Chapter 10 - Blindness

Translator's Note:

Hello, I hope you've all been doing well.

Here you go, and I wish you a good read.

And as I said before, if you wish to read ahead, you can head over to my Patreon to get early access to all the translated chapters.

Alluring Scent



 It took almost the entire day to undergo the examination, and by the time they returned to the mansion, it was already dark. The wind blowing on his skin felt cool and refreshing, and the light filtering through his eyelids was no longer sunlight but the radiant glow of light bulbs.


 Areas of his skin that would normally never be exposed were touched by numerous individuals. Although Aoi had not experienced any harassment-like incidents from Ayase after that, he was left utterly drained and weary from the numerous examinations unfolding within his confined sight.


Thanks to Yuto's guidance, Aoi finally returned to his room and let out a sigh of relief.




"You must be exhausted, Matser Aoi."


"Well, to some extent..."


"Was that doctor hitting on you?


"So it seems. Besides... you've always been on time to rescue me. Sigh... I'm so pathetic."


 If he was able to see, he wouldn't have to rely on Yuto. Aoi had been feeling unworthy about the events of this morning... He should have been able to protect himself. Lately, he had been feeling weary of constantly being targeted.


 Yuto, who was most likely unaware of Aoi's concerns, let out a crisp laugh. Then Aoi heard the sound of the curtains being drawn.


"What are you saying? It is my job to protect Master Aoi."


"Protect, huh..."


"I mean, I'm glad everything was alright. The surgery will take place the day after tomorrow, right? You'll be able to see again soon."


"But the thought of having my eyeballs gouged out by that perverted doctor gives me shivers."


"Well... that person was quite weird... But, in terms of appearance, they were quite attractive. He was rather tall... but maybe a little shorter than Master Aoi. His face was, how should I put it, elegantly refined and mature. Besides, he is just 27 years old."


"You seem to know a lot about him."


"I learned all that while chatting with the nurse in between tests. Apparently, he is the heir of a prominent family in that huge hospital. That's why he can practice his profession proudly in the open, even though he is an Omega. When he is in heat, he never performs surgeries, he would take time off and work from home instead."




"I heard that he was researching and prototyping better suppressants so that Omegas could become active in society without facing social stigma during their heat cycles. Apparently, he even volunteers as a test subject to try out the new medications."


"I see... So he is a decent person, except for his sexual tendencies."


"So it seems. The beta nurses are all infatuated with that doctor. They say he's kind, competent, and handsome."


"Oh, I see. So that kind of personality is considered popular out there."


 Aoi remained seated on the bed, enjoying the soothing sound of Yuto's voice. The change of surroundings had clearly sparked a wave of excitement in Yuto, as his voice resonated with newfound liveliness. Aoi seemed to be smiling without realizing it, catching Yuto off guard and prompting him to ask, "Oh, hum, what's wrong? Did I say something strange?"


"No... It's just that we haven't spoken much in the past few days. It's been a while since I could properly hear Yuto's voice."


"I-I guess so..."


"When I can't hear your voice, I feel incredibly lonely. It's like being alone in the darkness."


"Oh... I-I'm sorry. Y-You're right..."


"No, I should be the one apologizing. It's because I made advances toward you that the atmosphere became strange... I apologize."


"N-no!! That's not true!! It's because I couldn't control myself!"


 Yuto seemed to be waving its hands in front of him. Aoi smiled and let out a small laugh while keeping his gaze lowered. When he exchanged words with Yuto in this way, he still felt that this boy's presence was far more important than anything else in his life.


 Aoi patted the sheets and turned his attention to Yuto.


"Come closer. Sit here next to me."


"Uh... Ah, yes..."


"Don't be afraid, I won't do anything to you."


"Th-that's not it!! I'm not afraid of you!"


 Yuto said this in an unsettled tone, then approached Aoi and quietly sat down on the bed. Aoi felt the small mattress sinking beside him. The scent of Yuto gently enveloped Aoi.


"Hehe... I prefer when you're being lively like this, Yuto. Have you already gone to see that doctor, Seita's friend?"


"Ah, no yet. I plan to go while Master Aoi is having his surgery. It seems it will take quite some time, and I thought about waiting at the hospital, but I'm sure I'll just end up feeling restless about being unable to do anything..."


"Restless, huh? I guess."


"Master Aoi, aren't you scared?"


"There's nothing scary, though. Well, even if the surgery fails, my eyes were already blind, to begin with. The outcome wouldn't change."


"Master Ren will probably be angry, though..."


"I'm sure he will. Well, it's a good thing for him if I could regain my eyesight. I'm going to turn 20 in a month. I can't keep putting all the burden on him, after all."


"That's true..."


 When he heard Aoi talk about the future in this way, Yuto felt the atmosphere around him turn lonely, cold, and distant. Aoi turned his head toward Yuto and asked him something he had been concerned about for a long time.


"Did you think you'll be dismissed once I get my eyesight back?"


"Huh... I mean... That's why I'm here for. It's my job to be Master Aoi's eyes. That's what Master Ren hired me for."


"Well... that may be true. But I have no intention of dismissing you."




"We always seem to be short on staff here. Also, I hear Yuto is getting along well with the other servants... Besides, in the future, I believe I'll have my own secretary, won't I?"


"Well... Of course."


"Well, I hope Yuto will take on that role."


"Yes... Wait, what?! A secretary? Isn't that impossible for me!?"


