Extra 3: Dream of Love (NSFW) - Pay Attention to Me

Translator's Note:

Hello, I hope you've all been doing well.

Here you go, and I wish you a good read.

And as I said before, if you wish to read ahead, you can head over to my Patreon to get early access to all the translated chapters.

Perhaps the summer vacation in college is the most leisurely and relaxed time in one's life, to the extent that it can even become boring.


Outside, the cicadas chirped incessantly, creating a buzzing sound in the ears, while the air conditioner inside blew cool air with a gentle hum. The combination of these two white noises made one feel at ease but also quite restless.


Having finished his popsicle, Yin Che held the wooden stick in his mouth and rubbed it against his teeth. He was absentmindedly watching a campus romance movie being streamed on the television.


Yin Che had returned home for the summer break. He had traveled with his parents and Yin Ze to another city for a half-month vacation, and they had just come back yesterday. Jiang Yao had said he would come to his house this morning, and when Qiao Wanyun heard about it, she persuaded a reluctant Yin Ze to go shopping with her, saying they won't be back before six o'clock.


It was indeed very thoughtful of her.


Yin Quantai had to work, so now Yin Che was alone at home, watching a movie and waiting for Jiang Yao to arrive.


The female protagonist in the movie kept hesitating and didn't confess her feelings to the male lead even after eighty minutes had passed. Yin Che, nestled in the soft couch with his legs curled up, feeling drowsy. He thought to himself, why did she have to drag out such a simple matter? Why not just straightforwardly express her feelings? But then he remembered how long he had hesitated in the past and silently retracted his earlier thoughts.


One hundred minutes into the movie, the female protagonist finally confessed her feelings to the male lead, and they embraced each other tightly, pouring out their heartfelt emotions and sharing their deepest thoughts.


Emotionally moved, the female lead said, "I regret not telling you earlier."


The wooden stick fell from Yin Che's mouth with a click and landed on the floor. He tiredly lifted his heavy eyelids, lazily reclined on the couch, and half-awake, felt his phone vibrating beneath him. He groped for it and answered the call.


A familiar voice came from the other end, "CheChe, my dad asked me to deliver something. Wait for me for another hour, okay?"


Yin Che, still groggy, replied, "Hmm... then I'll take a nap for a while. Wake me up when you arrive..."


"Alright, you go ahead and sleep."


After hanging up the phone, he casually turned off the boring movie, laid down on the sofa, and adjusted his position. Closing his eyes, the chorus of cicadas and the whispering wind succumbed to the weight of his drowsiness. With no more noise in his ears, he quickly sank into a deep slumber.


Perhaps influenced by the school romance movie he had just watched, in his dream, he returned to high school. Scenes played rapidly in his mind, from the sports event to the carnival to New Year's Eve, as if he were experiencing a long and arduous secret crush all over again. The line spoken by the female lead in the movie, "I regret not telling you earlier," suddenly surfaced.


He didn't regret it. He couldn't have done otherwise back then.


Yet, the absence of regret didn't shield him from the sorrow he felt.


Watching Jiang Yao pursue someone else and personally reject him was heartbreaking in both cases.


The emotions in the dream were amplified several times, a rare loss of control that he rarely experienced when awake. So when he was awakened by the doorbell ringing, he still couldn't shake off the lingering sourness in his nose.


Yin Che rubbed his eyes, sat up from the sofa, took a deep breath, and shook his head to clear his mind and shrug off the emotions from that dream. He put on his slippers and went to open the door.


It was probably Jiang Yao who had arrived; otherwise, the concierge wouldn't have let someone directly come in here.


He opened the door and was momentarily blinded by the summer sunlight outside. He squinted his eyes and slowly opened them after a few seconds, recognizing the person in front of him. He couldn't help but be stunned, "What's with this look?"


Jiang Yao was wearing a casual black t-shirt and overalls, without any extra accessories. He looked much simpler than usual, reminiscent of how he used to dress when inviting him to play basketball back in high school.


That part seemed normal, but the long bangs that hung over his eyebrows and the nerdy black-framed glasses made him feel like he had traveled back to his sophomore year.


"What do you mean, 'What's with this look?'" Jiang Yao asked in return.


Yin Che was speechless. "Come in first, don't stand outside and draw attention."


Jiang Yao walked in, puzzled. Suddenly, he said, "Your foot injury is healed?"


Yin Che closed the door. "I don't have any foot injury."


Jiang Yao stared at the palm of Yin Che's hand as he held the doorknob. "Huh? Your hand also recovered so quickly? Didn't you scrape it yesterday?"


Yin Che was confused. "When did I get injured? What are you talking about?"


"Yesterday, at the sports meet. Do you perhaps suffer from memory loss? Didn't I even carry you to the infirmary?" Jiang Yao suddenly sensed something strange and looked at him suspiciously. "Hey... you seem to have grown a bit taller?"


While still pondering over Jiang Yao's earlier nonsensical words and wondering if he was joking, Yin Che also noticed their height difference.


Jiang Yao should currently be half a head taller than him, but the person in front of him was only four or five centimeters taller. Moreover, the facial features weren't particularly sharp; they had a youthful touch.


