Chapter 26 (NSFW) - Blindness

Translator's Note:

Hello, I hope you've all been doing well.

Here you go, and I wish you a good read.

And as I said before, if you wish to read ahead, you can head over to my Patreon to get early access to all the translated chapters.

A Fiery Outburst



Unable to resist, Yuito was dragged into a solitary warehouse in the backyard.


In contrast to the bustling party taking place in the front yard, this place lacked any sort of liveliness and was filled with dusty tools and a large stack of firewood.


"Let me go...!! Please, let me go!"


"You're in heat, aren't you? Be grateful that we'll take care of it."


"I'm not... in heat...!!"


"Don't lie. You're secreting these erotic pheromones as we speak. Behave yourself!"




Yuto was thrown to the ground, his heart pounding uncontrollably. He looked up at the men while struggling to regulate his breathing. Although this arousal resembled being in heat, it felt different from when he had gone into heat in front of Aoi before.


Back then, his entire being felt as if it were melting away, his body burning hot, his skin becoming hypersensitive as if it were hungry to capture every pleasurable sensation, and his physical and mental states in disarray, overwhelmed by an uncontrollable surge of sexual desire.


But now, while his body burned with intense heat, his mind felt strangely clear. Though his body was flushed, his breathing erratic, and a sense of exhilaration made his legs unsteady, his feelings of disgust towards these men and his frustration with the situation only intensified.


The Alpha men's gaze had become even more bestial than before, clearly affected by Yuto's Omega pheromones. However, Yuto himself wasn't sure whether he was emitting pheromones or not.


The men pinned Yuto to the dusty floor, roughly tearing his shirt open. Buttons flew off, exposing his chest, and his alluring skin faintly glowed in the darkness. With his arms restrained, as he squirmed, the man with droopy eyes intruded between Yuto's legs. Sporting a sly smile, he provocatively caressed Yuto's lower abdomen.


"Oh? You look like you're about to cry. What happened to your earlier bravado?"


"Let me go!! What do you think you're doing to me?!"


"Shut up. Hey, cover his mouth."


"Sure thing. Finish up quickly and switch with me. But seriously, even though he's just a brat, he managed to seduce two Alphas... Heh, Omegas truly are despicable creatures."


"Mmm... Mmm!! Mm-mm!!"


Yuto's mouth was forcefully covered, and the droopy-eyed man focused on Yuto's belt. Tears streamed down Yuto's face, feeling nauseous from the repulsiveness, yet his body refused to respond as he wished.


Master Aoi... I'm sorry, Master Aoi...! I... towards these guys...!


As tears overflowed and wet Yuto's temples, the weight on his abdomen suddenly disappeared.


At the same time, a dull sound of bones and flesh colliding reverberated through the dark warehouse.




The hand that had restrained him let go, and Yuto's hands were finally free. He hurriedly got up, enduring the slight dizziness and nausea, placing both hands on the floor for support, and looked towards the source of the sound.


"M-Master Aoi...!?"


Bathed in the starlight pouring in through the open door, a silhouette emerged.


It was Aoi.


Aoi had forcefully pulled the man with droopy eyes away from Yuto, striking him with clenched fists. But that wasn't all. Aoi fiercely grabbed the collar of the man, who was now crouched, clutching his cheeks, and repeatedly punched his face.


The sound of bones cracking, the muffled screams of the man in agony—these were sounds Yuto had never heard before. Trembling, he shrank away.


Finally, Aoi lifted the man, who had collapsed and stopped moving, by his collar and raised his fist once again. Witnessing this, Yuto gasped involuntarily.


"Master Aoi!! Stop...!!"


Aoi's hand came to a halt. His sapphire eyes, which were fixed on Yuto, seemed to shimmer with a golden light for some reason.


Reason had vanished from Aoi's eyes, replaced by a wave of intense anger and aggression, burning fiercely. Witnessing Aoi's frenzied side for the first time, Yuto swallowed nervously.


"Why are you stopping me? He's the one who made you suffer."


