Chapter 7 - Blindness

Translator's Note:

Hello, I hope you've all been doing well.

Here you go, and I wish you a good read.

And as I said before, if you wish to read ahead, you can head over to my Patreon to get early access to all the translated chapters.




"... Ha-nh...!!"


 Yuto woke up with a gasp.


 Looking around, he saw that it was his usual room, just below Aoi's chamber. It was a small six-tatami room, simple with just a bed, a small desk, and a walk-in closet.


 Huh...!? What's this!? I... with Master Aoi...


 He looked down and noticed that he was wearing his favorite pajamas, a simple loose-fitting shirt. His body, which should have been covered in sticky fluids, has been thoroughly cleaned as if nothing had happened.




 He looked up in dismay at the small window near the ceiling. It was bright outside. He then looked at the clock and saw that it was 6:00 am.


"Huh... What's this? No way, was it just a dream...?"


"Yuto! Are you awake?"


 At that moment, the door swiftly opened after a light knock. Although he was used to it, he always wondered why they even bothered to knock in the first place. During the busy morning hours, Seita was always in a rush and would barge in without waiting for a reply.


"G-good morning... Mr. Seita..."


"The effect of medication depends on the dosage. Below a certain amount, the effect may not manifest, while exceeding a certain amount may cause harmful damage. So it is important to follow the prescribed dosage and usage."




"The pills that fell in the rose garden were yours, right? Were you taking this amount of... medicine every day, by any chance?"




 As he finished saying this, Seita pulled out the bundle of pills that Yuto was carrying around from inside his inner pocket. Blood quickly drained from Yuto's face.


 I knew it wasn't a dream...! What should I do now? I mean... Why am I still sleeping in this room!? What happened!?


"Mr. Seita... about that..."


"Why you're still here after fooling around with Master Aoi? Is that what you want to ask?"




"Good grief... Where shall I begin...?"


 Seita sat down on Yuto's bed and scratched his head with a pained look on his face. Unlike his usual self, today, Seita's hair was a bit disheveled.


"Um... I..."


"Oh, it's all right. I'll keep quiet about you being an Omega."


"Huh!? Why!?"


"Why... It's because you've been hiding it all this time, so there must be a significant reason behind it. Your grandfather's situation must be one of them."


"M-mr. Seita...!"


"Besides, Master Aoi doesn't seem to have any intention of letting you go either."




 Hearing him mention Aoi's name, his heart skipped a beat. His face became hot and his insides ached painfully.


 Seeing Yuto's expression, Seita chuckled and sighed a little.


"I knew that you liked Master Aoi."




 Saying this, Seita smiled and crossed his slender legs. His black leather shoes with slightly pointed tips were polished to a shine.


"Last night, Master Aoi called me only after a whole day passed by."


"He called you... Eh? Wait, a whole day?"


"It was the evening before yesterday that you collapsed in the rose garden. That means you and Master Aoi were fucking for almost 24 hours."


"Fuc-... Isn't there another way to put it...?"


"Don't worry about the details. In the middle of the night, Master Aoi called me with a trembling voice."


 Seita then pulled out a small cell phone from his inner pocket and shook it lightly as he said so. This was for Aoi to contact Seita in case of emergency, but apparently, it had never been used in the past. However, he explained that the phone had been ringing continuously for the past two days.


"Yuto stopped moving... help me, he said."


"I stopped moving...?"


"When I rushed over to help, I found you... fast asleep after being exhausted from fucking all day. Master Aoi, wearing only a shirt, had an anxious look the whole time while holding you in his arms."


"Master Aoi was what...?"


"Master Aoi was very frightened, thinking he might have broken you because he went too far. I started working here right after he became blind, and I have never seen him make a face like that before."




"In a way, this whole thing made me realize that Alphas are human beings, too. Especially Master Aoi who, despite being blind, was so talented and had such a strong personality that I felt he was somewhat inhuman. But seeing that expression on his face back then, I was reminded he was just a nineteen-year-old child..."


