Chapter 3 - Blindness

Translator's Note:

Hello, I hope you've all been doing well.

Here you go, and I wish you a good read.

And as I said before, if you wish to read ahead, you can head over to my Patreon to get early access to all the translated chapters.

An Intruder!?



"Haa... What am I doing...?"


 Yuto let out a loud deflated sigh as he watched the toilet paper flow down the toilet.


 He had a lewd dream, probably because he had closely watched Aoi shower after their jog yesterday. Yuto was awakened by the unpleasant sensation of his soiled underwear.


 Seeing Aoi naked was a regular occurrence for Yuto, but he still hadn't gotten used to it.


 They didn't actually shower together, but it was Yuto's task to take Aoi's hand and lead him into the bathroom after quickly undressing, and it was also Yuto's duty to put on a bathrobe for him after he comes out of the shower. Since Aoi was completely unconcerned about his own appearance, he would take off his clothes and showcase his masculine body as if nothing, even doing so in the gym shower room.


 For Aoi, being taken care of was an ordinary occurrence in his daily life, and since he was blind, he might not be bothered by the stares of others, but for Yuto... exposing Aoi's naked body to the public was something he felt very uncomfortable about, especially in the shower room of the gym, because he was afraid of the occasional clingy stares of the greasy middle-aged men. He told himself he had to protect Aoi at all costs.


 At the same time, however, he had to admit that the one most excited to see Aoi's naked body was himself.


 The way the bead-like water droplets were clinging to his well-proportioned and beautiful naked body was so mesmerizing that Yuto would often forget to hand him the towel. He would then help Aoi put on his bathrobe while mentally berating his own inappropriate thoughts.




 I'm a man! I've decided to live as a normal man*!!! What the hell! Aah, I'm so pathetic...

[T/N: Here, I believe he meant that he wanted to live as a Beta, not an Omega who could bear children.]


 Yuto sat cross-legged on his modest bed, scratching his head.


 Lately, he often had a strong desire to be embraced by Aoi. He couldn't stand it, and so would sometimes often indulge in masturbation with Aoi in mind.


 I'm not even in heat... Yuto thought to himself, and then suddenly wondered when was the last time he had been in a rut. Yuto finally realized that he had been carefully taking suppressants so regularly that he had lost track of how often he himself was in heat. Although, the medication should not be taken in such a manner.


"Hmm... But I've been feeling a little too excited lately... Eh, maybe it's just starting. I should increase the dosage..."


"Yuto! You're late! Master Ren will be arriving soon!"


 Suddenly, the door to Yuto's room was pushed open with a loud bang. Then the butler, Seita, appeared with an exasperated look on his face.


 Seita had been the chief butler for thirty-five years. He wore his black hair neatly slicked back and parted to the side, and was always dressed impeccably in his butler's uniform. Yuto had never once seen Seita's white tie crooked, or even a single strand of his hair out of place.


 However, in the backyard, his tone was always rough and he handled Yuto quite severely. However, his attitude helped ease the tension Yuto had been feeling since entering the Kunishiro family house, which was a very prominent family. His nonchalant demeanor, somewhat reminiscent of his grandfather's, was something Yuto really appreciated.


"Hm? What's wrong with you?"


"Huh? I'm fine..."


"Really? Then get dressed quickly! Your hair is a mess."


"Oh, I'm s-sorry!"


"What about Master Aoi?"


"Oh... I'll wake him up now."


 Seita looked down at his watch as if he had just remembered something.


 Then, with his eyes darting about a bit, he said:


"Then just let him sleep for another 30 minutes... You can wake him up later..."


"What? But Master Ren is already on his way, right? I'll go wake him up right away and get him dressed..."


"No, but..."


 At that time, from Aoi's room, which was located right above his, came a loud thud followed by a clattering sound.


 Yuto jumped up on his feet, ran out of the room in his sloppy, loose-fitting shirt that served as nightwear, and rushed toward the stairs.


 He ran barefoot up the carpeted stairs in a straight line toward Aoi's room. It was the first time he heard such a noise coming from that room, and he didn't have time to wonder what happened.


 Yuto opened the door of Aoi's room with a bang as he came in.


"Master Aoi! What's wrong... Who are you!"




 A young man he had never seen before was sprawled on the dark-colored wooden flooring. And on the bed lay the figure of Aoi, blue-faced and tightly holding onto the front of his pajama shirt. Aoi, whose eyes had been wandering around with an anxious expression on his face, looked up as soon as he recognized Yuto's voice.


"Yuto? There's a suspicious fellow in this room! Call someone over right away-"


"......Who the hell are you!!!"


 Seeing the way he had attacked the blind and defenseless Aoi in his sleep, his one and only, Yuto felt unable to forgive such a despicable act. He stepped into the room and jumped on the man sprawled on the floor.


