Chapter 97 - Pay Attention to Me

Translator's Note:

Hello, I hope you've all been doing well.

Here you go, and I wish you a good read.

And as I said before, if you wish to read ahead, you can head over to my Patreon to get early access to all the translated chapters.

With a three-day holiday on New Year’s Day, third-year students finally had a chance to catch their breath.


However, when the teachers finished assigning homework, they felt that they were better off without that holiday.


In the afternoon after school, the Yin family's driver had been waiting for a long time, Yin Che opened the car door and sat in, Yin Ze glanced at him, "I thought you weren't coming back home."


"I always have to go home for the New Year."


"You want to give up your boyfriend?"


"Don't you miss your girlfriend too?"


"I've got a date with her on the first day of the new year."


"Oh, is that so." He didn't ask Jiang Yao out, nor did he expect to be invited.


He wasn't the kind of person who could say "I miss you if I don't see you for a day", and a date in just three days seemed like he was being clingy.


Yin Ze saw right through him: "You're too slow sometimes."


"It's okay."


"Your reputation at school is getting worse and worse lately, haven't you noticed?" Yin Ze said, "Yesterday I even heard someone say that you dragged your classmate to the rooftop to beat him up and made him cry. They said your boyfriend stepped in to mediate and helped the person down."


Yin Che's smile faltered: "That's just a rumor that's spreading now."


"I know it's nonsense, but do others know? They will only get to know you through rumors. Moreover, they won't listen even if you explain, many people are already cynical about you."


"Do they hate me? Because of Jiang Yao?"


"Not only because of him but also because of your sudden improvement in grades, because of your family's situation. You can easily get what they cannot achieve even if they work harder, can't they be jealous of you?"


"Let them be. They can only talk. They can't really do anything to me."


Yin Ze snorted, "Whatever you want, it's your business anyway."


After dinner, Yin Quantai called Yin Che over to his study alone under the pretext of having something to discuss.


"The test report of that bottle of drink is out, you can read it yourself."


Yin Che took the report and flipped through it, the ingredients in there were white sugar, milk, tea... nothing seemed wrong until he saw the name of a substance he didn't recognize.


"What is this?"


"It's a catalyst."


"Catalyst for what?"


"An Omega's estrus."


Yin Che's heart sank.


The person who sent him this drink wanted to make him go into heat early, and he was not yet 100% compatible with Jiang Yao's pheromones, which meant that it was likely that he would not be able to pass through the estrus period successfully.


He knew better than anyone else what was awaiting an Omega who couldn't get past his estrus period.


"Who gave you this bottle of drink?" Yin Quantai asked him seriously, "This is almost tantamount to a murder attempt. How can there be someone in your school who hates you this much?"


Yin Che looked up, "Dad, let's put this aside first."


"What? Put this aside? Don't you realize how serious this matter is?"


"I know, but I don't think that the person who gave me that drink hates me this much."


"Do you have any basis for what you're saying?"


"No, so I want to look for some proof first. Besides, I didn't see her apply the drugs with my own eyes this time. Without any evidence, it'd be useless to accuse her. So why not observe for a few more days, clues will always appear in due time."


Yin Quantai, who was a lawyer, understood that this was the best strategy for now and could only agree, "You should pay more attention to safety at school, especially in terms of food. I'll talk to your principal again. Also, you must keep your cell phone with you all the time so you can contact us immediately if something happens."




Yin Quantai nodded his head and changed the topic, "By the way, I heard from your mother that you did well on this exam?"


"Not bad."


"Your mom was praising you everywhere in the group of her friend circle, saying that your hard work has finally paid off. But... that shouldn't be the case, right?"


Yin Che had to admire his dad's keen insight. Seeing that he couldn't hide it, he simply admitted: "I used to be a bit rebellious and deliberately didn't take the test properly."


Yin Quantai shook his head, "You're not rebellious, on the contrary, you're too understanding. You don't want us to worry about anything, so you carry all your burdens by yourself. Alas, in the end, it's all because of me back then..."


"Dad." Yin Che interrupted him, "You were a hero in my heart back then, and you still are."


Yin Quantai was stunned. After a while, he turned around, and his voice was slightly hoarse: "Hey, don't mention it, don't mention it..."


What happened back then became a scar that deeply marked their father and son bond, a scar that they had been reluctant to reopen. But now that the wound had healed, there was no need for the scar to remain and increase their estrangement.


Yin Che thought about it and chose to take the lead in breaking the silence, "Dad, I have something I want to tell you..."


Their talk lasted for more than an hour, and when it ended, both people's eyes were red.


His father said he wanted to be alone, so he left first and went out of the study.