No matter how he dressed, these characteristics couldn't easily change.


In that case, there was only one answer that could explain all this.


He was still dreaming, and the person in front of him was indeed the Jiang Yao from his sophomore year.


Yin Che didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It was quite common for him to realize he was dreaming when in his dreams. However, the dream pinpointed the exact moment after their sophomore year sports meet. It was hard to say whether it was a coincidence or if a higher power had heard his inner thoughts and granted him an opportunity to make up for his regrets.


Naturally, he couldn't let it slip away.


Jiang Yao waved his hand in front of Yin Che's face, snapping him out of his daze. "Why are you daydreaming? I asked you something. Did you hit your head when you fell yesterday? Why do you seem off today?"


Yin Che grabbed his hand.


Jiang Yao was startled and immediately pulled it back. "What are you doing?"


Yin Che remembered that back then, he didn't have much physical contact with Jiang Yao. Even when Jiang Yao carried him to the infirmary, he didn't make direct contact with his skin.


Did Jiang Yao have any feelings for him back then? He really wanted to find out.


"Nothing, I just woke up. I was half asleep." He ran his hand through his hair, pretending to be sleepy. "Why did you come? Who told you my address?"


"I came to visit you. I got the address from Lao Wu. My desk mate got injured, so I thought I should pay my respects," Jiang Yao observed his hand, "Strange, you've recovered too fast... I was even thinking that you might have trouble with your homework and would need some help."


Yin Che laughed. "With your lousy handwriting, even if I wrote with my feet, it would still look better than yours."


Jiang Yao also laughed. "Why are you talking like that, you little brat."


Yin Che hadn't seen this side of Jiang Yao in a while. The current Jiang Yao's smile was incredibly captivating, always managing to divert his attention to that handsome face. On the other hand, the previous Jiang Yao's limited appearance gave him a pure sense of warmth.


He gazed at the person in front of him and softly said, "Thank you for coming to see me."


Jiang Yao teased, "You're being so polite, I guess you're still half-asleep."


Yin Che didn't respond to his comment. "Jiang Yao, there's something I want to tell you."


"What is it?"


"Yesterday, in the infirmary, when you held that girl, it made me feel upset." He paused for a moment. "No, actually, it made me very upset."


Jiang Yao was puzzled. "Which girl? Oh... I remember now. It wasn't a hug; I was just helping her. But she's really beautiful, and I was planning to find out her name on Monday. What's there to be upset about? Do you also want me to hug you?"


He was clearly joking, but Yin Che nodded. "Yeah."


Jiang Yao was stunned, looking at him with a bewildered expression. After a moment, he only uttered a single syllable, "...Huh?"


Yin Che asked, "Don't you want to?"


"It's not a matter of wanting or not... Why do you want me to hug you?"


"Can't you understand such a simple thing, fool?" Yin Che pursed his lips and straightforwardly said, "Because I like you."


Confessing in a dream was much easier than in reality, especially when he already knew the outcome.


Jiang Yao's reaction was particularly interesting. It was as if he had been struck by lightning, freezing in place. Then his gaze suddenly became vigilant. "Little brat, are you playing with me? Trying to see me make a fool of myself? It's not funny at all. Don't use such words to tease people."


He sounded a bit angry.


"I'm not playing with you. I really like you," then he asked seriously, "Jiang Yao, do you like me?"


Jiang Yao sneered. "Give it a rest. Do you think I would believe that? If you have the guts, come here and kiss me, let me see how much you 'like' me."


Yin Che blinked, "You want me to kiss you?"


Jiang Yao smirked and said confidently, "I knew you couldn't do it..."


Yin Che took a step forward, approached him, stood on tiptoes slightly, and kissed his cheek. "Like this?"


Jiang Yao, at this age, was not even comfortable letting others touch his clothes, let alone kissing. Startled, he quickly stepped back, pressing against the door, staring at Yin Che in disbelief, as if the next second he would rush out, shouting for an ambulance to take him to the hospital to check if there was something wrong with his brain.


He was so innocently adorable.


The more he was like this, the more it made people want to tease him.


Yin Che walked over and asked, "Do you believe me now?"


"I... I believe you..." Jiang Yao stammered, startled. "I... I just didn't expect... It's too sudden, I'm sorry..."


"Sorry for what?"


"I had doubts about you just now and said some unpleasant things... Now I know, don't force yourself, I truly believe you."


Yin Che chuckled softly. "Do you think I would force myself to kiss you just to make you believe me?"


"Isn't it? Otherwise, how could you do this?"


Indeed, during their sophomore year, even holding hands was difficult for him. Even after they started going out, they exercised restraint for a long time. But times had changed, and now he could easily play around with the young alpha in front of him.


"I'm not forcing myself; I kissed you because I wanted to." Yin Che raised his hand and wrapped it around his neck, pressing himself against his stiff body. "If you say you like me, I can do whatever you want."


Jiang Yao's face suddenly turned red. "What are you saying? It's a serious matter. Give me some time to think before I give you my answer."


