Chapter 29 (NSFW) - Blindness

Translator's Note:

Hello, I hope you've all been doing well.

Here you go, and I wish you a good read.

And as I said before, if you wish to read ahead, you can head over to my Patreon to get early access to all the translated chapters.

The Mark of a Pair



From the day after the party, Aoi promptly began learning the job from Ren.


Wearing a business suit, he started going to the headquarters building with his brother, and before he knew it, two weeks had passed.


Kunishiro Holdings had achieved success by dominating the trading industry.


With transactions spanning dozens of countries, there was a mountain of things to learn. Although Aoi had already studied world affairs, languages and nationalities of different countries, religious customs, and international business practices in theoretical lectures, he realized that knowing the theory alone couldn't be applied effectively in actual work. There were still many aspects he didn't fully understand, such as the unique laws and tax systems of each trading country, as well as the commercial and industrial terminology.


Of course, the actual transactions were handled by the personnel in charge of each country's business department. However, Ren told Aoi, "Those in top positions like us need to understand every aspect of the business they are involved in, so we can make all the decisions and judgments when necessary," he didn't allow any shortcuts in any aspect.


People and industries are living entities that constantly evolve and change. What was generating abundant profits until yesterday may suddenly become irrelevant one day. Even investing vast amounts of money to secure interests does not guarantee success and can end up in failure.


Ren was adept at reading such trends. His achievements clearly demonstrated that. Since taking over as CEO, Kunishiro Holdings' performance had been steadily improving.


With vast knowledge and the ability to flexibly adapt to the times, Ren had gained Aoi's sincere admiration as he observed his brother working for the first time.


At the same time, Aoi couldn't help but feel sorry for having burdened his brother with all the hardships he had to face alone. From now on, to become Ren's right-hand man, or rather, to stand at the top in place of his brother, Aoi vowed to make relentless efforts.


However, Aoi had a fatal weakness.


He couldn't read or write and was completely illiterate.


Due to acquiring knowledge solely through listening, he couldn't distinguish any characters. As a result, most of the documents were read aloud by Ren's subordinates, and Aoi would try to memorize the characters at the same time.


Ren said, "Since the majority of the documents are written in English, it's enough if you can read English and recognize the numbers," but it wouldn't be appropriate for you to continue relying on your subordinates to read documents forever. Because of this situation, during meetings and other occasions where Aoi couldn't participate, he would study English and Japanese in a separate room.


For Aoi, the Japanese language with its hiragana, katakana, and kanji characters posed an even greater challenge than English. He was determined to at least be able to read and write in his native language, but even he, as expected, was completely exhausted by this endeavor. During breaks, Aoi would collapse onto his desk, completely drained.


A new employee from the secretary's office was teaching Aoi how to read and write. His name was Tomo Asakura, a 22-year-old alpha.


Aoi couldn't help but think that it must be quite disappointing for Tomo to be assigned such a job initially. He averted his gaze from the computer screen he had been glaring at and tightly pressed his fingertips against his temples, trying to rein in his thoughts.


"Mr. Aoi, let's take a short break."


"... Ah, yes. Let's do that."


"Should I buy you something? A new donut shop opened on the first floor of this building."


"Donuts, huh? I do feel like having something sweet... Please, go ahead."


"Sure thing. I'll also get some coffee."


"Thank you."


Saying so, the newcomer—Tomo Asakura—stood up promptly. With his gentle double-lidded eyes, he had a rather kind and mild expression for a male alpha. His sturdy and dignified physique made him seem reliable, but Aoi sensed a gracefulness in Tomo's demeanor that differed from that of the alphas he had seen in the headquarters building. Tomo was one of the few people Aoi found easy to approach.


Once Tomo left, Aoi stood up and walked towards the window, stretching and cracking his neck. There was a part of him that felt anxious about when he would be able to be of assistance to his brother, but at the moment, every second counted, and he couldn't afford to waste even a moment worrying about it.


Despite finally being granted permission regarding his relationship with Yuto, Aoi hadn't had the chance to have a good talk with him for the past two weeks. By the time he returned to the mansion, he was utterly exhausted, falling asleep as soon as he got into bed. It was not a matter of physical fatigue, but rather the fact that his brain's visual processing, which had been dormant all this time, was now in full swing.


