Chapter 28 - Blindness

Translator's Note:

Hello, I hope you've all been doing well.

Here you go, and I wish you a good read.

And as I said before, if you wish to read ahead, you can head over to my Patreon to get early access to all the translated chapters.




Ren's palm stroking his head was wars.


Aoi gently moved away, gazing at Ren with a tear-streaked face.


Ren's eyes were also shimmering with moisture, swaying ever so slightly. It had been a while since Aoi had seen such a human-like expression on his brother's face. Aoi smiled through his tears and softly kissed Ren's cheek.


"I'm sorry, Brother. I've really troubled all this time."


"No need to apologize. I could stay strong thanks to you. Because you were there with me, I could come this far."


"But I..."


"Don't cry anymore, Aoi. You're a man of the Kunishiro family. Are you going to keep crying like that forever?"


Saying so, Ren wiped Aoi's cheek gently while wearing his usual radiant smile. Aoi straightened up, took a deep breath, and wiped his wet cheeks with his palm.


"...I'm sorry. I just..."


"Hehe, you're really pure, aren't you?"


Ren shook his head gently, wearing a gentle expression. Then he looked up and directed his gaze towards Yuto this time. Thinking that Yuto might be frightened, Aoi quickly turned around, but Yuto was also looking straight at Ren.


"You said you've been in denial about being an Omega. What does that mean?"


Even when Ren called out to him, Yuto showed little signs of being shaken. Fiddling with Aoi's jacket, Yuto hesitantly approached closer. Aoi stood by Yuto's side and embraced his shoulders once again. Yuto looked up at Aoi with a somewhat relieved expression, and a smile graced his lovely lips. Then, he began to speak hesitantly.


"W-Well, I haven't led such a harsh life like you, Master Ren. I didn't have big things to protect like this household or Master Aoi. But when I found out I was an Omega, I felt like I had to give up on so many things, and it made me feel like the person I've been since the beginning would disappear... It was really scary."


"I see..."


"So... I know it's presumptuous for me to say that I understand your feelings, but... I think I can understand what Master Ren has gone through, working all day surrounded by Alphas, struggling desperately, never knowing when you'll be found out or become their prey... I think that's really frightening. But even so, Master Ren fought alone, working harder than anyone... I truly think that's amazing. It's not something an ordinary person can do, truly befitting of Master Ren, Master Aoi's elder brother... Uh, I'm sorry. I apologize for my lack of vocabulary..."


Struggling to find his words, Yuto spoke in a rush. His face flushed red, and his trembling hands tightly grasped the jacket. But Yuto desperately wanted to convey those words to Ren, as someone who had also experienced the tumult of being an Omega.


"U-Um... But I... Since I met Master Aoi, I started thinking that maybe it's okay to be an Omega. Until now, I've been constantly denying my Omega identity. I was scared of going into heat, so I mindlessly took suppressants, and I kept despising the changes in my own body. But... But since Master Aoi accepted me, I was able to change. Master Aoi treated me as a human, and chose me, not just because I'm an Omega but because it was me. I deeply regret deceiving him about my gender. But because I met Master Aoi, I'm genuinely happy now. Because of him, I believe I've become stronger. Um... I'm sorry for speaking so much..."


Hearing Yuto's passionate declaration, one can only wonder what was going through Ren's mind. Finding Yuto's struggles to articulate his emotions utterly endearing, Aoi quietly observed his brother's expression.


Ren gazed at Yuto, who blushed and bowed his head, with calm eyes. The menacing look that Ren had cast upon Yuto some time ago was nowhere to be seen. He earnestly listened to each of Yuto's words and seemed to be contemplating them deep within his heart.


"I see..."


Ren said, as if pondering the matter. Then he returned his gaze to Aoi and spoke in a calm voice.


"...I've heard enough. Do as you please."


"Huh? Brother... Does that mean..."


"I'm telling you that you're free to do whatever you what. I'm tired. I've exhausted myself trying to live for the sake of this family, for your sake, Aoi... But I've reached my limit. I won't nitpick about your every move anymore."


"T-Then... Can I be with Yuto?"


"...Just make sure to produce a successor. You, too, will need to make the necessary efforts to uphold the dignity befitting the members of the Kunishiro family."


Ren stated firmly, addressing both Aoi and Yuto.




Aoi finally obtained his brother's permission. A mix of relief and exhilaration surged within him, and he instinctively hugged Yuto tightly.


To be able to be by Yuto's side forever, to live with him, welcome him into his family... The long-awaited happiness made Aoi's expression shine even brighter.


"Brother, thank you...! Ah... Yuto. I'm so glad...!!"


However, Yuto, with a somewhat dazed expression, simply allowed himself to be embraced by Aoi. Seeing Yuto's bewildered look, Ren couldn't help but chuckle softly.


"Um... So, does that mean... I... I can stay by your side, Master Aoi?"


"Hahaha, that's right! We can finally be together!"


"I-I see... Phew... That's good... That's good... I... I thought that if Master Ren opposed it, I would definitely be separated from Master Aoi... I've been anxious all this time..."


"It's alright now. I'm sorry for being so incompetent and causing you to feel anxious. From now on, I'll become more dependable."


"N-No, no, no, no!! You're not incompetent at all!! Um, even though I was worried, it's not like I doubted you or anything like that! Um, it's me who, um, should apologize..."


"Yuto, calm down."


In an attempt to appease the visibly flustered Yuto, Aoi hugged him tightly. Yuto trembled for a while, but then he started to sob, his body convulsing.