Yin Che shook his head. "There's no time; who knows when I'll wake up."


Jiang Yao didn't understand. "What do you mea..."


Yin Che didn't give him a chance to blabber and tightened his arms, sealing his mouth perfectly.


Jiang Yao gasped, instantly holding his breath.


Yin Che kissed him briefly, then pulled back slightly, taking off Jiang Yao's glasses that were in the way and casually threw them on the ground.


"I really like you, Yao Ge."


Then he covered his lips again, slipping his tongue into the slightly parted teeth of the astonished Jiang Yao.


His kissing skills were nothing special, and most of the time, Jiang Yao took the lead, passively enduring the kisses, often leaving him breathless.


But in front of the teenage Jiang Yao, who had never been kissed before, his skills were more than sufficient.


Jiang Yao seemed like he wanted to push him away, his hand gripping Yin Che's waist, but as soon as Yin Che brushed his tongue, Jiang Yao's hand clenched into a fist, tightly grabbing his clothes.


Yin Che didn't deepen the kiss, lightly grazing his cheek, and delicately sucking on his tongue.


Jiang Yao's response was endearingly inexperienced. He held his breath until his neck turned red, not daring to move, his heartbeat pounding so violently that he could even hear the thumping sound.


Afraid that he might suffocate, Yin Che parted their lips, and Jiang Yao immediately turned his head to the side, taking deep breaths, as if he were a drowning person finally being rescued.


Yin Che kissed his neck, where the veins were prominent, and asked, "Do you hate it when I kiss you?"


"...I don't hate it," Jiang Yao's voice was hoarse.


"Then do you like it?" Yin Che continued kissing along his neck, reaching his ear. "Do you like it when I kiss you, Yao Ge?"


"I don't know..." Jiang Yao's breathing hadn't calmed down, his chest rising and falling frantically. He didn't dare to look at him. "I don't know what's happening to you all of a sudden... I don't know what's happening to me either. My heart is racing so fast, I feel like I'm about to die."


Yin Che cupped his face with both hands. "Then do you want to kiss again?"


Jiang Yao fell silent, gazing at him with a dazed expression. He swallowed before whispering, "...Yes."


Yin Che smiled, tilted his face up, and closed his eyes.


Jiang Yao hesitated for a long time, so long that he was about to open his mouth to complain, when suddenly he felt a warmth on his lips.


And then, things spiraled out of control.


Jiang Yao initially approached cautiously, tentatively grabbing his waist. Seeing no resistance, he boldly embraced him, lowering his head to kiss him forcefully.


His kissing skills were really terrible, almost like random licking and biting, incomparable to the present Jiang Yao.


However, what he lacked in skill, he made up for with pure passion, which was equally moving.


Yin Che opened his mouth to let him in, and his five fingers slipped into his black hair, gently stroking from the back of his head to the nape of his neck, then deeper into his T-shirt collar, slowing inching downward, meticulously measuring the developing muscles on his alpha's back.


——Jiang Yao suddenly grabbed his hand.


Immediately, he turned around and pressed him against the door, asking angrily, "What do you think you're doing?"


Yin Che was taken aback. "What's wrong?"


Jiang Yao seemed unsure of what to say, hesitating between words. Eventually, he released Yinchao's hand and took a few steps back, creating a noticeable distance between them. "I think you've gone too far, Yin Che. I admit, I kind of like you and want to kiss you, but you can't just give yourself to an alpha you've only known for a few months. It's dangerous, you know?"


Jiang Yao's tone was serious, which seemed a bit silly given the current situation.


But Yin Che suddenly felt a pang in his nose and nodded gently. "Hmm... I wasn't being careless. I've already made up my mind about you."


The teenage Jiang Yao didn't know how much they would go through in the future, how firm Yin Che's determination was. He shook his head and said, "Maybe it's because I've been kind to you, so you started liking me, right? Actually, you don't know me well, and I don't know you well either. We can try dating first, without rushing anything. Perhaps during the process, you'll find that I'm not as good as you think? Maybe there will be someone better pursuing you?"


"There isn't anyone better than you. You're the best in my heart."


Jiang Yao wasn't used to him suddenly being so honest. He scratched his hair, his ears turning red. "Since you like me so much, I'll also be honest with you. Actually, I thought you were cute at first sight and wanted to pursue you. But then I found out you're a beta, and... ah, I didn't mean to say that I mind you being a beta. Actually, I don't think it matters now. But we should take it slow and start off like any normal couple. We shouldn't jump into kissing and cuddling right away. What if I turn out to be a scumbag?"


Yin Che retorted, "Are you a scumbag?"


Jiang Yao immediately said, "Of course not, I'm just giving an example."


"Then it's okay. I believe in you." Yin Che approached him. "You can do whatever you want to me, I'm very much willing."


Jiang Yao helplessly said, "Yin Che, you can't say these things to an alpha..."


Before he could finish his sentence, the door suddenly opened again, and a tall guy walked in, marking a sudden halt right in front of them.


The three of them looked at each other in shock.


Jiang Yao was the most stunned, staring wide-eyed at the person in front of him, unable to speak for a while.