"...I wonder what Yuto is doing."


Aoi unconsciously muttered to himself as he looked out at the capital city's landscape through the large glass window. Although it was decided that Aoi and Yuto would become mates, Yuto was still working as a servant in the Kunishiro mansion. He was also receiving private tutoring while working there. Yuto was making these efforts to become an omega suitable for the Kunishiro family. Aoi couldn't afford to complain at this point.


During this past week, there were several occasions when Aoi woke up to find Yuto sleeping beside him. Perhaps Yuto came to Aoi's room to assist with his dressing or bathing, but Aoi had already fallen asleep, and Yuto, exhausted as well, ended up sleeping alongside him until morning.


When Aoi remembered Yuto's sleeping face from that time, his heart felt lighter. Thinking of that adorable sleeping face made him want to hug Yuto right away. But first, he had to accomplish today's tasks... Aoi stretched once again and took a deep breath, determined to fulfill his responsibilities.




"What in the world...?"


Returning to the mansion, Aoi suppressed a yawn and opened the door to his room, only to let out an astonished exclamation.


The room was incredibly messy. Aoi's clothes and underwear were scattered all over the floor. Thinking that perhaps a burglar had broken in, he cautiously entered the room and noticed that an even larger pile of clothes had been gathered on the bed. Dress shirts, sweaters, undershirts, sportswear, underwear, bathrobes... Amidst the mountain of clothes, he spotted Yuto peacefully sleeping, emitting soft snores. Aoi blinked in surprise.






"You're sleeping?"


Aoi sat on the edge of the bed and gently stroked Yuto's head. Yuto groaned softly, shifted his body, and slowly opened his eyes. His sleepy expression was defenseless and adorable, and Aoi leaned down to kiss him on the forehead.


At the same time, he sensed something.


That sweet scent...


"Yuto... Your heat is approaching, isn't it?"


"Huh...? Mmm!? W-What the...!"


Yuto's expression quickly changed from drowsy to startled. He looked around at the scattered clothes on the bed and floor, his face turning pale as he broke out in a cold sweat.


"Wait, wait, Yuto, you did this, right? Unconsciously, perhaps?"


"M-Maybe... Umm, I'm sorry!! Oh no, this shirt is really expensive! It would be a tragedy if it gets wrinkled."


"Yuto, that's not important."


Gently grabbing Yuto's wrist as he frantically tried to clean up, Aoi pressed him down onto the bed. Yuto wore a bewildered expression but looked up at Aoi with an embarrassed gaze.


"Omegas build nests, huh? So it's true."




"I learned about it from my tutor when I was young. Omegas nearing their heat would gather clothes that have their beloved alpha's scent embedded in them to build their nests."


"Huh? My heat... is approaching? I..."


"Maybe you didn't do that before because you were taking medication. Or perhaps it means that you've come to think of me as your beloved alpha?"




While intertwining his fingers with Yuto's, Aoi softly sealed Yuto's lips with his own. savoring the suppleness of his lips, they exchanged multiple kisses. As they did so, the sweet scent emanating from Yuto's body grew stronger and stronger.


The intoxicating aroma gradually permeated Aoi's senses, setting his body aflame with growing intensity. They had already explored each other's bodies a few times before even outside of Yuto's heat. Aoi had naturally felt sexual excitement on those occasions, but this was completely different.


Aoi's entire being seemed to catch fire, the heat radiating from within becoming almost unbearable. Every inch of his skin tingled with a raw, primal yearning, urging Aoi to seek Yuto with an insatiable desire.


"...I'm happy. I've been waiting for your heat, Yuto. Finally, I can claim you as mine."


"Ah... I... Can I become your pair, Master Aoi...?"


"Yes, that's right. We will become a pair... Finally."


Aoi relaxed Yuto's collar and gazed entranced at him. As Yuto nestled against him, the expression on his face shifted from serene to intensely captivating.


Yuto, who had always been lively, energetic, and confident, now had a meltingly sweet expression, further enticing Aoi. As Aoi's fingers brushed against Yuto's flushed and smooth cheeks, a soft sigh escaped from Yuto's small, ripe fruit-like lips. Aoi even felt a faint dizziness from Yuto's alluring charm.


