Chapter 14 - Blindness

Translator's Note:

Hello, I hope you've all been doing well.

Here you go, and I wish you a good read.

And as I said before, if you wish to read ahead, you can head over to my Patreon to get early access to all the translated chapters.

Through the Car Window



Two days later, Aoi returned home.


Ayase scolded Aoi repeatedly for recklessly removing the gauze. He reprimanded him in his usual tone, saying, "Even though no abnormalities were found, it's absolutely unacceptable to put undue stress on your optic nerves and newly transplanted eyeballs."


While it was rare for Aoi to be scolded by someone close in age, Aoi was too busy observing Ayase's face, which he saw for the first time, and the content of the conversation didn't quite register in his mind.


Ayase had a slender and gentle-looking face, just as Yuto had described. He didn't appear to be the type to suddenly push someone down or make unsettling remarks.


His casually brushed black hair had a youthful luster, neatly framing his well-shaped forehead. The faintly colored eyebrows and cool, double-lidded eyes exuded a sense of intellect, carrying an air of maturity that belied his youthful age of twenty-seven. It was evident that his remarkable competence and ongoing achievements in his field were the result of immense dedication and perseverance.


According to Ayase, he was Ren's senior during high school. He laughed lightly, saying that the roles had completely reversed now. He couldn't help but respect Ren for providing him with substantial research funds.


In the end, it seemed that Ayase had been excluded from the list of Aoi's potential partners. However, Aya didn't appear to be pessimistic about it.


"You'll come to my clinic for examinations almost every week. There are plenty of chances. I just have to lure you in with my own charm... hehehe," he said, wearing a meaningful smile as he provocatively stroked Aoi's hand. Aoi quickly withdrew his hand, hurriedly expressed his gratitude for the successful surgery, and left the examination room.




"Did Dr. Ayase do anything weird to you?"


As soon as they got into the sedan driven by Seita, Yuto wasted no time in asking that question. With the safety of Yuto in mind, Aoi had kept him waiting in the hallway during the examination. Aoi let out a slight wry smile and shook his head in response.


"No, it's alright. He didn't do anything strange."


"I see, well, that's good then."


"...What kind of doctor is he? A renowned one, right?"


Seita's voice came from the driver's seat. As Aoi leaned out from the back seat, he caught sight of Seita gripping the steering wheel from the driver's seat. He gazed at Seita's features intently, trying to capture every detail. Sensing Aoi's scrutiny, Seita's eyes flickered back and forth, revealing a hint of uneasiness.


"Your face is just as I imagined. Yuto told me all about it in detail the other day."


"....Eh? You mean my face?"


"Yeah. You look younger than I thought. How's your wife and child doing?"


"Oh, they're doing well, thank you. Our little troublemaker is turning two this year, keeping us busy."


"I see. Hmm, I'd like to see them."


"Sure, that would be nice. Will you come play with him sometime?"


"Yeah, sure. I don't have the chance to interact with children much."


"That's true."


While Aoi and Seita engaged in such small talk, Yuto remained smiling throughout. Aoi turned back and sat next to Yuto, who was looking at him with a gentle expression.


"Your description of Seita's face was spot-on."


"I know, right? He lectures me every day."


"Hey, Fukaya, don't say unnecessary things."




Yuto muttered softly, and Seita, still wearing a butler-like smile, twitched his eyebrows. Seeing Seita's gaze through the rearview mirror, Aoi burst into laughter.


"Whenever he gives me that look, I know for sure that I'll get a lecture afterward."


"I see. So, there's silent communication going on behind my back."


"That's right."


As Yuto said that with a smile, Aoi couldn't take his eyes off his face. The glimpse of his white teeth peeking through his slightly reddened lips and the small dimple that appeared only on one side. Yuto's large, rounded eyes squinted in a delightful smile, radiating a sparkling brilliance. Aoi restrained the urge to touch him and smiled faintly. In response, Yuto's cheeks flushed a rosy hue.




"Hmm? What's wrong?"