Because the person opposite him had the same face as him, only slightly taller and more mature in appearance, clearly looking much more handsome.


Yin Che didn't know how he ended up having such an absurd dream. Perhaps it was because he had been thinking about Jiang Yao coming before falling asleep, and as a result, the Jiang Yao he had been waiting for appeared in his dream.


Now, to his left was the real Jiang Yao, and to his right was the younger version of Jiang Yao. The scene was chaotic and caught him off guard. He was thinking whether he should pinch himself to force himself awake when Jiang Yao spoke first.


"Are you dreaming?"


Indeed, the grown-up Jiang Yao could tell at a glance.


Yin Che nodded and introduced him to the younger version of himself, "This is..."


"I'm his alpha and also your future self," Jiang Yao looked at the younger Jiang Yao, then furrowed his brows. "Did I really look this dorky before?"


The younger Jiang Yao was still in shock so he couldn't refute.


Jiang Yao glanced at his lips and asked, "Did he kiss you? He's so bold."


Yin Che replied, "I kissed him."


Jiang Yao immediately became unhappy, "Why? I had to put in so much effort to kiss you back then, but you just went and kissed him so casually? That's unfair."


Yin Che was speechless, "Are you jealous?"


"Of course, I get jealous easily." Jiang Yao grabbed his arm and walked upstairs, saying, "Don't play with this brat. He's boring and doesn't understand anything."


Before Yin Che could say anything, the younger Jiang Yao quickly regained his senses and chased after them, "Where are you taking him? Let go of him!"


Jiang Yao paid no attention to the interruption, striding up the stairs and walking into the bedroom. He tried to close the door but was stopped by Xiao Jiang, who forcibly squeezed in.


"Don't think just because you're me, I won't dare to hit you."


Jiang Yao raised an eyebrow. "You think you can beat me?"


This was such a bizarre conversation that Yin Che couldn't help but laugh. "Stop arguing and give him a break, will you?"


Jiang Yao exerted force, pulling Yin Che into his embrace and capturing his chin. "Why should I let him off? Is his kissing technique better than mine? Do you prefer him?"


"No, I... uh..."


The alpha's competitive spirit burst forth, manifesting as a forceful kiss.


In contrast to the tender caress of their previous kiss, this time it was an onslaught of passion, an intoxicating dance that ignited every nerve within him. He surrendered all control, as their lips parted with an irresistible force, leaving him breathless, his voice stifled in a hushed moan.


Jiang Yao mischievously released a hint of pheromones into his mouth, causing his body to weaken instantly, so he couldn't stand properly, slipping down. Jiang Yao steadied him and saw that his loose cotton trousers were pulled up. The crotch of his trousers was tightly stuck between his legs, accentuating its enticing contours.


Yin Che could feel the other's gaze fixed on his lower body, feeling extremely embarrassed. Although it was just another Jiang Yao, there was a sense of embarrassment as if being watched by a stranger.


Yao restrained his flailing hands and pressed them against his back, exerting a measured force as he administered a sharp slap on his buttocks. "I can make you aroused with just a kiss. What about him?" he taunted.


Yin Che angrily bit his lip. "Shameless."


Xiao Jiang rushed over to pull Jiang Yao's hand. "How dare you hit him?!"


Jiang Yao sidestepped and pushed the person in his arms onto the bed, standing by the bedside. He raised his arm and took off his shirt, revealing a strong muscular physique, taunting, "I'm going to have him. Do you dare?"


Xiao Jiang's blood boiled, and he blurted out, "Why wouldn't I dare? But I'll wait for his consent. I won't force myself on him like you."


Jiang Yao sneered. "Do I seem like I'm forcing myself on him? Do you know that we've already—"


"I consent." Yin Che propped himself up and looked over. "Come here." Then he pushed Jiang Yao lightly and whispered, "I... I want to try with the younger you."


Jiang Yao was taken aback. "Aren't you being too biased?"


Yin Che just found the younger Jiang Yao too innocent and interesting. Unable to resist his curiosity, he wanted to see how he would react. Besides, it was just a dream, so it didn't matter if things got messy.


Xiao Jiang stood frozen in place, overwhelmed by the whirlwind of emotions sweeping over him today, surpassing anything he had experienced in his eighteen years of life.


He took a deep breath, forcing himself to stay calm and organize his thoughts. "So, I'm currently dreaming, and you're the future Yin Che, and he's the future me, right?"


Yin Che nodded. "Yes."


"And we didn't break up after graduation, we've always been together?"


"Yes, and we won't separate in the future. We'll be together forever," Jiang Yao replied. After saying that, he pressed Yin Che onto the bed, unfastening his belt.


Yin Che tried to block him and chided, "I didn't call for you."


"I know," Jiang Yao pecked his lips. "Back then, I didn't know anything, so I'll prepare you first to avoid hurting you."


Jiang Yao pulled down his pants along with his underwear, and Yin Che noticed that Xiao Jiang beside him was staring intently at his exposed legs. He felt a little embarrassed, but Jiang Yao was shameless. He spoke to his younger self, "No matter how desperate you are in the future, always prioritize his feelings. Don't hurt him, understand?"


