Chapter 17 (NSFW) - Blindness

Translator's Note:

Hello, I hope you've all been doing well.

Here you go, and I wish you a good read.

And as I said before, if you wish to read ahead, you can head over to my Patreon to get early access to all the translated chapters.

Jealousy and Pain



The next day, Yuto was alone, diligently cleaning the garden.


Today, Aoi had gone to university in the morning, the two were thus separated, unlike usual.


Until now, Yuto had accompanied Aoi to university, attending lectures side by side. However, today he left the mansion with only his bodyguard. It seemed that Aoi took these precautions for his safety because many alphas attended the prestigious private university where he was enrolled.


Moreover, now that he could see, Aoi would hardly need Yuto's assistance there. Aoi remembered the lecture content he heard with his ears in detail, and besides, the subjects studied at the university had been drilled into him by his private tutors since childhood. Still, some professors required attendance for earning credits, and all enrolled courses required report submissions. Therefore, Aoi continued to go to university once or twice a week as before.


When working on reports, volunteer students would lend him a hand. Aoi would dictate the content, and they would type it into the computer, print it out, and submit it on his behalf. Naturally, Yuto couldn't assist in such tasks, so he could only stand by Aoi's side, suppressing his yawns as he watched.


The students who typed the reports while listening to Aoi's voice and occasionally exchanging opinions were captivated by Aoi's beautiful appearance, regardless of gender. Although they were all outstanding alphas from prestigious backgrounds, Yuto was always proud to have Aoi receive such respectful and awestruck gazes from these talented individuals.


"Haah, it's so hot..."


Yuto, who was weeding the rose garden, took off his gloves and wiped the sweat off his temples with a towel. Although it was early spring, today's sunlight was exceptionally strong, akin to the scorching heat of midsummer. The straw hat he had borrowed from the gardener was proving to be quite effective.


Feeling thirsty, Yuto stretched his back and let out a groan. In search of a break and a drink of water, he walked towards the nearby gazebo.


"Pulling weeds really makes my shoulders stiff. But it looks much cleaner now, so it's all worth it..."


He muttered to himself, surveying the garden. This was Aoi's favorite place. When Aoi would see this beautiful garden for the first with weeds growing at his feet, Yuto thought it would somewhat ruin the atmosphere, so he obtained permission from the gardener and started weeding.


Breathing in the suffocating scent of roses and the faint smell of summer carried by the breeze, Yuto couldn't help thinking about Aoi.


What kind of expression would Aoi have when he sees this garden? What would he say? Just imagining Aoi's expression, with his beautiful eyes sparkling while looking at these beautiful flowers, made Yuto's heart flutter.


And at the same time, he reminisced about the previous night.


The sweet time when Aoi gave him so much pleasure and led him to the pinnacle of ecstasy with his touch.


Aoi's kisses quickly melted away Yuto's rationality. As Aoi often mentioned, his saliva was incredibly sweet to Yuto, arousing such excitement that his whole body becomes numb.


Yuto had been thoroughly tormented by Aoi's fingertips sliding over his skin, but above all, it was Aoi's gaze that stirred him the most.


His formerly clouded eyes now embraced a resplendent azure akin to the night sky. With a hint of golden radiance, their hue captured the essence of a celestial tapestry adorned with shimmering stars, casting a spellbinding beauty that leaves one in awe.


With fiery passion dwelling in those eyes, Aoi gazes intently at Yuto, who was consumed by pleasure. Under that piercing gaze, Yuto's body grows intensely heated. And even in the pinnacle of ecstasy, Aoi never averted his eyes from Yuto.


Despite feeling embarrassed and indecent, Yuto felt joy when pierced by Aoi's gaze. Being whispered words of love while locking eyes with him evoked a profound sense of bliss.


Even though he had grown weary of being ridiculed as a "mere birthing tool" and had persistently denied being an omega... being held by Aoi ignited a fierce yearning within him, stirring his omega instincts. Every fiber of his being longed to quickly become Aoi's mate and bear his child.


Even though I've denied living as an omega for so long...


