Chapter 32 - Blindness

Translator's Note:

Hello, I hope you've all been doing well.

Here you go, and I wish you a good read.

And as I said before, if you wish to read ahead, you can head over to my Patreon to get early access to all the translated chapters.

From Yuto's Perspective



"You finally became my pair."


From the day Yuto became Aoi's pair, over a month had passed. On a certain afternoon, Yuto and Suno were at a café together.


The café was located near the general hospital where Dr. Ayase worked and was known for its delicious coffee. The two of them sat side by side on the open terrace, overlooking a sparsely crowded street with occasional passersby and vehicles. The early summer sunlight was dazzling, but thanks to the dark brown awning, they could feel the refreshing breeze blowing through.


Yuto out to the town while accompanying Aoi to his appointment. He contacted Suno, who was conveniently available, and arranged a meeting with him. Yuto wanted to personally inform Suno about their relationship with Aoi.


Suno, unexpectedly dressed in Western attire, casually appeared in front of Yuto at the café.


With his long hair loosely tied up high, a pair of large sunglasses on his small face, and a light jacket with distressed jeans, Yuto couldn't recognize him at first. When Suno greeted him with a mild Kyoto dialect, saying, "Obandosu*," Yuto finally realized it was him.


[T/N: "Obandosu" is a phrase in Kyoto dialect that roughly translates to "Good evening" or "Hello" in standard Japanese. It is a greeting used to say "Good evening" in a friendly and informal manner.}


Suno hooked the sunglasses on his shirt collar and revealed his true face to Yuto. In contrast to his previous fierce demeanor towards Yuto, he now wore a soft expression and said, "Congratulations." Yuto deeply bowed his head and replied, "Thank you."


"Even though you've become his pair, you're still wearing a collar. I guess you've given up hiding the fact that you're an Omega."


"Yes, I already properly informed everyone in the mansion. At first, they were surprised, but now they are very supportive, and I'm grateful."


"Well, that's good then."




Now that Yuto had a designated pair, even if he were bitten on the neck by another Alpha, nothing would change for him. The bonding of a pair was absolute. In the future, even if a sudden heat of estrus occurred, only Aoi, his pair, would be able to sense it. Yuto's pheromones would no longer attract other Alphas.


Omegas mainly wear collars for self-protection. However, for Yuto, it was the first gift he received from Aoi. Until now, he had concealed his Omega nature while living in society, but when wearing it, he could strongly feel that he belonged to Aoi. It gave him a sense of security.


Suno crossed his legs leisurely and took a sip of the fragrant coffee. Yuto followed suit and took a sip of coffee, but it was much stronger than what he usually drank at the mansion, so he made a slightly bitter face.


"Do you plan to announce this to the influential people in the social sphere?"


"No... not yet. Master Ren said we won't publicize it for now."


"Well, that would be wise. Although it may sound harsh, you come from an ordinary background and used to work as a servant. You might become an easy target for those high-and-mighty Alphas."


"Yes, that's true..."


"Well, don't worry too much. If you feel any unnecessary pressure, a healthy child won't be born. Master Ren must have already considered those aspects for you."


"...Yes, he mentioned that. You know him well."


"Well, I am an Omega from a prestigious family. I am well aware of those things."


Saying so, Suno smiled faintly.


Ren had told Yuto that he didn't intend to keep their relationship hidden from the public forever. It seemed that he planned to announce it when they would have a child together, and that child would reach a certain age.


In the next few years, Kunishiro Holdings would be busy. Along with the upcoming change in leadership, Ren intended to reevaluate the overall balance of the organization. These substantial reforms will bring about significant changes in the personnel, including the integration of several subsidiary companies. Naturally, this is likely to give rise to discontent and dissatisfaction among individuals affected by the unwanted job reassignments.


During such a critical time, Ren didn't want to reveal any more weaknesses. Yuto understood that. He had already accepted the fact that his existence could be a weakness for the Kunishiro family.


If it were the Yuto from a little while ago, he would have felt strong anxiety and guilt about that. But he had already made up his mind. Since the moment Aoi marked him, Yuto had been constantly thinking about what he should do to become a worthy member of the Kunishiro family.


And from the words Aoi had conveyed to Yuto's grandfather, Yuto gained a certain confidence.


A few days ago, Aoi had gone to visit his grandfather to pay his respects.


His grandfather was extremely worried about the class difference between Aoi, who came from a prestigious family, and him, fearing for his grandson's future.


However, Aoi had firmly declared:


"Yuto is an irreplaceable and important person to me. With him by my side, I can face any difficulties. I need him."


And he also added:


"Yuto has reconnected the bonds between us brothers. I think it's thanks to Yuto that peaceful days have returned to the Kunishiro family. And so, for the Kunishiro family as well, Yuto's presence has become indispensable."