Xiao Jiang retorted, "Of course I know. Do you even need to say it?"


Jiang Yao replied, "Do you know how to loosen him up?"


Xiao Jiang hesitated then replied, "...I don't know."


"Learn it now then." Jiang Yao's finger traced his entrance for a moment before pushing in. Yin Che frowned, and Jiang Yao kissed his eyebrows gently, releasing pheromones to help him relax. "At first, he may not be used to it, so you need to be patient and take it slowly. Gradually release your pheromones as well. Once he can accommodate three fingers, you can proceed, but don't rush it. He's tight there, so..."


Yin Che couldn't bear it anymore and covered his mouth, feeling embarrassed and overwhelmed. "Stop talking."


"Why are you ashamed? We're already both old men, and there are no outsiders here." Jiang Yao removed Yin Che's hand and continued, "Things will be more convenient once you've marked each other. If he wants it, just release some pheromones, and he will relax. It will be easy to enter, and it won't hurt. You can play however you want, but be careful not to play for too long. One time, we got drunk and stayed up all night. The next day, he was swollen all over, and he didn't let me touch him for a whole week. Sigh..."


Xiao Jiang blushed deeply as he listened.


Yin Che couldn't help but feel both embarrassed and angry.


Only Jiang Yao remained calm and composed. He removed his finger and said, "Alright, I've helped you with the foreplay. so you can go straight ahead... Damn it, you're fantasizing about all sorts of random things, tormenting me in the process."


Yin Che burst out laughing.


"Don't get too thrilled," Jiang Yao murmured, lowering his head to bite Yin Che's ear. "Playing favorites, huh? If he has his way with you once, I'll have you three times. If you dare let him have you a second time, I'll kick him out immediately and make you cry and moan while I'm at it, leaving him to suffer outside."


Yin Che leaned over and kissed him. "Don't you care anymore about me?"


"Why would I care? After all, it's just a dream. I can play with you all I want."


In this dream, Jiang Yao's inherently provocative nature seemed to be quite amplified. Normally, he would only say such things when he lost control of his rationality. But now, even while being fully conscious, he began to speak in that manner.


The bedroom's air conditioner was not turned on, and as Yun Che caught a whiff of the potent alpha pheromones, he felt a surge of heat. The scorching summer temperature enveloped them like a steamy sauna, causing perspiration to bead on their bodies.


Jiang Yao spread his legs apart and said to Xiao Jiang beside them, "If you don't take your turn now, I will. Once I've had my way with him, he might not want you anymore."


Yin Che also turned his head over and said, "Yao Ge..."


Jiang Yao pinched him and said, "Don't call him that."


Yin Che whimpered as if in pain as an alluring red mark was left on his waist.


Xiao Jiang stepped forward and pushed Jiang Yao away. "You've been bullying him all this time, and now you have the audacity to teach me how I sould treat him."


Jiang Yao leaned against the headboard, propping his leg up, and there was a prominent bulge between his legs. He had an impatient look on his face as he said, "Be content with what you have. If it wasn't for his request, would I let you touch him? You're just a reckless brat. If he frowns because of you, I'll beat you up."


The fierce and restless alpha pheromones clashed in the air, refusing to yield to each other. It was enough to make any omega go into heat. Yin Che couldn't resist it, and his leg trembled slightly. He said, "Yao Ge, I'm having a hard time..."


Xiao Jiang immediately leaned down to check his condition, placing a hand on his forehead for a moment. Nervously, he asked, "Why is your temperature so high? Are you in heat?"


Although he wasn't, there wasn't much difference from being in a state of heat. Yin Che didn't directly answer, but he held Xiao Jiang's hand and spread his legs, saying, "I want you here."


Jiang Yao at the head of the bed muttered a curse under his breath and unzipped his pants, slipping his hand inside.


Xiao Jiang was facing this temptation for the first time, feeling completely at a loss.


However, he did feel desire for the person in front of him.


The summer sunlight outside the window poured unreservedly onto the bed, bathing Yin Che's fair skin, making it almost translucent. Even his hair tips shimmered with a layer of light, just as pure and beautiful as the Yin Che Jiang Yao knew in real life. However, there were some differences in his demeanor compared to the Yin Che he knew. There was less distance and less aloofness that kept others at arm's length. He didn't always have a cold expression. Since he entered the room, he had smiled many times.


Is this change because of him? Jiang Yao wondered.


If it was, then he must have given Yin Che a lot of love in the days to come.


He must have loved this person very much.


Under the gaze of both Jiang Yaos, Yin Che's courage gradually diminished, replaced by a rapid surge of shame. Even if it was only a dream, he felt that he had gone too far and wanted to take it back.


But at that moment, the Jiang Yao in front of him reached for his leg.


"Although it's a bit sudden, but... I'll take responsibility for you," he promised, his desire evident.


Promises entwined with desire are often insincere, but his alpha never made empty promises.


"Mmm, I believe you."


Although the young Jiang Yao was inexperienced, his physique was still taller and more robust than Yin Che's. When he pressed down and entered him, Yin Che could hardly catch his breath. It felt almost the same as when he entered him in their daily life — just as full and just as hard.


