Chapter 1 - Pay Attention to Me

Translator's Note:

I decided to pick up translating earlier chapters by popular demand. Although, I won't be able to guarantee a regular updating schedule.

With all that said, I wish you a good read.

"I heard that there will be a new student transferring to our class this semester!"

It's unclear who shouted this, the voice wasn't particularly loud or soft, and it failed to grab the attention of the entire classroom.

On the registration day before school started, everyone was busy getting their books and submitting their assignments. The noise in the Grade 2 Class 1 classroom and the corridor drowned out the aforementioned voice. Only those within the first two rows heard that statement.

A girl walked over and tapped that person's desk with her new book, saying, "Zhang Ke, most of your information is usually wrong. Can you calm down a bit?"

Zhang Ke blinked his round eyes, "This time it's for real!"

Others in the front rows heard the commotion and put down their newly organized textbooks, gathering around with their heads pressed closer.

"Where did you hear this news? Is it reliable?"

"Transferring in the sophomore year... couldn't make it in another school?"

"What kind of questions are you asking? Can't you focus on the important part? We should first ask whether the new student is an alpha or an omega!"

"Come on, look at how few alphas and omegas we have in our class. Do you really expect such a stroke of luck to occur?"

"Hey! That's it!" Zhang Ke pushed up his non-existent glasses, speaking mysteriously, "This time, we're really in for a surprise."

Insite the sophomore year office:

"Alright, your enrollment procedures are all done. Come with me to the classroom to meet your new classmates later."

Wu Guozhong tidied up the files on the table, handed them to the boy standing beside him, and attempted to pat the boy's shoulder for encouragement. However, he found the boy to be taller than expected, unable to reach him. He awkwardly withdrew his hand, "Jiang Yao, from now on, you're part of our Class 1. Get along well with your classmates."

The boy smiled, "Sure, teacher."

He revealed a set of white teeth, that were quite bright.

Seeing him being so obedient, Wu Guozhong felt somewhat relieved.

Usually, students who transfer at this time of year may have some issues, either being expelled from their previous school or facing family difficulties. But Jiang Yao's records didn't seem to have any problems. If anything...

"Your parents didn't come with you?"

"Yeah, they're both busy with work, and my home is quite far, so I didn't want to bother them."

"Oh... I see you came from Dongcheng No. 8 High School, and your home is also in Dongcheng?"

"Yes, teacher."

"That is quite far. Did you apply for dormitory accommodation?"

"I plan to apply later and move in before the school starts. Don't worry, teacher, I can handle it myself."

Wu Guozhong chuckled, "You make me feel at ease... you're quite sensible."

Jiang Yao smiled and lowered his head, seeming a bit embarrassed, his slightly long bangs covering his eyes.

The female English teacher, Xu Beini, had just returned from collecting summer homework. She saw a new student standing beside Wu Guozhong and asked with a smile, "Old Wu, is he from our class? I haven't seen him before."

Wu Guozhong casually replied, "He's a new transfer to our class, an alpha."

Upon hearing this, the students who were busy arranging their homework on the table instantly became interested, turning their attention to Wu Guozhong.

After taking a good look at the new alpha student, they turned their attention back to their work, obviously lacking much enthusiasm.

Alphas are considered the cream of the crop, usually possessing superior appearance and pheromones. However, some alphas are just average and not much different from ordinary betas.

Jiang Yao's appearance clearly belonged to the latter category.

"Wow, a transfer student?" Xu Beini, who had been teaching for five or six years, hadn't seen a transfer student before and asked curiously, "Which school were you in before?"

"Dongcheng No. 8 High School," Wu Guozhong said. "Jiang Yao, this is our class's English teacher, Ms. Xu."

Jiang Yao bowed, "Hello, Ms. Xu."

"Hey, nice to meet you," Xu Beini smiled, "No. 8 High School is one of the top schools in the city. Why did you transfer to our school?"

"Teacher, you're too kind. No. 1 High School is also one of the best," Jiang Yao replied with a smile.

Xicheng No. 1 High School and Dongcheng No. 8 High School are the top two high schools in the city, often competing for the top spot in the annual exam results. They are known as 'sibling' schools, having a long-standing rivalry, with neither able to establish a clear superiority over the other.

Since Jiang Yao transferred from No. 8 High School, his academic performance should be quite good.