 It was easy to see how surprised Yuto was. This kind of straightforward reaction was also something that the blind Aoi really appreciated. He didn't have to constantly try to read the other's thoughts and overthink things. In addition, Yuto's sincere nature felt incredibly endearing and brought a sense of relief to Aoi's heart.


"Up until now, Yuto had been managing my schedule and helping me interact with friends. If you aren't there for me when I'm able to see again, I wouldn't know who is who."


"B-but, Master Aoi can just recognize them by their voice..."


"You don't want to?"


"I wouldn't... mind."


"I see."


 Despite his surprise and hesitation, Yuto readily accepted Aoi's proposal. Aoi felt relieved and let out a small laughter.


"But... can I really become a secretary? I dropped out of high school, and I'm not that smart..."


"You can go back to school from now on. That way, you can study to acquire the skills you need to become a secretary, it isn't too late."


"Hmm... I guess so. But can someone like me really be a secretary?"


 Extending his hand towards Yuto, who was murmuring to himself in confusion, Aoi's hand came into contact with the smooth fabric of Yuto's slacks. Gently shifting his hand upward, his fingers immediately met Yuto's clenched fist. Aoi tightly enveloped that hand in his own.


 The feeling of their skin directly touching each other brought back vivid memories from that night. It seemed that Yuto also experienced the same, as the warmth in his skin gradually increased. Sensing Yuto's clenched fist starting to tremble ever so slightly, Aoi loosened his grip on Yuto's hand, easing the pressure.


"You are shaking... do you hate it so much to be touched by me?"


"Huh...?! Of course not!!"






"Then why are you trembling?"


"That... That is... My heart is pounding so much... I mean, I... What am I even saying...?"




"Ah, um, no... I mean... because I'm so nervous..."


 Aoi grasped Yuto's hand once again and bent down slightly so that they were now facing each other. As if in response, Yuto's body quivered involuntarily.


"I wonder what kind of expression you're making right now..."


"Huh!? What do you mean!?"


"Last time, you asked me a question back in the rose garden. You asked me what I wanted to see first after I regained my eyesight."


"Oh, um... yes..."


"I thought I wouldn't mind being blind for the rest of my life, but there was one thing I've always wanted to see."


"What is it?"


"Your face, Yuto..."




 Raising his hand, Aoi searched for Yuto's face. He suddenly was reminded of the time he had let his fingertips wander in search of Yuto's lips.


 His fingertips were met with a soft, warm cheek. It was a little hot just like that time, the feeling of the supple skin under his fingers was very comfortable to the touch. Aoi slowly ran his fingertips over Yuto's face, from his light hair and slightly furrowed eyebrows to the tip of his well-defined nose and elastic lips, savoring each and every detail.


"Your voice is incredibly expressive and amusing. I'm sure you must have an interesting face as well."


"W-What do you mean by 'interesting'? There's nothing particularly interesting about my face."


"I find myself wondering more and more what kind of expression you're making when you smile, or what kind of face you have when you're by my side, without even realizing it."


"M-Master Aoi..."


 Even during that time when we were consumed by desire, it was the same. I wanted to know what kind of face Yuto was making; what expression he wore as he uttered those sweet words.


 At that very moment, he had yearned for being able to see like never before. No matter how deeply their bodies entwined, he could not fathom the delicate nuances of Yuto's melting expression. The frustration grew overwhelming, and Aoi held Yuto in an even tighter embrace, as if trying to bridge the gap between their worlds.


"Even now, as I touch you like this, I can't quite imagine your face... I desperately long to see what kind of expression you're wearing."


"I-Is that so...?"


"After the surgery, the first thing I want to see is your face. Will you stay by my side?"


"O-of course! I'll be with you always..."


 Before he knew it, Aoi had cupped Yuto's cheeks in his hands. The warmth he felt through his palms was very gentle, and Yuto's soft smell was extremely alluring. Although he was not in heat at the moment, Yuto's scent was sweeter than usual and made Aoi's rationality waver.


 In a somewhat entranced voice, Yuto muttered in a small voice:


"Smells good..."




"Master Aoi, you smell so good..."


"I do?"


"When you're close like this... it's incredibly..."


 Yuto's hand reached out and touched Aoi's wrist. Aoi's heart also quickened, filled with anticipation.


 An Omega and an Alpha, who are destined to be mates, are drawn to each other's scent...


  Aoi suddenly remembered something he had been taught by his female tutor when he was young.


 If Yuto is also attracted to my scent, then doesn't it mean that Yuto is my pair...? I have never felt this way about another Omega before.




 When he touched his lips, Yuto slightly parted them. Aoi, enticed by the breath that brushed against their fingertips, slowly leaned in to seek Yuto's lips. However...


"Aoi-kun! Hey, hey, isn't it time for dinner? Let's eat together~!"


 The door was hastily knocked, and Suno's familiar voice echoed through the room.


 Caught off guard, Aoi froze in place, while Yuto jolted up with a moment's delay, and shouted:


"Ah, I... I'm sorry! Um, uh! Right, dinner!! You haven't eaten yet!"


"Aah... right."


"M-Mr. Suno is waiting! Let's, let's go right away!"


"I'll change and join you later. Wait for me outside with Suno."




 Yuto swiftly moved away from Aoi with an almost wind-like speed, exchanging a few words with Suno beyond the door before slamming it shut.


"Sigh... Damn it..."


 A mixture of frustration at having his interaction with Yuto interrupted and an indescribable sense of longing stirred within Aoi's heart.


 He lay down heavily on the bed, squeezing his cloudy eyes shut as he tightly clenched his fists.

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