He took the key that he always kept close to him threaded on a delicate chain, and removed the choker around Yuto's neck. With a soft click, the collar came off, revealing the pulsating white nape of Yuto's exposed neck.


That place was where the mark of a pair would be engraved.


The slender and elegant nape of Yuto's neck was breathtakingly beautiful. Aoi loosened his tie and discarded his jacket.


"...Haa... It's amazing. Even though we haven't done anything yet, I feel like my sanity is about to snap."


"Master Aoi... This is dangerous. I... I..."


"From now on, you won't have to fear anything anymore. Because I will always be by your side."


"Haa... Haa..."


It seemed that Yuto's heat had started in earnest.


Yuto gazed at Aoi with his tear-filled eyes and reached out both his arms, yearning for Aoi's embrace.


Aoi hugged Yuto tightly and kissed his white nape that was emitting a sweet fragrance. Just the light touch of his lips would cause Yuto to release a delicate moan and wrap his legs, covered in work trousers, around Aoi's waist.


As their bodies pressed against each other, Aoi noticed that Yuto's erection was already hard and hot. Even the slightest movement of Aoi's hips would compel Yuto to instinctively respond with a seductive sway. Aoi whispered in a soft voice while gazing closely at his beloved.


"I love you, Yuto."


"...Haa... Ah... Master Aoi... I... I love you too... That's why..."


"...That's why?"


"Please... Please, bite me... Make me yours, quickly...!"




As tears welled up in Yuto's eyes, Aoi leaned in and kissed his lips again placatingly. Then, tilting forward, Aoi pressed his lips against the nape of Yuto's neck.




When he sank his teeth into Yuto's pale skin, there was the sensation of his sharp canines piercing through his flesh. From there, the taste of Yuto's blood seeped out, spreading slowly on Aoi's tongue. Yuto clung to Aoi with his entire body, repeating Aoi's name like a whispered mantra, "Haah... Master Aoi... Master Aoi..."


Though a faint trace of rationality lingered, making Aoi wonder if Yuto felt any pain. However, that concern was deftly surpassed by the overpowering emotions that consumed Aoi's entire being, igniting his instincts Alpha instincts. It was a mix of relief for having finally obtained his beloved pair, the exhilaration that shook his very core, and a choking sense of endearment. Aoi surrendered himself to these intense emotions he had never experienced before, holding onto Yuto tightly as his teeth remained embedded in his skin.


Eventually, Aoi released Yuto's nape. The distinct imprint of a faintly bleeding bite mark remained on Yuto's white skin. Aoi gently stroked Yuto's relaxed head and licked away the blood that had seeped out, tending to the wound. Yuto shivered, and with eyes that had regained some clarity, he looked up at Aoi.


"Master Aoi... Are we bonded now?"


"Yes, we are. I'm sorry if it hurt."


"No, it didn't hurt... It's just that where you bit me felt so hot... It felt as if your very emotions were seeping into my being... It filled me with sp much joy."




"Master Aoi... I love you, I love you so much... I... I..."


Tears overflowed from Yuto's eyes one after another. Aoi also seemed to perceive Yuto's feelings as if they were tangible. Aoi gently caught Yuto's tears with his lips, wearing a smile that blended laughter and tears. Warm emotions, unspoken yet palpable, filled their hearts, leaving them with no choice but to hold each other tightly.


"Yuto... My Yuto."


As their lips deeply intertwined, Aoi began to expose Yuto's body. Yuto, in turn, welcomed Aoi's caresses with his entire being and repeatedly uttered words of love.


Even with closed eyes, it was already evident to Aoi at that moment.


The thread binding the two of them together.*


[T/N: The phrase "ふたりを結ぶ、絆の糸が" contains a wordplay with Yuto's name, 結糸. The term 結ぶ (musubu) means "to connect" or "to tie," while 絆 (kizuna) means "bond" or "relationship". And the thread of their bond, the 糸 that ties them together. The play on words highlights the significance of Yuto's presence in symbolizing the thread that binds the two of them together.]

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