Seeing that he didn't answer the question directly, Xu Beini didn't probe further. After a few casual chats, she directed the students to continue with their work.

Wu Guozhong glanced at the clock; it was almost time. He said, "They should have already received their new books. Let's go to the classroom."

"Sure." Jiang Yao picked up his backpack, adjusted the straps, and when he lowered his head, the black-framed glasses slid down a bit, resting halfway on his high bridge nose.


He raised a middle finger, pushing the glasses back up.

There were more people gathered in the front row of the classroom now. Zhang Ke sat with his legs crossed, basking in the attention of the crowd. His slender body stood straight, holding a rolled-up book. He would say a few words and then slap his palm with the book, as if he was some Pingshu* storyteller.

[T/N: Pingshu (Chinese: 评书) or pinghua (Chinese: 评话) refers to the traditional Han Chinese performing art of storytelling with no musical accompaniment. It is better known as pingshu in northern China and pinghua in southern China.]

"The news is authentic! I just went to submit my homework to the chemistry teacher, and from afar, I saw Old Wu with a tall guy. Oh, that height, at least 1.85 meters. It made Old Wu look like a primary school student, hahaha..."

Beside him was the class monitor, Chen Yingying, who kicked his desk with her raised leg. "Stop talking nonsense. Is he an alpha or not? Is he handsome?"

"Hey! Don't be so fierce, young lady. With that height, how can he not be an alpha? I didn't see his face, but just from his back... he's definitely a fierce alpha!"

"Did you only see his back?" Another alpha from Class 1, Han Meng, sneered, combing his hair back, "And here I thought a handsome guy had come... Forget it, whether he's handsome or not, no one can snatch the position of No. 1 handsome guy in our school from me."

Chen Yingying rolled her eyes, "Only you think you're handsome. Which omega would like you?"

Han Meng arrogantly raised his finger, "Chen Yingying! Don't go too far!"

Most people in the classroom had already received their books and, knowing that the class teacher would come in soon, the noise level had decreased. Han Meng's shout, however, spread several times farther than Zhang Ke's earlier announcement, and almost everyone in the classroom could hear it.

In the back of the classroom, at the last row, a person lying down as if sleeping vaguely moved.

"Keep it down!" Zhang Ke lowered his voice, "Don't wake him up!"

"I know, I know, I didn't do it of purpose just now..."

A few seconds of silence passed.

"Is Old Wu coming or not?" Chen Yingying asked.

Just as she finished saying that, at the entrance of the classroom, a voice exploded like thunder, "Students! Long time no see!"

Wu Guozhong usually spoke gently, but once on the platform, he seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, speaking loudly and resonantly.

Chen Yingying patted her startled heart and returned to her seat, "I'll end up being scared to death sooner or later by Old Wu..."

Other students also sat up straight, and the classroom instantly quieted down.

Following Wu Guozhong was a tall boy.

The boy kept his head down, with long bangs covering his eyes, making it hard to see his features. Clumsy black-framed glasses covered half of his face.

No alpha aura at all.

The curiosity and enthusiasm of the Class 1 students diminished instantly.

Is this it?

"Hello, everyone, happy new school term." Wu Guozhong smiled, "We'll talk about other things later. First, let me introduce your new classmate for this semester. Meeting is fate. Come, let's warmly welcome your new classmate!"

Applause filled the room under the podium.

"Jiang Yao, introduce yourself to your classmates."

"Okay, teacher." Jiang Yao smiled, "Hello, everyone, my name is Jiang Yao."

He turned around, picked up chalk from the blackboard tray, and wrote two... horribly-written and illegible characters on the blackboard with a graceful flow.

Zhang Ke covered his mouth, but his muffled voice still leaked out, "Oh my god... what is he writing? It looks uglier than mine..."

"Cough, cough!" Chen Yingying coughed twice.

Jiang Yao seemed to not have heard him as he continued saying, "As you can see, I am an alpha."

In the last row, Han Meng hummed, "Didn't 'see' it."

He spoke softly, and only his desk mate heard it, stifling a laugh and secretly giving him a thumbs up, "Indeed, even less like you."

"Get lost, annoying."

"My hobbies are quite diverse, I like watching anime, movies, and reading novels... it's mostly these."

Wu Guozhong interjected, "Do you have any favorite sports?"

Most alphas are passionate about sports. He asked this question to help Jiang Yao integrate more quickly into the alpha community in the class.