It was just after nine o'clock, so there was still time to go back to his bedroom and do some homework.


The class group was very lively tonight, and his phone was vibrating constantly, so Yin Che simply set the screen to always be on, and glanced at it occasionally while writing his assignment.


Zhang Ke, who couldn't stop crying a few days ago, was chattering lively again. However, the chat content changed from gossip to seeking help for math problems. He wouldn't let go of Yang Yile as he asked him question after question. Yang Yile was patient, explaining to him everything in detail, step by step.


Zhou Haoliang: "Can you two chat privately ah! Seeing you guys study so seriously makes me feel so guilty ah!"


Zhang Ke: "I just want to push the whole class to study today with my own perseverance!"


Guo Zhixiong: "You won't push anyone, who is studying tonight? They're all going out on dates, right?"


Yin Che's hand, which was about to turn the page, stopped.


Zhang Ke: "Nonsense, how many comrades in our class can go out on a date? Yile, don't you agree?"


Yang Yile: "That... Actually, I'm outside now..."


Zhang Ke: "What? And you were still teaching me?"


Yang Yile: "Students have to help each other out, that's how it should be..."


Zhang Ke almost fainted: "No, no, no, I won't bother you anymore. Hurry back to your date! I'm looking for @ Han Meng. Old Han, come teach me!"


Han Meng: "Sorry, I'm shopping with someone."


Zhang Ke: "? Since when did you have a girlfriend? @ChenYingYing, class president! Big news! Old Han has a girlfriend!"


Chen Yingying: "He just accompanied me to buy things. I can't carry it all alone, what's all the fuss about."


Zhang Ke: "......"


Zhang Ke despaired: "Then no one can teach me, Brother Yao must also be out on a date."


Jiang Yao: "I'm fine, what's the problem, send it over."


Yin Che closed his book.


Zhang Ke was overjoyed: "Fuck? Brother Yao you are actually at home? Not out on a date with Brother Che?"


Jiang Yao: "It's so cold outside, go out where? Isn't it better to stay at home under the air conditioner?"


When Yin Che saw this, he suddenly remembered that before he left today after school, Jiang Yao had asked him, "Do you remember what date tonight is?"


"New Year's Eve, what else could it be?"


He didn't think much about it at the time, but now he suddenly remembered.


Last year on New Year's Eve, Jiang Yao confessed his love to him.


"It's so cold this winter. If I drove over at night to accompany you to spend the New Year, I'd probably freeze to death." Jiang Yao laughed, "Wear something warm and hold me tight when the time comes to warm me up."


"Then don't come, just video-call me at home." He had replied.


... He was really slow.


Zhang Ke was still joking in the group chat: "Brother Yao, you're the only non-single person in this group who's staying at home, don't you feel a bit miserable?"


Jiang Yao: "With your brother Che here, I am the happiest person in the group. I won't accept any rebuttal."


Yin Che put on his down jacket, grabbed the keys on the table, and ran downstairs.


Out the door, straight to the gate of the residential area.


He was afraid that his parents would find out that he had gone to meet his boyfriend in the middle of the night, so he didn't call his driver, and just checked for a taxi app on his phone while he was running.


After filling in the starting place and destination, he was about to press the reservation button when he looked up and saw the eye-catching scooter parked on the site of the street.


A man was leaning against the bike.


Standing against the light, his body was shrouded by a golden outline. Although his hair was blown by the wind, he was still so dazzling that people could not move their eyes away.


As the two people's gazes met, they both froze.


"Why did you come out?" Jiang Yao spoke first, "I still wanted to give you a surprise at the last moment..."


Before he could finish speaking, a little rabbit had already pounced in his arms.


"That's too cliché."


Jiang Yao gathered him in his embrace and said: "Then next time, we'll have a more creative surprise."


Yin Che lifted his head: "Didn't I say you didn't have to come?"


"I thought you would want to see me." Jiang Yao smiled, "If I guessed wrong, that's not a big deal. I'll just drive back again, but if I guessed right, you'll get to see me first in the New Year."


Yin Che slowly tightens his arms around him.


Jiang Yao joked, "Hugging me so tightly, did you really miss me this much-"






"Do you have your ID card with you?"


"Yes, I always carry with me while driving, otherwise I won't be able to face the traffic police..."


"......" Yin Che blurted out.


"... What?" Jiang Yao suspected that he had heard wrong, his boyfriend could not possibly say such words.


Yin Che stood on his tiptoes, came up to his ear, and repeated what he had said.


This time, he heard it clearly:


"Ge, can we get a room?"


The author has something to say:


Zhang Ke: Brother Yao, I've sent you the problem! (One hour later) Brother Yao, where are you?

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