Chapter 30 - Blindness

Translator's Note:

Hello, I hope you've all been doing well.

Here you go, and I wish you a good read.

And as I said before, if you wish to read ahead, you can head over to my Patreon to get early access to all the translated chapters.

Having a Talk with His Older Brother



"Indeed, you've finally become a pair."


"Yes, at long last."


"...I see. Congratulations, Aoi."


"Thank you, Brother."


After a week-long heat period, Yuto's rut had come to an end, and Aoi was having breakfast with Ren in the rose garden, something they hadn't done in several days.


This time, Aoi didn't completely indulge in sex with Yuto for the entire week.


On the night their bond was established, within the "nest" made from Aoi's clothes, they indulged in hours of intense lovemaking. Overwhelmed by Aoi's touch and thoroughly teased, Yuto had exhaustedly fallen asleep. Yuto lacked Aoi's stamina and had apparently lost consciousness while reaching climax.


When Aoi first witnessed Yuto's heat, he was blind. As a result, he was shocked when Yuto suddenly stopped moving. However, now Aoi could clearly observe Yuto's condition with his own eyes, so he no longer felt the same level of unease as before.


While Yuto was sleeping, Aoi had contacted his brother and explained the situation, arranging for a week-long break. After Yuto woke up, they leisurely took a bath together and engaged in intimate activities once again. Aoi spent a relaxed time conversing whit Yuto while gently fanning his heated body, creating a much more laid-back atmosphere compared to the previous time.


Aoi believed that they could now enjoy peaceful and happy moments thanks to the bond they had formed.


Back then, their long-suppressed desires and passions had exploded, leading to that wild and beastly sex. Deprived of his sight, the sensations of Yuto's touch on Aoi's body were vivid, lascivious, and overwhelming, consuming every fiber of Aoi's being with heat. As it was their first sexual experience, the sweet yet intense pleasure was irresistibly enticing. It was a wild and savage union driven by their instinctual urges.


In stark contrast, this time was a blissful and tender experience, akin to immersing oneself in an ambrosial nectar of unparalleled sweetness...


"Aoi, stop daydreaming. You look absent-minded."


"Huh? Ah, my apologies."


"Good grief... What were you thinking about?"


Ren shook his head in exasperation and took a sip of tea from his simple off-white teacup. Aoi, dressed in a casual white linen shirt, loosely fitting navy cardigan, and light gray cotton pants, was spending a refreshing morning with his brother, enjoying the serene moment. However, Aoi's mind was still lingering with memories of his heated moments with Yuto. Aoi cleared his throat and quickly downed a glass of fresh grapefruit juice.


"So... How do you feel now?"


"Huh? About what?"


"Well... I was just wondering what it feels like to become someone's pair."


"...Coming from you, that's quite an unexpected question."


"Y-You're being noisy. I'm just a little curious, that's all."


"I see..."


Aoi gazed intently at his brother's face.


His slightly grown-out, loosely wavy golden bangs gracefully adorned his slender face and fair skin. Since he had stopped using muscle enhancers, he appeared somewhat leaner, but his complexion was much healthier, and his expression had softened. Perhaps because of this change, Ren's once imposing aura had completely subsided.


Ren no longer wore the scent Aoi disliked. Although he still pretended to be an alpha in public, he could remove that mask within the confines of their home.


Aoi used to imagine Ren as a magnificent rose with sharp thorns. Proudly displaying his strength and beauty, threatening anyone who approached with its thorns—an isolated existence. However, the current Ren no longer emanated such thorny vibes. Rather, he exuded a delicate, evanescent presence, reminiscent of a white lotus blooming quietly amidst the morning dew.


Annoyed by Aoi's intrusive gaze, Ren furrowed his eyebrows and glared at him.


"What are you looking at?"


"Well... I was just thinking that the atmosphere around you has changed, Brother."


"Is that so?"


"Yeah. It feels like you've returned to the way you used to be, and I'm happy about it."


"...I see. Well... I do feel like I've been able to regain my true self lately."




"Yeah, I wanted to spend more time with you before, but you have a rather sharp sense of smell, so I couldn't approach you so easily."


"Spend more time together? With me?"


"Of course. You're my one and only adorable little brother. When I'm completely exhausted, I wanted nothing more than to sleep in your bed like we did when we were kids."




As Ren spoke, a mischievous yet genuine smile played on his lips. It was the first time Aoi had witnessed such a relaxed expression on his brother's face, and he was genuinely moved. Aoi instinctively reached out and held Ren's hand, staring intently at his brother's face.


"From now on, you can come to my bed anytime."


"Um... No, I really don't want you to take that seriously."


"It's okay! This time, I'll be the one putting you to sleep, brother!"


"What are you talking about? You already have Yuto, right?"


"W-Well, yeah, but..."


Upon seeing Aoi falter in his words, Ren let out a light-hearted laughter. The serene chirping of birds filled the air, resonating delicately against the backdrop of the sky.


"Oh, that's right. I haven't answered your question yet, brother."


"Yeah, that's right."


"What does it feel like to become a pair...? How do I explain..."


As Aoi cast his gaze across the rose garden, his thoughts began to wander to everything that had unfolded thus far.


Many things had happened to get to this point.


The deep affection poured onto him by his brother.


The warmth of an outstretched hand within his closed-off world.


Meeting Yuto and the peaceful days they had nurtured.


Finding someone he wanted to love with all his heart for the first time in his life.