 Seita tucked his cell phone back into his inner pocket after having sincerely expressed his thoughts.


 Yuto couldn't imagine what expression Aoi could have had on his face. As Seita said before, Yuto might also have deified Aoi somewhere in his heart. He couldn't even imagine Aoi's appearance while trembling in agitation.


 Yuto was attracted to Aoi's gentleness and strength, but in reality, he had no idea what Aoi was thinking. He was kind and gentlemanly and sometimes teased Yuto by saying mean things, but Aoi's expression was always nonchalant, so it was difficult to tell how he was truly feeling inside.


 Aoi had been worried about me... Yuto's heart started pounding rapidly.


"Master Aoi told me not to tell anyone that you are an Omega. Once your condition improves, he wants you to go back to taking care of him as usual. Tomorrow you're going to the hospital for a checkup, I'll accompany you there."


"So... I-Is it okay for me to stay here...?"


"Well... As for me, it would be troublesome if you suddenly had to quit."




 Yuto felt relieved. But at the same time, anxiety gripped his heart.


 In other words, it meant that Aoi would have to keep secrets from Ren, at such a critical time, coinciding with his eye surgery and partner selection...


 Yuto's expression clouded. Seita patted Yuto on the back and asked:


"As I said earlier, have you been taking suppressants every day?"




"Jeez, I thought so. Listen, that's not a viable way to take your medication! How come nothing happened until now?!"




"These shouldn't be the ones they prescribed for you? Since when have you been taking them?"


"Uh, about two years... I buy them cheaply in town. I've been buying these suppressants there for a long time..."


"You've been taking these every day for two years? It's obvious that they would become ineffective at this rate!"


"I'm sorry... I knew their effect might be weakening, but I thought if I increased the dosage, it would be okay..."


"It's not that simple... I have an old friend who is a doctor... I told him about you, and he immediately prepared some medicine for you. From now on, don't keep taking these cheap, shady suppressants. You should go to him to get the right ones. Don't worry, he's a tight-lipped guy. You'll be fine."


"I'm sorry..."


"From what I can see now, it seems like your heat period has passed."


"Yes... so it seems... I haven't been feeling well for the past week..."


"I see. Also, you should take this..."


 Yuto was handed a pale blue pill. Looking down at the small pill with an unfamiliar name engraved on it, Yuto stared back at Seida with a puzzled expression.


"It's a contraceptive. I don't really want to give it to you, but... If it turns out that you're carrying Master Aoi's child, it will complicate things even more."


"... Ah, yes... right..."


 I can get pregnant with Master Aoi's child... That's right... I'm an Omega, after all...


 After indulging in such acts, it's hard to say if Aoi's illegitimate child wasn't already inside his belly. Yuto took the pill from Seita's hand, put it in his mouth, and drank the water from the jug he was just presented. Then he sighed heavily.


"What should I do now...?"


"I don't know either... What do you want to do?"




 I don't want to leave this place. I want to stay by Aoi's side forever, just like I always have. That was Yuto's only wish.


 Having engaged in a physical relationship with Aoi, Yuto couldn't expect anything more, or rather, he shouldn't expect anything more. It was natural for a young Alpha to be lured in by an Omega's pheromones. He couldn't expect Aoi to develop feelings for him as well...


"I'll just... continue to support Master Aoi as I always have."


"I see... that's fine then."


"Yes, I should hurry and go wake up Master Aoi."


"Right. You better get dressed quickly, too."




 Yuto nodded and tried to stand up. However, his lower body felt so heavy, he stumbled as soon as he stood up. Seita let out a short yelp and grabbed Yuto's arm to support him.


 His groin ached as it felt sore, while his waist felt sluggish and heavy. Although he was in no condition to stand and work like usual, Yuto still strained his legs and straightened his back, determined to stand tall.


The author has something to say:


That concludes the first part. The second part will be narrated from Aoi's perspective.


Please continue reading if you enjoyed it so far. Thank you for your support.

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