Chapter 25 - Blindness

Translator's Note:

Hello, I hope you've all been doing well.

Here you go, and I wish you a good read.

And as I said before, if you wish to read ahead, you can head over to my Patreon to get early access to all the translated chapters.

Words of Contempt



As the sky gradually dyed itself in vibrant indigo, and the gentle twinkling little stars emerged in the firmament, almost all the guests had gathered. It marked the commencement of a magnificent and opulent banquet, where the influential Alphas from various fields, who held sway over the nation, came together.


The melodious sound of the orchestra playing in a corner of the spacious garden added a vibrant touch to the party. Amidst the guests, who held polished champagne glasses and engaged in conversations, Yuto discreetly faded into the background, fulfilling his role of collecting empty glasses and replenishing the buffet plates. Swiftly gathering the tableware, he hurriedly made his way back to the backstage area. This routine repeated itself throughout the evening.


However, his attention couldn't help but be drawn to Aoi. Aoi, accompanied by Ren, appeared busy receiving business cards and engaging in light conversations here and there. As Aoi had mentioned before the party, there was undoubtedly no room for Aoi to spare any concern for Yuto.


Countless alphas, who had never appeared on the public stage before, were present to catch a glimpse of Aoi's figure.


Ren Kunishiro, an Alpha endowed with overflowing talent, charisma, and captivating beauty, held a prominent position in the eyes of the public. Merely being his younger brother brought about considerable attention and raised society's expectations.


Aoi's serene beauty and intellectual aura did not disappoint. His presence intoxicated all the guests without exception. Everyone who made eye contact with him couldn't help but be captivated by his dreamy smile, and a simple conversation would reveal the depth of Aoi's intellect.


Within a matter of minutes since the start of the party, Aoi seemed to have effortlessly showcased his refined presence and made a striking impression in the social circles.


On the other hand, as Yuto watched Aoi from afar, he was reminded that he was just a mere servant, confined to menial tasks. With each passing moment, Yuto couldn't help but feel burdened by the growing unease and restlessness that weighed heavily on him.


I have to pull myself together. It would be disrespectful to Master Aoi if I remain in such a state.


Desperately trying to encourage himself, all Yuto could do at the moment was wash dishes behind the scenes. The water splashing on his rolled-up sleeves felt strangely cold, and he couldn't help but perceive himself as somewhat clownish, even though just a while ago, he was elated by receiving a choker as a gift.


This won't do. How did I become such a pathetic person?


"Yuto, please take care of collecting and replenishing the glasses."


"......Huh? Oh, yes!"


Yuto's attention was caught by a voice coming from the back of the kitchen, and he suddenly raised his head. He quickly pulled down his sleeves, put on his jacket, and tidied himself up in front of a small mirror. Looking at his own reflection in the mirror, Yuto was slightly taken aback. His eyes and expressions were gloomy, lacking the vitality he once had. Despite today being a splendid event marking Aoi's debut in high society... What was wrong with this face? Yuto slapped himself on both cheeks.




"Huh? What's with the sudden enthusiasm?"


"Oh, it's nothing! I'll be on my way!"


With a loud and spirited declaration directed towards the head chef standing near the sink, Yuto straightened his back and left the kitchen.




"Look, there's an omega there."


While busily collecting glasses in the grand hall, Yuto heard a man exclaim.


Turning around as if startled, he saw two men in tuxedos standing a little further away. They appeared to be in their early thirties. Yuto initially thought they were referring to him, but their gaze was directed at Suno. Suno, accompanied by two burly men in black kimonos, wore a pleasant smile as he exchanged words with the middle-aged men and women surrounding him.


"Ah, that's the head of the traditional Japanese dance school, right? Despite being a man, he's so beautiful."


"He's quite erotic, isn't he? I wonder if he has a partner."


"Well, who knows? But the Suno family has always been known for choosing exceptional alphas. People like us don't stand a chance. They're probably just trying to cater to Master Ren and Master Aoi today, as usual."


"Well... Despite being a mere dancer, he acts so high and mighty. It's really appalling."


