Extra 2: College Life (2) - Pay Attention to Me

Translator's Note:

Hello, I hope you've all been doing well.

Here you go, and I wish you a good read.

And as I said before, if you wish to read ahead, you can head over to my Patreon to get early access to all the translated chapters.

Because of this statement, Yin Che has been restless for the past few days. Fortunately, he submitted his final thesis, and his teacher was very satisfied and gave him an excellent grade. The first semester of his freshman year went smoothly, and he was preparing to pack his bags and go home in the next two days.


After some discussion with Jiang Yao, they decided to celebrate his birthday at college. Not only was it convenient, but according to Jiang Yao, there would be no surprises waiting for him back home. Celebrating at college seemed like the better option.


So Yin Che worked hard to plan the entire day. In the morning, he'd cook a bowl of longevity noodles himself, For lunch, he booked a well-known restaurant, and in the afternoon, they'd go to see a movie. In the evening, they'd return home to have dinner. The ingredients were all prepared in advance and kept in the fridge.


As for the birthday gift, he prepared a valuable 24k gold-tipped pen. Jiang Yao could use it during debate competitions or when he was in court, always at hand in the pocket of his suit.


In fact, he was the one who originally planned to study law.


When he was filling out his major, he hesitated between law and psychology. Yin Quantai suggested that he choose the former since his family had resources and connections, making it a good choice for him to inherit the family business.


However, Jiang Yao said, "This job involves arguing with people in public, using logic to argue. Your personality is not necessarily confrontational, so you might face some obstacles in that regard. However, with your intelligence and steadfastness, I believe you are better suited for research, and the field of psychology might be a better fit for you. Regardless, you want to help those who have gone through similar experiences as you, so either option will work. Just set that aside and think about which subject you are more passionate about."


Jiang Yao's insightful words brought clarity to his mind, and after careful consideration, he ultimately chose the psychology major. However, to his surprise, Jiang Yao ended up enrolling in the law department instead.


"Aren't you going to inherit your father's company?" Yin Che asked.


"I never planned to inherit it. I'm not interested," Jiang Yao replied. "Instead, I aspire to be the hero in your heart, just like your father."


As it turned out, Jiang Yao was indeed suitable for law. As the longstanding leader of the East District, he possessed an unmatched presence that left few of his peers on par. His stoic expression only added to his impact, sending shivers down the spines of anyone who crossed his gaze. The hallmark of his success lay in his agile thinking, and his courage to speak his mind while remaining ever-cautious and meticulous. Yin Quantai himself recognized Jiang Yao's potential and saw in him the future of his law firm, even considering handing over the reins to his son-in-law.


Yin Che was acutely aware of Jiang Yao's exceptional intelligence and remarkable capabilities, which could have easily led him to excel in any field he pursued. Yet, he still chose this somewhat challenging path, mainly because of him.


Therefore, he also wanted to encourage Jiang Yao in any way he could.


With everything ready, they just had to wait for his birthday to come.


On the night before the start of winter vacation, a gathering was organized by Yin Che's fellow psychology classmates, and Xu Wei was responsible for inviting people. Despite his initial reluctance to attend, Yin Che had a change of heart when he found out that one of his major professors would also be present. This esteemed professor had provided insightful answers to many of his questions, and he felt it only fitting to express his gratitude in person. Thus, he decided to accompany his classmates to the gathering.


The dinner was held in a restaurant near the university. Young people weren't that particular, so twenty or thirty people gathered around a table and sat wherever they liked. Yin Che sat in a position slightly to the middle, with Xu Wei on his left and a familiar classmate on his right.


Many people had already packed their bags and would be taking an early flight or train home the next day, so they ordered a few hot drinks and iced fruit wine instead of high-alcohol wine.


The temperature in the restaurant seemed to be set a bit high, so Yin Che took off his down jacket, but still felt hot wearing only a sweater. He ordered a glass of iced wine, took a sip, and tasted the rich flavor of white peach, barely discerning the taste of alcohol, so he continued to drink it comfortably.


The psychology department had a small number of students, and most of the classmates knew each other by name. Yet, there was one student who stood out above the rest, the infamous iceberg Omega, whose reputation spread like wildfire throughout the school. Despite his impressive notoriety, he seemed impervious to the attention he garnered, as his focus remained solely on his studies. Even Alphas couldn't help but steal a glance at him as he walked down the hallway, completely unaware of the envious gazes that followed him.