The difference was that the Jiang Yao on top of him right now was trying hard to suppress his desires, constantly asking if he was in pain, reminiscent of their first time together.


The feeling of revisiting the past was unbelievably wonderful. The former feelings of excitement and moving emotions traversed time and space, amplified in the dream, and the affection for this person felt even stronger than before.


Yin Che couldn't help but emit pheromones, a sign for seeking intimacy. Jiang Yao buried his head in his neck, deeply inhaling his scent. He also sensed something different and asked, "Why are your pheromones so strong? It's like that of an omega."


"I... I am an omega..." Yin Che didn't want to explain too much. He clung to the person in front of him, trailing his fingers over the back muscles that he had not touched enough, his gaze absentmindedly fixed on the swaying ceiling. "Yao Ge... Enter my reproductive cavity."


The other Jiang Yao at the head of the bed immediately stopped his movements. "No, do you dare let him enter?"


Just as he finished speaking, the Jiang Yao on top of Yin Che changed his position, thrusting into the most vulnerable place of an omega.


"Ah!" No matter how many times he had been entered before, that place was still very sensitive. Yin Che caught a glimpse of the other person's face turning dark, but he didn't have time to think about it. He held onto the alpha above him, who was entering that place for the first time, and guided him, saying, "Slow down... Mmm... Go in slowly..."


Jiang Yao obediently followed his instructions, pushing slowly inside from above. Sweat covered his entire forehead, and his bangs were soaked. He gritted his teeth and said, "Damn, why is it so hot inside..."


Yin Che brushed his bangs back behind his ears, revealing his handsome face. Even though Jiang Yao had seen it countless times, he still felt his heart skip a beat. Unable to resist, he raised his hips, allowing Yin Che to go even deeper.


The object inside finally reached its deepest point, and sweat dripped from Jiang Yao's chin, falling with a "pat" onto the skin of the person beneath him, who was also covered in a thin layer of sweat, glistening in the sunlight.


It was as if a sudden realization had dawned on him, yet he couldn't control his desire any longer. Jiang Yao instinctively held onto the omega's legs and began thrusting.


There was no technique involved, and it was even somewhat reckless, but Yin Che's heart was filled as if immersed in warm water. With each movement, he couldn't help but let out a low moan.


"Does it feel good?" Jiang Yao asked him.


"It feels... good..." Yin Che rarely opened up to this extent, embracing Jiang Yao, whom he had missed so much, and kissing him repeatedly while pouring out his heartfelt feelings. "I like you... Mmm... I like you, Yao Ge, I really like you..."


Due to his lack of experience, the young Jiang Yao surrendered quickly under the overwhelming presence and provocative words of Yin Che. Pulling out at the last moment, he avoided releasing inside, but unfortunately dirtied his partner's shirt.


"It's a good thing I held back..." Jiang Yao breathed heavily. "If I had released inside you while you were in heat, would you have gotten pregnant?"


Yin Che didn't tell him the truth and went along with his misconception, nodding obediently. "Yes, you're so good to me, Yao Ge."


Jiang Yao's gaze softened, and he was completely captivated. "Damn it, how can you be so lovable? I suddenly realized that I really like you. Be my omega from now on, little brat. I promise I'll always be good to you."


Yin Che smiled and said, "I've always been your omega."


"You weren't his omega back then," the silent Jiang Yao suddenly stepped forward and pully Xiao Jiang away by the collar. "Do you still remember that you are my omega? Huh? You let him have you, and I endured it. Now you let him enter your reproductive cavity? Do you really treat me like air?"


Jiang Yao was truly angry, it was evident from his expression.


Yin Che hadn't seen Jiang Yao get angry in who knows how long, and he instinctively shrunk back.


Jiang Yao grabbed his ankle and pulled him back, taking advantage of his softened legs, and lifting them onto his shoulders in one breath. He immediately thrust in forcefully, penetrating the reproductive cavity that had not yet reached climax, tightly gripping the invading object, hoping to absorb more alpha pheromones. But the sudden collision made the rough and hard member rub against its inner walls, causing the entire reproductive cavity to tremble violently.


Yin Che couldn't hold back and let out a loud cry, tears welling up in his eyes.


Xiao Jiang, who had been pushed aside, immediately stood up and tried to push Jiang Yao away but failed. He watched helplessly as his beloved, whom he had just treated so carefully, was forcefully taken by someone else. Anger welled up within him, and he clenched his fists, ready to strike.


Yin Che hurriedly grabbed his hand. "Don't... hurt yourself, are you stupid..."


"I'm not as excessive as he is!"


"Excessive? Clearly, it's your incompetence that you couldn't even bring him to climax. Let me show you who deserves to be his alpha."


What is this... Yin Che almost laughed out loud, but in the next second, the intense sensation of being penetrated by his alpha inside his reproductive cavity felt so real and intense. It felt like a powerful wave crashing over him, instantly throwing him into a state of confusion. He became dizzy, unable to resist as he sank deeper into the whirlpool of desire, unable to escape its grasp.