"Ahaha... Ahaha... Master Aoi... I'm... so happy... I..."


"Good grief. You're such a handful, crying one moment and laughing the next."


"Ugh... sniff... B-Because... hic... It's just that... sniff..."


As Aoi held Yuto, who had started to cry in earnest, he could hear Ren sighing. It was not a sigh of reproach towards Yuto's sobbing, but a sigh filled with affectionate understanding.


"Well, well, it's good that you two get along so well."


"Ugh... sniff... Master Ren... Thank you so much...! Thank you...!!"


"...I see. It seems that you wear your heart on your sleeve. I apologize for doubting you."


"Huh? My heart on my sleeve...?"


Observing Yuto's bewildered expression, Ren let out another sigh, seemingly exasperated. He muttered, "I see, it seems there's much to teach." Seeing the interaction between his brother and Yuto, Aoi couldn't help but burst into laughter once again.


"Hey, Aoi!! Where are you?!"


At that moment, a voice calling for Aoi could be heard from afar. It was Haruhito's voice.


Upon hearing Haruhito's voice, Ren's expression subtly tensed. Seeing his brother's expression, Aoi felt a strong sense of confirmation for the other hypothesis he had held all along.


"Oh! What are you doing here, you're the guest of honor... Ah, M-Master Ren is here too... Umm, and Yuto-kun!? What's with your outfit!?"


"Oh... um... that."


Haruhito was taken aback by Yuto's appearance. Despite wearing Aoi's jacket, his torn shirt and disheveled hair remained unchanged. Haruhito approached Yuto, took off his own jacket, and put it on Yuto, scrutinizing the other two who stood there, in turn.


"W-What happened?! You were chatting with a big name in the political sphere, and then your expression changed suddenly and you disappeared. Everyone was quite restless. Though now that Suno-kun is performing, the atmosphere has calmed down considerably."


"Oh... sorry."


"By the way... Master Aoi, how did you know that I was being attacked?"


Yuto looked up at Aoi with a curious gaze.


As Aoi sensed the impending danger befalling Yuito, a prickling sense of unease washed over Aoi. As the vivid image of Yuito being assaulted by those men flashed through his mind, Aoi trembled faintly.


"When I noticed that Yuto's scent had become stronger, I felt a strong sense of unease."


"Is... Is that so?"


"After that, I don't remember much. When I came to, that man was covered in blood, and my hand..."


Aoi raised his fist. His fist, which had struck the man's face repeatedly, was in a sorry state, with peeled skin and oozing blood. Yuto's face tensed slightly as he watched, and he immediately enveloped Aoi's hand, saying, "We need to attend to your injuries quickly!"


"It's nothing serious, I'll be fine."


"What are you saying? Aoi, you need to properly treat those wounds and then return to the party. I know you may want to bask in the happiness of being reunited with your pair, but today is your important social debut. Hurry back."


"Oh... I understand."


"Debut? Eh? What do you mean?"


It seemed that Haruhito couldn't make head or tail of the conversation at all. Understanding his confusion, Aoi patted Haruhito's shoulder gently.


"Haruhito, I'll be back soon, so you can go ahead to the venue with Brother. We also need to get Yuto's injuries treated."


"Huh!? Ah, yeah... sure..."


Haruhito seemed visibly shaken by Aoi's words. At the same time, Ren's expression stiffened slightly, and he immediately turned on his heels.


"I'll go ahead on my own. You don't need to follow."


"What!? W-Wait, please!! Master Ren!"


"So annoying! I don't have time for a leisurely chat with you!"


"But... please wait! I have something important to tell you!"


Ren briskly left the scene, and Haruhito hurriedly chased after him. Aoi smiled softly at the rare sight of his shaken older brother and then turned his gaze towards Yuto.


"...You've been scared, right? Let's treat your injuries quickly."


"A... Yes. But I... I'm happy now. Being assaulted doesn't matter anymore."


Yuto smiled and Aoi found it endearing. He hugged Yuto once again, and Yuto's hand gently stroked Aoi's back. Aoi nuzzled his cheek against Yuto's soft hair, eliciting a peal of giggling laughter from Yuto. Aoi closed his eyes and deeply inhaled Yuto's sweet scent.


"Yuto... I love you. I'll treasure you."


"Ah... Yes."


"Hm? Even though Brother is gone, are you still nervous?"


"No, um... It's just that... It feels like I'm still in a dream."


"Yeah... I feel the same way."


Their bodies parted slightly as they gazed into each other's eyes. Yuto's cheeks were flushed, and his moist eyes looked up at Aoi were full of tenderness. Aoi felt irresistibly drawn to Yuto's lips and began to lightly nibble on them, savoring their sweetness again and again.


"...I love you."




"Will you stay by my side forever from now on?"


"O-Of course! I will never leave Master Aoi's side...!"


"Thank you. I... find you incredibly precious and irresistible."




As if pulled by an invisible force, their lips met once again.


In the distance, the faint sound of a shamisen could be heard. Surely, Suno was dancing gracefully, captivating the audience with her enchanting performance.


Amidst their kisses, Yuto let out a small, happy laughter. Aoi couldn't help but smile along. He tightly embraced Yuto's body, responding passionately to the other's kisses.


Everything about Yuto is so lovely.


Feeling Yuto's gentle warmth enveloping his whole body, Aoi looked up at the night sky reflected in his azure eyes.


I vow to protect them all, Yuto, as well as my older brother.

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