Those spiteful words struck Yuto's ears as he was about to leave the scene. He came to a halt just outside the grand hall.


It seemed like the two men were drunk, but for Yuto, who knew of Suno's struggles, their words were unbearably offensive.


"Omegas should just obediently let themselves be impregnated by alphas. They can't do any significant work, yet they enjoy the protection of the country and always try to assert their rights."


"Well, I guess that's true."


"Their only job is to go into heat, right? Ah, looking at those omegas harboring such smug faces... Ugh, it's really disgusting."


A nauseating feeling crept through Yuto's stomach, as if it was being callously stirred.


He struggled to suppress the rising nausea while placing the glasses on the tray with trembling hands.


They never had to consider the anguish that comes with being born as an omega.


The selfish views these men hold about omegas, which they speak of so easily, represent the deeply ingrained contempt for omegas that still persists in this country.


The feeling of disgust towards the changes happening to their own bodies. The irresistible impulses during their heat.


The sense of loss when their body, will, and even fate can no longer be controlled.


These men will never understand those things.


They will never comprehend the indescribable hardship and the unjust contempt omegas have to face, as the target of their mockery.




As Yuto tried to place the tray on the silver wagon he left in the corridor, his hand trembled, causing one of the glasses to wobble. He quickly reached out, but the champagne glass tilted and slipped through Yuto's fingers, tumbling down. In that chilling moment, it was already too late, as the delicate-designed glass fell onto the marble floor of the corridor creating a sharp, dry sound.


Although he was relieved that he dropped it in the corridor, Yuto still felt flustered. He thought he had to clean up the mess quickly and knelt down on the floor, but the two alphas from earlier approached him.


"Oh my, you broke it. Should we help you clean up?"


"N-No, it's alright. I apologize for the inconvenience."


As the man who kneeled beside Yuto breathed out, a strong scent of alcohol filled the air. The alpha's appearance, with his refined features and slightly droopy eyes, seemed impressive, but there was a hint of malice lurking behind those eyes.


Silently picking up the fragments, Yuto was interrupted by the other man who squatted in front of him, the one who had been particularly vocal in disparaging omegas.


This man, wearing a well-tailored charcoal gray tuxedo, also had an extremely attractive appearance. However, Yuto couldn't help but feel a sense of disgust towards him, with those slim lips and that lewd smirk playing on his face. Peering intently at Yuto, the man spoke with a mocking tone.


"Oh, you work at the Kunihiro mansion. They even make young boys like you work for them. And you're cute too."


"Hey, hey, calm down. He may be a servant but he's under the Kunishiro family..."


"It's fine, just a little bit won't hurt. Hey, how old are you? Can you drink?"


"I-I'm still underage, and I still have work to do, so if you'll excuse me."


"Wait a minute. If you look closely, you're really cute. You must be around sixteen or seventeen. So even betas have such top-notch specimens."




After roughly finishing the clean-up, as Yuto pushed the tray to leave, the man suddenly grabbed Yuto's hand, stopping him. His eyes, large and slanted, gave off a lascivious vibe as he approached Yuto. The man lightly lifted a glass of champagne and smiled slyly.


"Why don't you have a drink with us? It'll be okay, just a little bit."


"N-No, I'm still underage and I have work to do..."


"Oh, come on, don't be like that. Come here..."


"Stop... Please!"


Ignoring Yuto's complaints, the man forcefully embraced him, pulling him away from the tray. Enveloped in the strong scent of alcohol and perfume, Yuto's skin prickled with an indescribable sense of disgust.


With a surge of rejection coursing through him, Yuto instinctively shrugged off the man's grasp with a forceful motion.


The droopy-eyed man's expression suddenly turned vicious. The sweet glimmer in his eyes vanished, and his mocking smile disappeared as he clicked his tongue. Yuto felt a chill and immediately tried to escape from there.


However, the man firmly grasped Yuto's arm and pulled him closer with tremendous force, exhaling an alcohol-laden breath onto Yuto's face.


"...A beta brat like you, trying to resist."


"S-Stop, please...!"


"Hey hey, calm down, you shouldn't do that. You're scaring me."