Many of his fellow psychology classmates couldn't understand why someone like him would choose to study in this field. While other future practitioners would sit with their clients in a warm and friendly manner, gently guiding them through their problems, if he were to sit with a client, it would probably look like an intense interrogation scene.


However, at this moment, the iceberg Omega, wearing a white sweater and with slightly flushed cheeks, sat among them, quietly eating and drinking, occasionally responding with a few words. He didn't seem so indifferent to the world and was quite... lovely.


As the night wore on, and the wine flowed freely, Yin Che sensed that something seemed off. He felt dizzy after just a few sips of wine, while the professor across from him discussed plans for the upcoming semester and advised him to get a head start on the material over the winter break. Despite his best efforts, Yincheng couldn't focus and found himself nodding along absentmindedly.


Xu Wei wanted to toast him, but he waved his hand to refuse, "I might have to leave early. I'm not feeling well."


Xu Wei asked with concern, "Do you want me to see you off?"


"No, I'll call my boyfriend."


Yin Che didn't know if his voice was too loud, but he suddenly felt as though every eye in the room was fixed upon him.


"Yin Che, do you have a boyfriend?"


"Hey, are you living in a cave? His boyfriend is Jiang Yao."


"Jiang Yao? The Jiang Yao from the law department?!"


"Is it true? I think I've heard about it, but I always thought it was just a rumor."


Amidst the cacophony of chatter, Yin Che's head swirled with dizziness. He furrowed his brows and replied, "Yes, that's true."


Everyone exclaimed in unison.


"Your boyfriend is so handsome, aren't you worried about someone stealing him away?"


"How do you two usually get along? I'm curious."


"I'm curious too. It seems like you two never show affection for each other in public. Do you not talk much to each other either? Are you giving each other space and all that?"


Yin Che: "..."


What is going on here?


The reason why they don't show affection in public is that Jiang Yao is notorious for being overly affectionate, without any consideration for decency. Having learned from their past mistakes in high school, they made a pact not to exhibit any overt signs of intimacy in public, otherwise, they'll have to sleep in separate beds for a night. However, Jiang Yao couldn't resist the temptation and created a private social media group to show off their love, where he stepped up his game and took his flaunting to a whole new level. Often, he would nonchalantly reveal content that would beg for ridicule, such as:


[Today, I was late for my first class. I feel guilty and sorry for the teacher. I guess I need to talk to CheChe about changing our shower gel. The current one smells too good. I held him and sniffed him all night, and still didn't bear to let go in the morning.]


Yin Ze replied: "Why don't you just disappear altogether?"


Similar situations happened every day, and Jiang Yao's social media feeds were always bustling with fiery exchanges and heated debates.


But in the eyes of his university classmates, Jiang Yao's social media circle always appeared barren, adding to his mystique as an aloof and unapproachable "iceberg" male god.


Sensing his pheromones beginning to overflow, Yin Che didn't bother to explain any further and promptly called Jiaoyao.


Everyone around him held their breath to listen.


Jiang Yao picked up quickly, but unfortunately, he wasn't near the campus. He was shopping in a mall a few kilometers away.


"I saw that the dishes prepared in the refrigerator are all my favorites. I'll buy some of your favorite food too. How is your dinner party going? Have you had any drinks?"


Yin Che answered truthfully, "Hmm, maybe because it's been a while since I drank, I feel a little dizzy, but it's okay. I'll need a little more time to finish eating, so just take your time and come pick me up after you finish shopping."


"I'll order online and be there in twenty minutes." Jiang Yao said decisively.


Yin Che hung up the phone and faced a group of curious eyes. He helplessly said, "He's coming to pick me up soon. Sorry about that."


"No worries, we also want to get to meet him!" Xu Wei shouted and called a waiter to add a chair to his right side. He suddenly asked, "Did he mention who he was shopping with?"


"He didn't say. I think he's shopping alone." Yin Che replied.


"Oh..." Xu Wei said absent-mindedly, "I didn't expect the cool male god would enjoy playing around as well."