"Owww!!! Stop, stop, no...!"


"Where did you come from, you bastard?! Mr. Seita! Call the police!"


"No, no, no, no...! I'm...!"


"Suno...? What? Are you Suno?"


 When Aoi heard the man screaming in the Kansai dialect, he suddenly asked in a puzzled tone. Yuto abruptly stopped what he was doing and stared down at the suspicious man who was writhing on the ground. Then Seita rushed in and quickly opened the curtains to lighten the room.


"I'm Suno! I'm Suno! He let me stay here yesterday..."


"What? You stayed!? Here!? Who the hell are you!"


"W-who the hell are you!! I was invited by... Master Ren to come to meet Aoi-kun*...!"

[T/N: Kun (君【くん】) is generally used by people of senior status addressing or referring to those of junior status, or it can be used when referring to men in general, male children or male teenagers, or among male friends.]


"B-by Master Ren?"


 Hearing Ren's name, Yuto hurriedly released the man.


 The man staggered to his feet all the while rubbing his twisted arm painfully. Upon closer look, the suspicious person was a slender man who was not much different in build from Yuto.


 He was thin and quite elegant, with long lustrous black hair that was loosely tied into a single knot. He was wearing a light grass-colored kimono. The hem of his kimono was torn and one of his thighs peeked through, and it was probably caused by Yuto.


"Suno, you, what are you doing here? What do you want with me..."


"Well, well, well, as expected of Mr. Alpha. Even if you're blind, I can't believe how you could so easily hit me in the gut and shove me away..."


"Who... who the hell is this guy?"


  Yuto rushed toward Aoi and put his hand on his shoulder as the latter's eyes kept wandering around in confusion. Aoi's body shook at the touch of Yuto's hand, but he immediately laid his palm on Yuto's hand and let out a sigh.


"That's Masami Suno... He is a friend of my brother and the 26th head* of the Suno School of Traditional Japanese Dance."

[T/N: Iemoto (家元; lit. , "family foundation") is a Japanese term used to refer to the founder or current Head Master of a certain school of traditional Japanese art. It is used synonymously with the word sōke (宗家) when it refers to the family or house that the iemoto is head of and represents.]


"... H-head?"


"Oh dear, I came all the way from Kyoto for this? I mean, honestly speaking, I was supposed to sleep here with Aoi-kun anyway..."


"Huh? What? Sleep!? What is this guy talking about? Master Aoi, shall we turn this guy over to the police?"


"Wait a minute. What are you doing now? What's up with you, sticking so closely to Aoi-kun?"


"What? I should be asking you the same question! It's not me who attacked Master Aoi in his sleep. What's your deal?"


"Calm down... both of you."


 Yuto, who was shouting unrestrainedly, was coaxed by Aoi and reluctantly shut up. However, he still felt frustrated, seething with anger and displeasure.


 The other party seemed to be in a similar state. Masami Suno raised his chin provocatively while glaring at Yuto with his hands in his pockets.


"I was invited over as a potential partner for Aoi-kun. I'm an Omega you know, you blockhead."


"A partner...? What? An Omega... Master Aoi..."




 Aoi's eyelids were downcast and he kept silent for a while. Yuto was flabbergasted, waiting for Aoi's next words.


"... I have no intention of going through with it. But..."




"Aoi-kun and I have known each other since we were little. Here I am, working hard on getting my whole body nice and fair for Aoi-kun. I came here thinking that he would finally hold me. But Aoi-kun was so cold, he told me to go sleep in another room..."


"Hold you...?


 Yuto's voice trembled. Suno, however, shrugged his shoulders and carried on nonchalantly.


"I didn't get any attention yesterday, so I thought I'd give you a little kiss when you woke up, and here we are... What about you? Are you also a potential partner?"


"Oh, I'm... I'm Master Aoi's servant, but I'm..."


"A servant? So you are a Beta, huh? Then this is none of your business. Get out of here."




 Yuto clenched his jaw as he was shooed away with a careless gesture as if he was some cat. A concerned expression briefly flickered across Aoi's face as he glanced back at Yuto behind him.


"Well, well, it's quite lively here in the morning!"


 At that moment, a knock sounded on the opened door, breaking the tense atmosphere between Yuto and Suno, who were glaring daggers at each other.


 A man with a face that bore a striking resemblance to Aoi's stepped into the room.


 He had bright golden hair, white skin unlike that of Easterners, and deep jade green eyes with a faint golden tinge. His tall, muscular body was adorned with a well-tailored silver-gray suit, and his figure looked radiant and gorgeous.


 A cool smile played on his lips as he approached Aoi while his leather shoes resonated with each step. Yuto felt Aoi's body gradually tense up.


 At the same time, Yuto was also completely overwhelmed by the intimidating aura of Ren Kunishiro whom he had not seen in a long time.

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