However, there were moments when Yuto, coming back to himself, suddenly became afraid of his own reactions.


As a man, he found himself wishing to bear the child of the man he loved, and his own instincts scared him.


Of course, he cherished Aoi and wanted to be of help to him. He longed to become his one and only irreplaceable mate. Yet, when he contemplated the future, his feet would falter with apprehension.


If, hypothetically, he could gain Ren's permission, Yuto would become the one who would bear the heir of the Kunishiro family.


He would have to give birth to a child who would carry the bloodline of the Kunishiro family, which had brought the greatest prosperity to this country and continuously bestowed abundance upon its people. There were moments when Yuto's anxiety would rise, questioning whether he was truly capable of such a thing.


When considering the influence wielded by the Kunihiro family in society, he couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency and unease. He had to remind himself not to simply bask in the happiness of being in mutual love with Aoi, but to actively address the responsibilities that came with it.


Exhausted from having his thoughts spin in circles, Yuto sighed as he sat on a bench in the arbor. After quenching his thirst with a sip from his water bottle, he took a moment to catch his breath.


"...sigh... Well, it's pointless to dwell on such things. Besides, the biggest challenge is whether Ren will grant us his permission."


"Oh... What permission are you talking about, Ren?"


Suddenly, Suno's voice reached Yuto's ears, causing him to drop his water bottle in astonishment. The stainless steel bottle rolled on the floor of the arbor, spilling water everywhere.


Suno had a somewhat muddy gaze as he stared intently at Yuto. The difference in Suno's demeanor was stark, making Yuto feel extremely unsettled.


"S-Suno-sama... W-why are you here?"


"... I went home yesterday, but... I really wanted to talk to Aoi-kun, so I came back here before sunset."


"...Huh? So, you've been here since last night?"


"Yeah. I mean, there's already a room prepared for me in this mansion anyway, right?"


She wore a simple white yukata, loosely draped on his shoulders, with a deep gray haori. His bare feet were adorned with zori sandals, as he approached, exuding a relaxed demeanor. However, his long hair, which possessed a subtle sheen, was slightly disheveled, and his skin had a pale complexion.


"Um... Are you feeling unwell or something?"


"Unwell... well, you could say that."


"In that case, wouldn't it be better for you to rest in your room?"


"I can't sleep. After all... after seeing something like that, it made me sick to my stomach, and I couldn't sleep anymore."


"W-What are you talking about..."


Suno glared at Yuto intensely. The sharp gaze filled with resentment sent shivers down Yuto's spine.


Suddenly, Suno pressed closer to Yuto and firmly grabbed his collar. Startled, Yuto instinctively moved backward on the bench, causing Suno to lean in even closer, ultimately pushing Yuto down.


With a surprising amount of force, Suno tightened his grip around Yuto's throat, causing Yuto to writhe in agony. Suno straddled Yuto, smiling faintly beneath his disheveled hair.


"What were you doing with Aoi-kun in your room yesterday? Holding hands and looking so intimate."




Could it be... Was he watching us yesterday...!?


Yuto panicked. Cold sweat trickled down as his face tensed up.


Whether Suno interpreted the change in Yuto's expression as confirmation or not, he exerted even more pressure with his fingers around Yuto's throat.


"And then? Did you close the curtains and continue to get cozy with each other? Is it common for a servant to provide nighttime services as well?"


"N-No...!! I-I wouldn't..."


"Aoi shouldn't be touched so casually by some unknown lowly beta... How indecent of you... Since when did you have that kind of relationship?"


"N-No...!! I...!"


"Using your position to get close to Aoi... I really can't forgive that. Do you even understand the feelings I've had for him all this time?!"


clench... The thin, firm fingertips dug into Yuto's throat. As his airway was constricted, Yuto desperately clawed at Suno's wrist. Yet, Suno continued to stare at Yuto without flinching, all while maintaining his grip on Yuto's throat and even displaying a smirk on his lips.


Th-This person... Does he intend to kill me...!?