"I don't want Master Aoi to hurt anyone! You are the kindest person I've ever met! That's why I don't want you to do something like this!"


"I won't forgive anyone who hurts you."


"Please... Stop, Master Aoi...!"


Unfazed by Yuto's words, Aoi's menacing presence was evident as he swung his fist down again. Yuto, struggling to maintain his balance, forced himself up and leaped onto Aoi's back, trying to stop him.


Even though he was clad in a tuxedo, Aoi's body feels unbearably hot. And at the same time, a chilling rage caused subtle tremors in his frame. Yuto desperately clung to Aoi's back, relentlessly pleading, "That's enough!! Please, stop!! Master Aoi, please... stop!!"


Eventually, the man completely lost consciousness. Only then did the strength begin to drain from Aoi's body.


As the man slumped to the floor with a thud, the other Alpha present let out a scream and attempted to scramble away from the scene.


However, he couldn't escape any further.


"What's the fuss about?"


Ren, Seita, and two sturdy men in black suits stood outside the warehouse.


The man who had attacked Yuto and tried to escape looked up at Ren, his lips trembling. Ren looked down at the man with icy, indifferent eyes and let out a sigh of annoyance. Then, in a stern voice, he spoke.


"I will never forgive you for tarnishing this day. Seita, take these guys away."




"Wait... I... I was just caught up... in this... Please listen to me..."


"You're being a nuisance. Shut up and leave this place immediately."


"But... Master Ren... This is... not what it seems...!"


The two Alphas were dragged away by the men in black suits and Seita.


Yuto continued to cling to Aoi's back, dumbfoundedly watching the scene unfold.


And then, silence fell.


Ren's presence and gaze made Yuto's whole body tense.


Yuto timidly and slowly loosened his arms from around Aoi's back. Aoi immediately turned towards him and tightly embraced Yuto.


"Yuto... I'm sorry for realizing it so late, I'm sorry..."


"M-Master Aoi... Why are you apologizing?"


"I'm sorry... for putting you through this. I shouldn't have left your side even for a moment. If only I had told my brother about you earlier..."




Though it was Yuto who had been frightened, it felt as if Aoi was the one who has experienced that fear while trying to cling to him. Yuto couldn't help but want to hug Aoi back.


But now, Ren was present.


Ren's gaze pierced through them.


Eventually, with a heavy sigh, Ren said in a low voice, "Come here, Aoi."


Aoi's shoulders twitched.


Aoi slowly separated himself from Yuto and saw him trembling under Ren's intimidating stare.


Aoi smoothly took off his tuxedo jacket and gently draped it over Yuto's shoulders. Wrapped in Aoi's warmth, Yuto finally felt a little relieved.


However, because of the guilt for exposing their relationship in this way and the heavy sense of anxiety that threatened to crush him, Yuto's expression remained as stiff as ever.


Supported by Aoi, Yuto cautiously appeared before Ren.


Ren's eyes widened slightly as he saw the exposed collar on Yuto's neck.


"That collar..."


"I gave it to him. I want to be with Yuto."


At Aoi's calm voice, Ren's expression froze.


"Being with him!? What does that mean? Are you an Omega? Why did you infiltrate this house?"


"U-Um...! I-I'm sorry...! I'm so sorry..."


Feeling unbearable, Yuto quickly dropped to his knees. He was so terrified of Ren's angry gaze that he couldn't even comprehend what he was apologizing for.


Was it an apology for causing a disturbance at Aoi's party for his social debut? Was it an apology for pretending to be someone else? Was it an apology for secretly nurturing a relationship with Aoi? No, it might have been for all of those things. All Yuto could do was continue to apologize, saying, "I'm sorry!! I'm truly sorry!!"


"Yuto, stop. Lift your head."


"Master Aoi... Master Ren... I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."


"...Leave now."


Ren's freezing voice made Yuto's body tense up. Slowly raising his head, Yuto saw Ren's face filled with burning anger, his sharp gaze piercing through him.




"Brother! Please listen to me properly! Don't jump to conclusions!"