And, by staying true to those feelings, unintentionally hurting Suno...


Fear, anxiety, and resignation that he had felt in the seemingly eternal darkness.


After regaining his vision, what unfolded before his eyes.


Every aspect of what he had attained resonated profoundly within Aoi.


Aoi squeezed his brother's hand tightly and let out a small breath as he spoke.


"Finally, it feels like we're back as one... That's how it feels, I guess."


"As one?"


"Yes. It's like... what was once a single entity had been divided into two, causing a certain sense of frustration. But now, it feels like we've finally merged back into one."


"I see... I understand."


"Don't you have someone like that too, brother?"


"What...? What nonsense are you talking about! Listen, a romance like that is not something for the men of the Kunishiro family!!"


"Okay, okay, I get it."


As he tried to appease his suddenly irate brother, there was something Aoi couldn't help but wish for.


Throughout all this time, his brother had worn himself out, sacrificing his life for the sake of their family and even for Aoi himself. He wished for someone to appear, someone who could embrace his beloved brother with profound affection and provide him with the solace he deserved.


Of course, from now on, Aoi would protect Ren. However, it would be reassuring to have someone by Ren's side who would show him a different kind of affection, something beyond their sibling bond...


However, even though they were family, it would be impolite to intrude too much into each other's private lives. Aoi, while sipping his tea and moistening his lips, gazed warmly at his slightly blushing brother.


"Enough of this nonsense, you should hurry up and settle down with Yuto and have children."


"Yeah, yeah, I'll do my best. I wonder how it will go this time."


"...Aoi, you look absent-minded again. Is Yuto still asleep?"


"No, he said he was going shopping with Seita at the morning market in the neighboring town, so he left a little after four in the morning."


"...Huh... You know, Aoi, Yuto is already your responsibility. In other words, he has become a member of the Kunishiro family. We can't let him continue to do menial work forever, you know? He might even be pregnant, and yet you let him go to the morning market before dawn? How can you allow such recklessness!"


"Uh... Yeah, I'm sorry. Yuto just seemed so excited..."


"Sigh... Honestly, you still have a lot to learn, Aoi. Besides, there are so many things Yuto needs to learn as well. It's more important for him to focus on studying now, rather than taking care of household matters. You need to make sure he understands that and acts accordingly."


"Brother, please calm down. I already know all of that, really."


Aoi lightly tapped his brother Ren's back, soothing him as he started to grow heated. Ren's expression showed that he wanted to lecture him some more, but he did quiet down and reached for the strawberries placed on a transparent plate. Aoi also took a strawberry into his mouth and smiled while watching his somewhat grumpy brother.


"I'm happy that you're thinking about us and considering our well-being."


"W-Well... It's not like that. I'm just saying it for the sake of this family."


"Yeah, I know. Thank you, brother."


"...What are you grinning about? Listen, I was about to lecture..."


"Master Aoi, Master Ren! We're back!"


Just as another lecture seemed about to begin, a cheerful voice echoed from the entrance of the rose garden. Yuto, waving his hand vigorously, came running from the direction of the garden entrance, several tens of meters away. He was dressed in a big straw hat, a casual hoodie, and rolled-up pants that revealed his slender ankles, while his feet were clad in worn-out sneakers.


Aoi couldn't help but feel fondness for Yuto, who was dressed unusually for his age, but he wondered what Ren, who was always lecturing about the "dignity of the Kunishiro family," would say... Aoi secretly glanced at his brother's reaction.


Surprisingly, Ren had a calm smile on his face. Aoi was a little surprised.


"I went to the morning market in the neighboring town, and it was huge! They had a lot of rare vegetables and fruits that you can't find around here! Let's all eat them later!"


Yuto exclaimed, his face lively and his smile brightening even more.


Since that day of the party, Yuto had stopped fearing Ren unreasonably and had been gradually getting closer to him.


And Ren, seeing Yuto who was burdened with the same omega fate, seemed to be slowly opening up his heart to him. Aoi couldn't help but feel incredibly gratified seeing his beloved brother and Yuto gradually becoming more familiar with each other. A smile naturally appeared on Aoi's face.


"Hey, Yuto, what's with that attire when you're supposed to be in charge of Master Aoi?"


"Huh? Ah... I'm sorry! But, you know, it's a morning market. My usual shirt and slacks won't do for that... Oh, but more importantly, aren't these fruits unusual? They're tropical fruits, and you can eat them as they are. Please have one."


"Thank you."


Yuto took out a bright yellow fruit from his shoulder bag and offered it to Ren. Perhaps because he had enjoyed the morning market so much, Yuto's attitude towards Ren was unusually relaxed. Ren, on the other hand, wearing a slightly surprised expression, graciously accepted the fruit. Aoi couldn't help but smile at the scene.


"Master Aoi, here you go too."


"Thank you. I'm glad you got to see something rare."


"Yeah, it was a lot of fun! Would you like to come next time, Master Aoi? I know you're not good at waking up early, but it'll be really enjoyable."


"Yeah, that sounds good. Count me in next time."




Yuto gazed up at Aoi with a bright expression, while beside them, Ren started lecturing again, his face filled with genuine warmth.


Finally being able to capture their expressions in his eyes, Aoi smiled peacefully.


I'm so happy.


The yellow fruit he tasted was incredibly sweet, with a faint scent reminiscent of a foreign land.


It was truly, truly delicious.

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