue?" Jiang Yao asked in a low voice.


"... hmm."


He had no reason to refuse.


Probably because, he had also been saved by this person in front of him, who did not hesitate to pull him up at all costs.


The author has something to say:


The little sun melted this little iceberg ~ when writing this chapter, I felt very empathetic. I couldn't help but write my own life insights into it hhh. As a child, I also thought that I would be as talented as the protagonist in this novel. The more I grew up, the more I realized that I was just an ordinary person, not to mention being surrounded by talented people, I often suffered blows hhh, but I became accustomed to it, recognize my own lack of talent and the fact that I was just an ordinary person. I stopped comparing myself with others and worked hard to get what I could get, and unconsciously grow up to this day. ~ Even with writing, although I had not much talent, I worked very hard hehe. It's been more than a year since I came to Changpei, and I have achieved a lot of things that I didn't dare to think about before. Thank you all for your company, whether you are new readers or old readers. If you come across this paragraph in passing, come here and let me have a bite! >3 <

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  1. Every individual is unique on their own. We might feel mediocre and inferior on our selves, but trust me, others out there see us as extraordinary and brilliant individuals. Jiayou author!

  2. i love them so much, yan ge birthed such a nice person


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