The Jiang Yao who was on top of him at this moment, had already accompanied him through countless nights of passion. He knew his body inside out, knowing how to make him most comfortable and also how to make him most uncomfortable. He relentlessly thrust dozens of times into several sensitive spots but never gave him that final wave of stimulation, forcing Yin Che to sob and beg, "Jiang Yao... Jiang Yao..."


"Call me Yao Ge, my Yao, huh?" Jiang Yao spanked his buttocks, his member pushing against his belly from the inside. "Who's fucking you? Make it clear."


"Ge... Ge..."


"Who am I fucking?"




"Say it together."


Yin Che covered his face, afraid to look at the expression of the person beside him. "Ge... is fucking me..."


Finally satisfied, Jiang Yao heavily kissed the back of his hand, pressed down on the root of his thigh, and vigorously thrust his hips, fucking him as he wished.


The intense pleasure continuously stimulated his brain until he lost control of his tear ducts, and Yin Che cried out as he climaxed.


Before he finished ejaculating, Jiang Yao stripped off the last piece of clothing on him, pulled his naked body up, and pressed him down on Xiao Jiang. He grabbed his buttocks and continued fucking him from behind. "Why are you hiding your face from him? Let him see clearly how well I can fuck you."


While crying and experiencing an orgasm at the same time, Yin Che's tears and semen fell onto the person beneath him. His vision was blurry, feeling both ashamed and guilty. He leaned down and kissed Xiao Jiang's lips, whimpering and gasping into his mouth. "Don't look at me... ah!"


Xiao Jiang embraced him with tenderness and affection, kissing away his tears. "You're really adorable, Yin Che..."


Yin Che pressed his chest against him, their lips and tongues entwined, constantly rubbing against each other under Jiang Yao's thrusts. Their hot sweat mixed, and they swallowed each other's saliva. Soon, both of them were breathing heavily, their hard members pressing against each other's lower abdomen.


"I'll help you." Xiao Jiang's hand reached down. "I may not have his experience right now, but I'm sure I can treat you better."


"Am I not treating him well? I'm serving him so diligently," Jiang Yao said.


Xiao Jiang replied, "You're being so rough, and yet you claim to treat him well?"


"That's because you're still a kid who knows nothing." Jiang Yao kissed his omega's smooth back. "He's feeling so good right now, biting my shaft and not letting go. If you don't believe me, ask him yourself, isn't that right, CheChe?"


Xiao Jiang didn't believe it and asked, "Is that true, Yin Che?"


Yin Che was at a loss for how to answer, but the consequences of lying would probably be severe. He could only nod slightly.


Xiao Jiang's voice clearly sounded disappointed. "It seems he really is better than me..."


Suddenly, he felt a strong sense of guilt and held Xiao Jiang's face, kissing him over and over. "You're also great. I... I also like being with you, I really do."


To prove his words, he lowered himself and took the initiative to take in the thick and hard member of the young alpha.


Xiao Jiang was startled and tried to move backward, but he was held down and sucked in deeper as the tip penetrated Yin Che's throat. He felt so uncomfortable that he wanted to spit out, but he tried his best to hold back, his head moved up and down. After getting a little used to it, he continued to swallow it further.


Xiao Jiang couldn't bear such stimulation at all and soon muffled a moan as he came into his mouth.


Yin Che swallowed it all and still lay between his legs, sticking out his tongue to lick the remaining semen on Xiao Jiang's genitals. He looked up and asked, "Did you like it?"


Xiao Jiang's face turned red and was about to explode. "I fucking loved it... I feel like this can't be a dream. I wouldn't even dare to dream of something like this. Is this heaven...?"


Jiang Yao behind them watched with envy. "Fuck, he never deepthroats me like that. Why do you favor him like this? What's so special about him?"


...This situation was too difficult to handle.


Yin Che struggled to turn his head back while shaking violently. "Ge... Next time, I'll..."


Jiang Yao didn't buy it and thrust so vigorously that the room was filled with slapping sounds. Yin Che reached climax again, collapsing in a sweaty heap on top of Xiao Jiang. Jiang Yao grabbed his neck and pulled him up, continuing to fuck him in front of Xiao Jiang.


Yin Che was completely exhausted, his legs trembling and spasming. The area between his legs was wet and slippery, the fluid flowing from his crotch, soaking the sheets beneath him. He tried to break free from Jiang Yao's grip, but he couldn't muster the strength. He was relentlessly pounded, his buttocks turning red as he cried incessantly.


Jiang Yao deliberately let Xiao Jiang see how he deeply inserted his impending member into Yin Che's reproductive cavity, then declared, "He is my omega."


Xiao Jiang was unable to stop it and watched helplessly as Yin Che cried out, his body trembling. His formerly flat stomach slightly swelled as it was being filled with the alpha's semen from behind. The overflowing semen dripped onto the bedsheet from below, thick and sticky.


"See? He belongs to me."


The possessiveness of an Alpha was truly extreme...


Yin Che's consciousness became hazy, even struggling to breathe. He wanted Jiang Yao to release his arm from around his neck, but his throat was hoarse, and he couldn't speak at that moment.