Intuitively sensing the danger, Yuto couldn't afford to hesitate any longer. He firmly grasped Suno's wrist and pulled it toward himself. With Suno's balance disrupted, he stumbled and fell forward. Yuto managed to grab Suno's hand while they both tumbled off the bench, causing Yuto to fall on top of Suno.


"Ouch... What the hell are you doing?!"


Suno immediately tried to free himself from underneath Yuto, but Yuto couldn't let Suno gain the upper hand again. Yuto firmly pressed Souno's shoulders to the floor with a somewhat rough grip while straddling his abdomen.


However, Suno's movements were swift. Despite his seemingly graceful appearance, he swiftly thrust his hips upward. As a result, Yuto, who had been straddling Suno's abdomen, lost his balance and stumbled forward.


Suno promptly grabbed Yuto's collar and pulled him towards himself, simultaneously flipping their positions. He held Yuto down again.




"Heh... Did you think I'm just a mere powerless dancer?"


"Let go of me!!"


"Let go, huh?... Who do you think you're talking to?"


A white thigh was exposed from the disarrayed hem of Suno's kimono. With no concern for his disheveled attire, he casually brushed away the long hair that fell over his face with one hand.


"Hmm... Now that I look at you closely, you have quite a cute face, don't you?"


"Hey... What are you...!!"


Suno casually slipped his hand through the loosely opened collar of Yuto's shirt and gently caressed his neck and collarbone with his fingertips. Suno's fingers felt incredibly cold against Yuto's relatively heated body from working in the garden, sending a shiver down his spine.


"Oh... what's this? There are so many lewd bruises on your neck... I see, so you were indeed engaging in such activities."




Last night, Aoi lavished attention on Yuito's neck in a persistent manner. He was bitten and sucked on, forced to lie face down as Aoi licked him... Each action carried an unmistakable desire to be intimately connected with Yuito, evoking a profound sense of endearment within him. It was a night filled with tender moments that left Yuito feeling cherished and loved.


With every action that conveyed Aoi's feelings and every warm breath on his neck, Yuto's desire grew more and more intense. He even found himself wishing Aoi would completely possess him.


Suno just witnessed the aftermath of those caresses. Moreover, he pressed his lips firmly against the remaining bruises on Yuto's neck. Then he trailed his tongue along the marks left by Aoi.


The moist sensation of his tongue made Yuto's entire body tremble.


"Ahh... Wh-what are you... Mmm..."


"Oh... You make such lovely sounds. Hehe... I'm also a man, you know. Did that give you a little thrill?"


"St-Stop it!! Don't touch me!! Get away from me!!"


In the next moment, Suno's teeth sank into Yuto's shoulder. Overwhelmed by the pain, Yuto writhed and fiercely struggled to free himself from Suno's grasp. However, Suno tightened his grip around Yuto and showed no intention of releasing his piercing fangs. With a beastly intensity, he repeatedly bit into Yuto's shoulder, while his hips swayed provocatively over Yuto's groin.


"Ahh... It hurts... Stop it!! Stop...!!"


"You dare to speak so insolently. Entangling Aoi-kun with your filthy body... I won't forgive you..."


"Ah... Guh... Let go...!! Let go of me!!"


Despite attempting to raise his voice, his constricted throat caused him more and more pain and hindered his ability to breathe properly. The pain muddled his thoughts, and in a state of panic, Yuto struggled and flailed his legs in an attempt to escape from his assailant's grasp. However, being trapped under Suno in this position put him at a huge disadvantage.


"I don't want this... Master Aoi... Master Aoi...!"


In the midst of his agony, Yuto unintentionally uttered Aoi's name, causing Suno to abruptly stop his movements.


Suno slowly raised his head, his lips stained with Yuto's blood.




"That's enough. I'll truly violate you right here."




"Don't casually call out Aoi-kun's name!! He... is mine...!!"


Suno raised his left hand.


Anticipating a blow, Yuto tightly shut his eyes and clenched his teeth.


However, the impact never came.


Yuto cautiously opened his eyes.


There, against the backdrop of the dazzling sun, stood Aoi, firmly grasping Suno's wrist.


His beautiful azure eyes, which reflected the night sky, were now filled with burning anger.

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