Yin Che wasn't like Jiang Yao, who had a straight man's mindset. He could tell the underlying meaning behind Xu Wei's words. Xu Wei was just trying to prove that Jiang Yao didn't care about him.


Perhaps not only Xu Wei, but most of the classmates present also thought so, but didn't say it out loud.


It seemed that prohibiting public displays of affection would have an adverse effect.


After some thought, Yin Che sent Jiang Yao a message while he hadn't arrived yet.



A while later, the restaurant door opened, and Jiang Yao arrived early, exhaling white mist as he stood at the entrance. With a quick glance around the room, his eyes settled on Yin Che and he beamed a smile at him before striding confidently over, casually pulling out the empty chair to his right and taking a seat: "I apologize for my early arrival, but I was a bit worried about him. You guys continue, don't mind me."


Despite his words, the arrival of such rare a guest left little appetite for anyone to continue eating. Apart from a teacher who went to a nearby table to chat with a fellow student about academic matters, everyone else was almost openly or secretly observing this wonderful pair of lovers who rarely appeared together.


"Have you had dinner yet?" asked Yin Che.


"Yes, I have," replied Jiang Yao.


"What did you eat?"


"I found a curry rice restaurant in the mall. It tasted okay," said Jiang Yao.


"Oh," said Yin Che.


Indeed, their relationship seemed distant and aloof, thought the onlookers.


"Are you still feeling dizzy?"


"I feel a little better now."


Jiang Yao released a little pheromone to ease his discomfort.


Xu Wei, who was nearby, faintly smelled it and said with a smile: "Hey, Jiang Yao, why are you releasing pheromones? There are so many omegas here. Are you trying to seduce someone?"


With a slight smile, Jiang Yao replied, "Who else could I possibly seduce? Of course, it's my sweetheart."


Xu Wei: "..."


Yin Che instantly regretted lifting the ban on them showing affection, as he observed Jiang Yao's eagerness to share everything that he had been holding back for the past semester.


Jiang Yao asked again, "Are you full?"


"I'm almost full," replied Yin Che.


Jiang Yao then took out a cake box as if performing a magic trick, "Is there still room for a small cake?"


In this familiar situation, Yin Che couldn't help but smile, "One might not be enough. You eat half of it first."


Jiang Yao opened the box, revealing a triangular cheesecake. He scooped a spoonful from the tip and brought it to Yin Che's lips, "Try it first."


Yin Che obediently opened his mouth, and the cake melted as soon as it landed inside, soft and rich with a sweet milk flavor lingering on his tongue.


"Is it good?" asked Jiang Yao.




"Have another one."


Jiang Yao fed him spoonful by spoonful, and Yin Che ate naturally and freely, just like at home.


The cake wasn't big, and Yin Che finished it in a few bites. Jiang Yao pretended to be angry, "Who said they'd give me half of it?"


"I thought you didn't want it."


"Who said that? I was waiting for you to say 'I can't eat anymore,' but you ate it all," Jiang Yao laughed and scolded.


"Is it my fault then?" Yin Che teased.


"It is your fault. If I knew you could eat so much, I should have bought two pieces."


With a chuckle, Yin Che teased, "You're the true foodie here."


Jiang Yao also chuckled and turned to face him, his gaze fixed on his face with intense focus.


As their laughter gradually died down, their gazes met and they became immersed in the moment, completely unaware of the unusual silence that had fallen around them.


Yin Che's cheeks turned abnormally red. Jiang Yao couldn't help but reach out to confirm whether it was due to shyness or heat.


"Ahem!" Xu Wei suddenly coughed loudly.


With a start, Yin Che realized that everyone at the table was staring at the two of them. He quickly turned his head and sat up straight.


He had forgotten himself for a moment.


Jiang Yao's hand did not touch his face, only the back of his head.


Xu Wei smiled and said, "Yin Che, don't you think eating only cake is a bit boring? Let's order some more dishes."


Jiang Yao's hand fell on Yin Che's shoulder and he leaned towards him as he said, "What do you want to eat? Let me serve you."


Yin Che cooperatively leaned toward him and said, "I want to eat shrimp."


So for the next ten minutes, everyone was forced to endure their display of affection. Although Jiang Yao's peeling of shrimp was a mess, it didn't stop him from feeding them to Yin Che with a doting expression, completely overturning everyone's expectations.