Suddenly, someone held down his legs, seemingly attempting to enter from the front. "Don't think you can monopolize him."


Yin Che desperately slapped Jiang Yao's arm, trying to get him to let go. Although his lower body was already soft and ripe, there was absolutely no way it could accommodate the terrifying sizes of two alphas.


However, Jiang Yao tightened his grip around Yin Che's neck and helped keep his legs in place, allowing his other self to enter. "Well, let's see who gets him pregnant first."


They're insane. These two are definitely insane.


Yin Che forgot that he was dreaming and struggled frantically, but it was futile. He was choked tighter and tighter, and at the moment when Xiao Jiang pushed inside him, he finally suffocated and fainted.


Then he abruptly woke up from the dream.


The curtains in the bedroom were drawn shut, but through a sliver of light, he could vaguely discern that it was still daytime outside.


Someone was lying next to him, soundly asleep, a strong arm resting across his neck, making it difficult for him to breathe.




Yin Che took a deep breath, then another deep breath.


Unable to hold it in, he kicked with all his might, kicking the person next to him off the bed.


Jiang Yao fell to the ground in a tangled mess. As he was accustomed to it, he got up from the ground, yawned, and squinted his eyes, saying, "Are you already awake? I saw you sleeping downstairs just now, with the air conditioner still on. I was afraid you'd catch a cold, so I brought you up to sleep."


Yin Che still felt unsatisfied, wanting to get up and continue beating him up, but suddenly froze.


Following his gaze, Jiang Yao lowered his head and smirked, "I just had an erotic dream. Do you want to hear it?"


Yin Che's heart tightened, "What dream?"


Jiang Yao's eyes were unusually bright as he said, "I dreamt of you on your 18th birthday, the night I brought you back to my bedroom. Oh my, you were so adorable back then. When I kissed you on the bed after taking off your school uniform, your face turned as red as an apple, and your whole body was trembling."




Yin Che finally understood what the Jiang Yao in his dream had felt.


"Oh? And then, did you do it with him?"


The room was dimly lit, and Jiang Yao didn't notice the change in Yin Che's expression. He excitedly said, "I didn't intend to do it at first. You know, I wasn't supposed to touch you. I was afraid something would happen. But in the dream, you were so proactive, clinging to me, begging me not to stop, asking me to give you a lifelong mark. How could I control myself? But just at the last moment, you kicked me awake... sigh..."


Yin Che squinted his eyes, "It seems like you're quite regretful?"


"Of course! You didn't see how pleasurable I made you feel in the dream. We rolled from the head to the end of the bed, and the entire bedsheet was soaked."


Yin Che took another deep breath, and clenched his fist, ready to explode, but then Jiang Yao said, "That night always left an everlasting ache in my heart... Today, it felt like I've finally made up for it. It must have been the will of heaven."


Yin Che was momentarily stunned.


"But it was just a dream, we shouldn't take it too seriously," Jiang Yao sighed, "What do you want for lunch? I'll make it."


Yin Che still didn't answer.


Finally, Jiang Yao noticed that something was off with Yin Che's complexion. He reached out and touched his forehead, feeling a layer of sweat, then instantly becoming anxious, "Why are you so hot? Are you running a fever? I already told you that sleeping with the air conditioning on without covering yourself..."


Yin Che pulled his hand away and questioned, "How could you mark someone else?"


Jiang Yao was taken aback, "Someone else? It was still you, and it was just a dream..."


"I don't care. You can't mark anyone else."


Jiang Yao realized and looked at him with amusement, "Are you feeling jealous?"


"Is it not allowed?"


"It's allowed. I'll listen to you. I won't mark anyone else, only you." Jiang Yao's voice lowered, and he held onto Yin Che's waist. "Shall I give it to you once now, make you break a sweat?"


"Once is not enough. If you give it to them once, you have to give me three times."


"...Damn, where did you learn to talk like this? So wild."


Yin Che didn't explain, and Jiang Yao didn't really expect him to explain. After asking, he pushed him back down onto the bed.


By the time Yin Che received the three marks he asked for, lunchtime had long passed. The two of them lay on the bed, cuddling together. Yin Che was tired and on the verge of falling asleep. He tried to stay awake and chat with Jiang Yao.


Jiang Yao lightly patted his sweaty back. "Take a shower before sleeping. It's uncomfortable to leave it all inside. I'll wash the bedsheets too."


Yin Che muttered gloomily, "I'm not going to sleep... I'll have another dream..."


Jiang Yao teased him, "What kind of nightmare did you have that scared you so much you don't dare to sleep anymore?"


"It was a sweet dream, I was dreaming about you."


"Is that so? What did I look like in the dream?"


Yin Che thought for a moment, "You were all the way I like you."


By the time Jiang Yao realized the meaning of the word "all" in Yin Che's statement, his omega had already fallen asleep for who knows how long. His slender eyelashes hung peacefully, seemingly immersed in a sweet dream, murmuring something incoherent. Jiang Yao leaned closer to listen and heard a faint and muffled whisper:


"How... another one..."

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