"Shut up! Just being invited to this kind of party, where they clearly want to show off their superiority, is sickening enough. And now, being belittled a lowly servant is beyond tolerable!"


"Well, you can't really refuse an invitation from the Kunishiro family."


"Perfect timing, come here for a moment. If you obediently comfort me, I won't get any angrier, okay?"


"What...!? N-No, I refuse!! Why would I...!!"


"Hey, don't go causing a scene. Do you want to ruin the party? It's supposed to be a joyful birthday celebration for Master Aoi, the precious gem of the Kunishiro family, you know?"




There was a clear undertone of disrespect towards Aoi in the man's words.


Uncontrollable anger replaced the repulsiveness, fear, and disgust, taking hold of Yuto's entire body.


Clutching his trembling fist, even as his arm was being twisted, Yuto glared defiantly at the man.


"...Don't mess with me."


"Huh? What is it?"


"There's no way alpha scum like you can be Master Aoi's equal!! You damn bastard!"


"Hmm... So spirited. How cute."


The man's temples throbbed visibly, suppressing his anger as he twisted his lips into a distorted smile, creating an eerie expression.


The other man seemed to be affected by Yuto's words. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his slacks, wearing a similar contemptuous smile as the droopy-eyed man, and leaned closer to Yuto's face.


"I see, indeed the esteemed Kunishiro family holds themselves to high standards. It appears even the common folk have been thoroughly disciplined."


"Don't... Don't come any closer! Let go!"


"You're just a cheeky brat who can't put up any real resistance... Where should we do it?"


"Oh, so you're eager too? Great, let's take this outside for now. The garden is unnecessarily spacious, so we can stuff him into some shrubs where no one will see."


"That's right."


"...Let go...!! Someone, anyone... h-help..."


"You're an annoying brat. Drink this and relax, it'll make you feel good."


As soon as he said that, the droopy-eyed man forcefully grabbed Yuto's cheeks, lifting his face and prying his mouth open. Then, he poured the golden champagne into Yuto's mouth. His mouth was then immediately covered with a hand, and Yuto had to gulp down all the liquid.


"...Ngh... What are you doing...!!"


"It tastes good, doesn't it? Hahaha... You're turning so red."


"Come on, let's go to the back."


"Stop it! Let go, you bast...!!"


"Go ahead and struggle to your heart's content. We train regularly. No matter how much a Beta brat like you struggles, it's meaningless."


Both of his arms were held by the men. Yuto struggled and thrashed, but their words proved true; no matter how much he wriggled, he couldn't budge an inch. He was dragged along the corridor and taken outside through the French window, where the cool air further fueled Yuto's anxiety.


Damn it... But with a party like this, if I scream, someone who's working nearby should notice and come help...!


Calculating the distance from the party venue, Yuto took a deep breath, preparing to shout.


At that moment, thump...!! His heart trembled violently, and his whole body grew hot as if his blood was boiling.


A familiar sensation coursed through him, causing Yuto to tremble.


What... What is this...!? No way... No, it can't be. My heat should still be a while away...


"...Haa... Haa... Ah, ah..."


"Hmm? The brat seems different."


"Huh? What's wrong? Did he drink a bit too much?"


"Hmm? This smell... It's not alcohol."


Alcohol...? Perhaps it was because they made me drink alcohol even though I'm taking suppressants...!? It's strange... something's wrong.


The droopy-eyed man wrinkled his nose, and then, as his greedy eyes widened slightly, he firmly grabbed Yuto's collar. He forcefully ripped off the buttons, exposing the choker that adorned Yuto's slender neck.


"This brat... is an Omega!"


"An Omega, you say? ...And he's in heat."


"Let go...! Let me go...!! Someone, anyone...! Mmmph...!!"


His mouth was covered, and Yuto was picked up effortlessly by the man. Desperately scratching and struggling, Yuto's captors quickened their pace, heading toward the secluded backyard.


"Hmm... Using an Omega, such a rare species, for menial tasks, the Kunishiro family truly is extraordinary. Haha... This should be enjoyable."


The men's eyes gleamed with wicked anticipation.

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