"No, I really dislike sports," Jiang Yao replied. "I prefer staying at home."

Wu Guozhong was at a loss.

"Okay, let's warmly welcome Jiang Yao to join our Class 1 family again. Everyone, please take good care of him."

The applause was a bit more enthusiastic than before.

Wu Guozhong looked around, "There's only one empty seat left in our class? Jiang Yao, you can sit in the last row by the window, anyway, you're tall... Hey, Yin Che! How can you be sleeping now? Wake up!"

A few people who just finished their applause froze in their actions, and the cheering abruptly stopped.

Zhang Ke mouthed towards Chen Yingying: What the heck?

Following everyone's gaze, Jiang Yao saw the person who had been lying down in the corner since he entered finally moving.

The person was wearing a white hooded sweatshirt, the hood completely covering his head. He had been peacefully sleeping using his arms as a pillow. Hearing Wu Guozhong's loud voice calling him, he slowly lifted his head.

The hood pulled down, revealing a head of fluffy and messy hair. Some strands stood up like antennas, giving a cute and funny appearance.

But for some reason, no one laughed at him.

This class seems quite friendly. Jiang Yao thought to himself.


The person who had just woken up had a slightly hoarse voice, with a soft and gentle tone. His expression seemed a bit dazed as he slowly opened his eyes, which were traced by a fair amount of red blood vessels, giving them a reddish tint.

Like a little rabbit.

It looked quite adorable.

"Yin Che, cheer up. Don't be so listless right from the beginning of the new semester, young man! Be more energetic!" Wu Guozhong sighed. "Jiang Yao, you can go over and sit for now."

"Okay, teacher."

As Jiang Yao walked to the last row, Wu Guozhong had already begun his first speech of the new term, saying clichés stuff like "The sophomore year is quite important! Students must be highly vigilant!" - the same phrases he had spoken during their first year, all delivered with the distinctive style of a Chinese language teacher, full of cadence and passion, resonating throughout the entire classroom, drowning out all other sounds.

Jiang Yao placed his backpack neatly and noticed that his desk was empty. He wanted to ask his new desk mate where to get the books, but when he turned his head, he saw the person already lying back down, fast asleep.

Still just a sleepy little bunny.

The last row had a lot of space, and he liked the seat. If he were a bit more carefree, he could stretch his legs completely, rest them on the desk's support, and swing them back and forth comfortably.

But at the moment, Jiang Yao sat in an orderly manner.

There wasn't much to look at on his own desk, so he looked at the neighboring desk.

On Yin Che's desk were several new textbooks, with signs of being flipped through. On each cover was neatly written:

Yin Che

Grade 2 Class 1

The curvature of the characters was smooth and beautiful.

Jiang Yao was unable to resist looking at his desk mate who was soundly sleeping.

This time, Yin Che didn't wear his hood. He turned to the side with his fluffy head facing Jiang Yao, probably to avoid the glare coming from outside the window.

His skin was somewhat translucent in the sunlight, and his eyelashes looked quite long.

Jiang Yao got lost in his thoughts.

Soft and white, just like an omega.

It felt like poking him with a finger would elicit an adorable bunny-like sound.

He looked for quite a while, until Wu Guozhong on the podium finally finished his opening speech for the new school year, announcing the end of the registration day. Students in the classroom immediately became lively again, with sounds of packing bags coming from various directions, loud discussions about where to have lunch, and complaints about almost going deaf.

Only this corner remained quiet and undisturbed, and the sleeping person seemed completely unperturbed.

In line with the pure and friendly thoughts of establishing a good relationship with his new classmate, Jiang Yao coughed lightly, extended his hand, and gently and slowly, poked the sleeping little rabbit's cheek.

Just as expected, it felt so soft.

"Classmate, school is over, you can wake up—"

Before he could finish speaking, his chair suddenly shook violently, and the next moment, everything spun before his eyes.

He was kicked over together with his chair.

Jiang Yao was stunned for a full second.

He, Jiang Yao, was kicked down?

The person who kicked him was still sitting in his original seat, only now opening his eyes. They were still red, but his gaze was cold.

"Are you looking for death?"

Author's Note:

Yin Che: What are you looking at?

Jiang Yao: So what if I am?

TOC | Next Chapter


  1. thank youuu!!! i really wanted to read this but not being able to find the earlier chapters made me so frustrated ! so thank you so much! <3

  2. Thank you for the translation


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