They were no longer the aloof male god and iceberg beauty. They were as sickeningly sweet as chocolate sauce.


Someone couldn't help but ask, "Yin Che, do you act like this at home too?"


Jiang Yao took over the conversation, "At home, he actually despises me. Sometimes, he won't even eat when I feed him. He's just giving me face in front of you guys."


The classmates who struck up a conversation with him were very excited and couldn't wait to hear some gossip: "So, Jiang Yao, how did you guys meet?"


"I transferred to his school in our sophomore year and became his desk mate."


"Who chased whom?"


"I chased him for a long time, right, CheChe?"


Yin Che nodded, "Yes, but I fell for him first."


Jiang Yao tried hard to stop the corner of his lips from tilting up.


The classmates soon realized that the two of them were not as aloof as they had imagined. They grew bolder and teased, "Do you want to have a daughter or a son in the future?"


Xu Wei interjected, "Isn't that question a little too early? They're just dating right now."


"That's not true," Jiang Yao said casually, "we have met each other's parents, and we can already have a child if we want to. I like both equally. But it also doesn't matter if we don't have any."


Xu Wei was stunned, "You guys already..."


"Yes, it's exactly as you guessed. Anyway, we are not just dating. We plan to get married and spend the rest of our lives together."


The crowd took a few seconds to react, and then they understood - these two people had already marked each other for life.


Xu Wei became uninterested and didn't say anything in the second half of the night, drowning his sorrows in a lonely drink.


The two of them continued to accompany their classmates for a while, then said goodbye early and went home together.


"Why did you tell them all that?" Yin Che took off his shoes, leaned against the wall at the door, and pulled down his scarf.


"It's better that they know. So that some short-sighted person won't try to snatch you away from me." Jiang Yao untied his scarf for him and touched his forehead. "You're still a little hot. How much did you drink before I came?"


"Not much, just a small glass, and it wasn't very strong."


"Do you have a fever then?"




"Take a shower and get a good night's sleep. If it's serious, we'll go to the hospital."


Yin Che thought for a moment, then said, "We'll see."


He didn't want to delay tomorrow's plans.


At night, he wanted to sleep in a separate bed, but Jiang Yao disagreed and insisted on hugging him, saying it was easier to control his body temperature. Fortunately, his physical condition was still okay, and there shouldn't be any major problems.


After being busy writing his final thesis for weeks, he finally had a chance to relax. He fell into a deep sleep and slept soundly without dreaming.


When Jiang Yao woke him up, Yin Che felt as if he had only been asleep for ten minutes. He felt his consciousness drifting into a state of drowsiness, his eyes couldn't focus, and he felt weak and unable to lift a finger. He could hear Jiang Yao calling him, but he couldn't make a sound.


It wasn't until a familiar scent gradually enveloped him that he regained some awareness and looked at Jiang Yao in confusion, "What's going on...?"


"You're going into heat."


"It's impossible..." Based on last year's dates, it should still be a little less than half a month before his heat.


Jiang Yao wiped the sweat from his forehead and transmitted some pheromones to him through mouth-to-mouth contact, "I think it's strange too, but the amount of pheromones you're emitting isn't normal. I just called Dr. Feng and he said that too much stress can cause an early onset of heat, not to mention that your heat period was already unstable to begin with."


Yin Che recovered a bit and turned to look out the window. The morning light was faint, and the night had already passed.


"Happy birthday..."


Jiang Yao laughed, "You're saying that now?"


"What else do you want me to say?"


"Well, how are you going to make up for our ruined plans today?"


Yin Che was taken aback. Indeed, with his current condition, he wouldn't be able to leave the house, and all the carefully planned birthday activities would have to be scrapped.


"I'm sorry..."


"What are you apologizing for? It was just a joke." Jiang Yao unbuttoned his pajamas and put his hand on his waist, then went further down into his pants from his lower back, "Staying at home is fine too. What's important is not what we do, but that we do it together."


This was really touching, not just because of the words themselves, but because Yin Che knew that Jiang Yao never told him lies.


Every word he said came from the heart.


The author has something to say:


CheChe: I'm sorry I can't go out and play with you, we can only stay at home and do this and that.


Little Jiang: Is there really such a good thing?

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