"W-When you stare at me like that, I don't know how to react... And your eyes, they're incredibly beautiful."


"My eyes?"


"Yes. They have a faint golden tint, similar to Master Ren's. They're a deep blue, resembling the color of the sky when it transitions from dusk to night."


"Hmm, interesting. You have quite a literary way of expressing things."


"Oh, come on... Don't tease me like that!"


In an attempt to hide his embarrassment, Yuto sulked openly. Aoi burst into laughter, enjoying the moment, and casually ruffled Yuto's hair.


"Sorry, sorry, I was just a little embarrassed."


"Embarrassed... Ah, I see..."


"Ayase said that the eyes before the transplant didn't have a golden hue. But after becoming my eyes, the golden color gradually appeared," Aoi said.


"I see... That's a mystery."


"I've never met the relative who gave me these eyes... I want to properly go visit his grave"


"Yes, you're right."


The young member of the branch family who ended up providing Aoi with his eyes was two years older than Aoi. He had a motorcycle accident where he mistakenly operated the handlebars, collided with the central divider on the road, and passed away. Due to being protected by a full-face helmet, there was little damage to his head, and miraculously, his eyes remained intact.


Thanks to his sacrifice, Aoi's vision had been restored. Aoi gently closed his eyes and touched his own eyelids.


Hearing Aoi's words, Seita, who had been watching Aoi's reflection in the rearview mirror, spoke in a calm voice.


"Everyone is waiting at the mansion. Today, a celebration is being held for your recovery."


"A celebration... That's unnecessary... We're going to have a big celebration for my twentieth birthday soon anyway."


"Well, that's true. The celebration will be a grand party for your debut in society, Master Aoi. Today's celebration is a gathering of us servants to celebrate your discharge from the hospital."


"I see... Thank you."


"Master Ren won't be coming, but Master Mikado is expected to be there. Master Suno has also been eagerly waiting for your return..."


"...I see."


Aware of the fact that Yuto and Aoi had spent the night together, Seita's voice grew slightly heavier when he mentioned Suno's name. Aoi noticed the growing tension in Yuto's expression and gently took hold of his hand, which was resting on the seat.


"Ah... Master Aoi!?"


"Someday, we'll have a proper talk. With both Suno and my brother."


"But... If we do that..."


"Well, my brother will probably object. But we can't keep it hidden forever. Even if it takes time, I'll persuade him, so it'll be fine."


"I... I don't have the confidence that they will understand if we tell them. If it's revealed, I might be immediately kicked out of the mansion..."


"I won't confront them head-on right away. I'll find the right moment to do so. Yuto, for now, please stay by my side as my attendant, just like before."




Yuto's anxiety wouldn't be completely erased by Aoi's words. Nevertheless, Yuto showed a little smile to Aoi. Despite the faintly trembling eyes and quivering eyelashes, Yuto's underlying worries were clearly visible.


Aoi felt a tightness in his chest from Yuto's heartfelt actions. He held Yuto's hand, which he had already grasped, even tighter.


"...I'm sorry. For making you keep secrets for my sake, Yuto."


"What are you talking about? Being able to understand your feelings made me truly happy. It even brought me immense joy. Thanks to that, I feel like I have now the strength to face any obstacles that come my way."




"Yeah, that's right. Even though I always thought it wouldn't matter to me if I never regained my sight... I don't feel that way anymore. Right now, all I want is to see everything with my own eyes. It feels like I want to absorb everything I couldn't see for the past sixteen years. And I want to be able to protect you with my own hands."


"M-Master Aoi..."


Yuto's eyes welled up with tears, he looked up at Aoi while trying to hold them back. Aoi couldn't help but feel a tingling sensation deep within his chest, thinking how adorable it was. Overwhelmed by this feeling, Aoi reached out his hand and gently caressed Yuto's cheek.


At that moment, they heard a cough from Seita. Aoi was taken aback. Seita was looking at the two of them through the rearview mirror, glancing back and forth.


"So, does that mean you two are now like that?"