Aoi's resolute tone as he looked straight at his grandfather made Yuto very happy. The moment he heard those words, Yuto felt a new-found strength that he had never possessed before emerge in his heart.


Aoi had been unusually nervous until he entered his grandfather's hospital room. However, Aoi's tone when he spoke to his grandfather was utterly unwavering and sincere, which made Yuto feel relieved and very grateful.


As he recalled that moment, a smile formed on his lips.


"Well, in any case, I'm glad. It's not like I'm jealous or anything. If Aoi-kun is happy, I'm happy too. Well, it's all fine."


"Ah, I-I'm sorry..."


"Omegas will always face criticism and judgment, no matter how they choose to live their lives. Well, you should learn from me and develop a thick skin*. You are Aoi Kunishiro's pair, and no matter what others say, you should believe in Aoi and move forward together with confidence."


[T/N: "Having thick skin" is an idiomatic expression that means being emotionally resilient or resistant to criticism, negative remarks, or insults. It implies the ability to remain unaffected by the opinions or judgments of others.]


"Yes, thank you very much!"


"I often have work here in this theater, and I'll make sure to invite you to come and have fun. I look forward to enjoying good drinks and food together. Please pass along my message to Master Ren as well."


"Yes, understood."


As Yuto replied with a smile, Suno let out a sigh and rested his chin on his hand. Playing with his coffee cup, he said:


"Well, well, you look happy. I wonder if there are any good Alphas still available."


"You're looking for someone?"


"Well, good single Alphas are unexpectedly scarce. Since Aoi-kun turned me down, I've been approached by various people asking me to become their pair, but I haven't found anyone who really caught my interest."


"Oh, I see."


"Even Mikado-kun, whom I met the other day, is a single Alpha from a good family, but it seems he already has someone he's set on."


"Ah, I see..."


As Yuto pondered about what happened later when Mikado had chased after Ren at the party, the pleasant chime of the doorbell rang through the store.


Turning around, he caught a familiar scent and saw Aoi entering the store with his secretary, Asakura. Asakura had become Aoi's first secretary because they worked well together.


"Master Aoi!"


"Ah, Yuto, you were outside. It's been a while, Suno."


"Indeed. Aoi-kun, you're looking handsome as always."


"Well, thank you."


Ignoring Suno's enraptured gaze, Aoi smiled pleasantly. He sat down next to Yuto and invited Asakura, saying, "Shall we have a drink?" Asakura, who took a seat next to Suno, glanced at him from time to time. Seeing that, Yuto became even more nervous than Asakura.


Beside Yuto, Aoi crossed his legs leisurely, opened the menu, and smiled as he observed the three of them.


"It smells good. But Yuto, can you really drink black coffee?"


"Huh!? Oh, y-yes... It's delicious."


"Liar. You've been making a bitter face since earlier."


"Well, I was wondering if it was allowed to ask for milk or something in a place with this kind of atmosphere..."


"Haha, you worry about such things?"


Aoi laughed lightly and, while ordering his and Asakura's coffee, he also requested some milk and sugar. In the meantime, Suno accepted Asakura's business card while laughing with a somewhat satisfied expression. Seeing that, Yuto became even more flustered and, in his distracted state, took a sip of his coffee without adding any sugar or milk to it, causing him to choke.


Looking up at Aoi's face as he gently patted his back, Aoi immediately noticed his gaze and returned a soft smile. Yuto couldn't help but feel delighted by that alone, causing a relaxed, bashful smile to appear on his face.


"What's wrong?"


"N-Nothing... It's nothing."


"What's with your face? It's all red."


"N-Nothing, I said... Please don't look at me like that."


"How am I looking at you?"


"W-Well, that's..."


"Uwaaah!! You guys, seriously, cut it out! It's suffocating! It's making me cringe so bad!!"


"Ah, s-sorry!!"


Suno's voice echoed through the open terrace. Yuto hurriedly apologized, and Aoi started placating Suno.


Under the bright blue summer sky, they spent a leisurely afternoon.


In that moment, Yuto felt a profound sense of joy from the depths of their heart.


"Blindness" - Complete


The author has something to say:


To all of you who have read until the end, thank you so much!


Writing a story with the Omegaverse setting for the first time has been an incredibly exciting experience for me.


As I progressed, I was constantly amazed by the complexity and depth of this setting, and I found myself grappling with how deep I should delve into it. It made me more careful than ever, almost as if I were publishing a serialized work.


I acknowledge that there were still many areas where I fell short, but I was overjoyed to have so many of you read it.


Thank you very much for your bookmarks, points, feedback, applause, and comments. Your support has been incredibly uplifting, and your warm comments have been a source of solace for me.


Moving forward, I plan to take a short break before uploading a side story about Aoi's brother, Ren. If you're willing, I would be thrilled if you could accompany me on that journey as well.


Thank you once again, and I sincerely hope for your continued support in the future!

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