"You dare to mock me!? Aoi, how self-centered can you be!? All that I have built up until now, for it to be treated like this...!!"


Locked in the gaze of those piercing, jade-green eyes, Yuto found himself instinctively holding his breath. The quivering intensity of that furious stare threatened to unnerve him, making him feel as if he might falter under its terrifying weight.


"To think that you would choose an unknown Omega like him as your pair!? Aoi!! Don't you understand anything!? Don't you understand how desperately I have been trying to protect you all this time!? How much I have done for you!?"


"I... I understand. I do! But..."


"There are many who envy the prosperity of the Kunishiro family!! There have always been people trying to bring us down. That's why I have always kept a watchful eye on those who approached you! So that you, with your pure heart, will not be deceived by people with ill intentions!"


"Ill intentions? Yuto doesn't have any ill intentions!! Let him explain properly! Why do you always deny things without listening!!"


"I want to protect you!! Why don't you understand!! ...Because your sight has been taken away, I have seen things I didn't want to see! Like Father and Mother..."


"...Father and Mother? Eh? They... died of an illness, right?"


Aoi's expression suddenly tensed.


Seeing his brother's expression, Ren blinked as if taken aback. With regret evident in his graceful eyes, Ren spoke in a restrained voice.


"It wasn't an illness. It was a murder disguised as an accident... The culprit was Father's close friend."




"That's how it is. Aoi, you need to learn to doubt others. Anyone who approaches us may have some malicious intentions... Even that lowly Omega servant might have had some ulterior motive for getting close to you."




"How can you be so sure about it? He approached you, even pretending to be a Beta! Have you thought about the reasons behind that?"


"Yuto couldn't accept his Omega identity! He didn't pretend to be a Beta out of malicious intentions! He needed a job to support his family..."


"Then, all the necessary money for that so-called family will be provided by me. ...So, disappear from Aoi's sight already!"




To leave Master Aoi's side, and never be able to see him again? That... that's absolutely unbearable. I don't want it, I don't...!


Yuto couldn't imagine a life without Aoi by his side. He tightly grasped Aoi's jacket, trembling but determined, and faced Ren directly.


"No...! I... I... I love Master Aoi-!! Please let me stay by Master Aoi's side...!!"


"Love? How absurd."


"I don't ask to be his pair! I just want to be by Master Aoi's side! Please... I... I can't live without Master Aoi..."


Towards the end, his voice was choked with tears. Too much had happened all at once, and his mind was in a state of confusion.


He couldn't believe that such a cliché plea would move Ren's heart. But this was all Yuto could do. To express his feelings for Aoi to Ren, to let him know that it wasn't a calculated scheme.


Aoi tightly embraced Yuto, his grip filled with strength, and looked up at Ren's face. Aoi's eyes, as beautiful as the night sky, were directed straight at his brother, and he pleaded with a passionate voice.


"Brother, please! I want you to give us your permission. I'll do anything, so..."


"No. I cannot grant you my permission."


Ren firmly declared, slowly shaking his head as he looked at Yuto and Aoi.


"Regardless of the circumstances, deceit is a sin. I cannot allow you to do as you please. Pack your things and leave."


"...No way..."


Yuto felt as if all the strength had left his body. He almost collapsed on the spot, but Aoi held him firmly in his arms.


Aoi let out a deep sigh.


Then, with a resolute gaze directed at Ren, he spoke in a clear tone.


"Do you have the right to blame Yuto for his deceit?"


"What are you talking about?"


Yuto couldn't understand what Aoi was trying to imply. Wiping away his tears, he slowly looked up at Ren. Perhaps it was just his imagination, but Ren's eyes seemed to flicker slightly.


"...Brother, you're also an Omega, right?"


Listening to Aoi's solemn voice, Yuto couldn't believe his ears.


The author has something to say:


With this, the third part comes to an end. The fourth part will once again focus on Aoi's perspective. If you're interested, please stay tuned for the next installment. Thank you very much for your continued support.

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