"Ah... Yes, that's right."


"...Fukaya, you said you wanted to keep things the way they were with Master Aoi."


"Well... the thing is..."


Seita's questioning gaze was directed at Yuto. Seeing Yuto falter, Aoi immediately spoke up.


"I was the one who approached Yuto. I've always liked Yuto."


"Eh... Really? It's not just because of Fukaya's heat?"


"It's been that way since before. All along."


"...Is that so? If that's the case, then I won't say anything... But until you get permission from Master Ren, please be careful. You never know who might be watching and where."


"Yeah, I understand."


"And Fukaya... You too."




"Even though you're an omega, don't get lost in the moment and let your guard down with Master Aoi."


"I-I won't!"


"I must say, working at an Alpha's mansion without a collar as an Omega... Quite daring, isn't it? Are you sure you'll be fine?"


"I-I'll be careful. Besides, if I wore a collar, it would be obvious that I'm an omega."


"That's true, but why don't you hurry up and let Master Aoi mark you? Then you won't risk attracting other alphas."


"W-Well... It's true, but without Master Ren's permission, doing that is a bit..."


"You're wasting time with idle talk. When is your next heat period?"


"Hey! Why are you asking such things? It's sexual harassment!"


Unbeknownst to them, Seita's tone had become incredibly brusque. However, his gaze fixed on Yuto was serious, showing genuine concern for Yuto. Aoi thus felt reassured by Seita's presence.


"I'm also worried about it... I never expected Yuto to be this beautiful."


"Huh? Me?"


"I'll be taking you out more often in the future... so I'm worried. You have the power to captivate others not only with your fragrance but also with your appearance..."


"N-No, that won't happen! Anyway, I'll be fine! Master Aoi, I think you'll be very busy from now on, so please don't worry about me."




He longed for the day when he could become a pair with Yuto and finally be at ease. However, in order to form a bond, he had to wait for his next heat. It was only during that time, through the act of mating, that the alpha would sink their fangs into the omega's neck, sealing their bond. Would he be able to gain his brother's understanding by then? What steps should he take to attain that? These contemplations consumed Aoi's thoughts as he pondered the path ahead.


While lost in thought, Aoi considered giving Yuto a collar again.



The purpose of a collar is to protect an omega's neck from being unintentionally bitten by an alpha during a sudden heat. They come in various shapes, but typically resemble a collar. They are designed to securely fasten around the neck, often equipped with locks or fingerprint recognition for added security.


Additionally, collars are also there to protect alphas. Alphas affected by an omega's heat often lose their reason and tend to become violent in their attempts to dominate their partners. To prevent unwanted pairings driven by both the desire to dominate and lust, many omegas wear collars.


As Yuto would continue working by Aoi's side, his encounters with alphas would become more frequent. However, the prospect of leaving Yuto, an omega, vulnerable and exposed amidst a pack of alphas was unsettling for Aoi as well.


Gazing at the high-collared shirt Yuto was wearing, Aoi crossed his arms and lightly brushed his fingertips against his lips. The staff members wore white shirts and black vests. Since Seita was the head butler, he wore a black ascot tie and a jacket on top of that. A slim choker that could hide under the shirt collar might be something Yuto could wear, Aoi contemplated, as he shifted his gaze to the vibrant scenery passing by outside the car window.


It was a bright spring landscape bathed in the dazzling sunlight. As they moved away from the hospital in the city, nature became more abundant, showcasing budding greenery and blossoming flowers in various hues. Aoi leaned closer to the car door, keeping his grip on Yuto's hand, and lowered the window. He deeply inhaled the scent of spring and the refreshing breeze that gently filled the car.


"It's beautiful."


"Yes, it is."


"It's amazing... It's so vast, bright, and full of colors... I don't even know when to blink anymore."


"Yes, it truly is beautiful."


Amidst this world brimming with vibrant colors, Aoi couldn't help but gaze at Yuto's smiling face, yearning to share heartfelt laughter and forge a soulful connection.

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