Chapter 99 - Pay Attention to Me

Translator's Note:

Hello, I hope you've all been doing well.

Here you go, and I wish you a good read.

And as I said before, if you wish to read ahead, you can head over to my Patreon to get early access to all the translated chapters.

After returning from New Year's holiday, Yin Che took advantage of the break when his deskmate was called out by Zhang Jiaozhu to go to Class 5.


"Su Qi, come out for a moment."


A few brave students from Class 5 shouted from among the crowd, "What are you doing, Young Master Yin? Are you trying to bully our classmate again?"


Yin Che glanced at the person who spoke as they shrank back and muttered, "What are you faking this attitude for? As an omega, do you really think you can be the school tyrant...."


Su Qi seemed to be afraid of him and pulled her deskmate Tang Shasha over, next to her, and asked warily, "Why are you looking for me?..."


Yin Che handed over the milk tea bottle in his hand: "To return you the favor."


It was also bought from the canteen, the same as the previous bottle.


Su Qi bit her lip and clutched Tang Shasha's sleeve: "No, you can have it yourself."


"It's yours if I decide to give it to you." Yin Che slightly bent over and looked her straight in the eyes, "Don't worry, I didn't add anything to the drink."


Tang Shasha frowned, "What do you want? Stop pretending, you've already been exposed*. Su Qi, don't take his stuff, there must be something wrong with it."

[T/N: There is no silver here - This old saying stems from some old folk story: Zhang San buried his silver in the ground and put a sign on it saying "There is no silver here."

When his neighbor Wang Er saw the sign, he dug up the silver and wrote on the back of the sign, "Wang Er from next door did not steal it." It is a metaphor for a person who wanted to cover up the truth, but the clumsy means he used made the truth completely exposed instead.]


Su Qi seemed to agree with this idea and didn't take the milk tea: "No need, thank you for your kindness..."


Yin Che stared at her without moving, and suddenly hooked his lips, "Then forget it."


He unscrewed the cap of the sealed bottle and took a sip from it right in front of the two: "Please don't send me anything in the future, otherwise, I'll return it as it is, thank you."


Tang Shasha looked at him as if looking at a psycho: "People are kind enough to give you something and you respond like this? What's wrong with you? What are you putting on a threatening tone for?"


Su Qi pulled at her lightly: "Shasha, don't say anything more, I... let's go back..."


It was estimated that there will be another rumor of him bullying his classmate in the evening posts.


Right after Yin Che returned to class and sat down, Jiang Yao came back from the office: "Guess why Zhang Jiaozhu was looking for me?"




"He wants me to give a speech to the whole school at the final assembly."


A school assembly is held at the end of each semester, where basically the principal will first present his speech, then there will also be student representatives who would go on stage, the content would be nothing more than urging students to study well and improve every day. But even just going on stage once, was a great honor for any student.


"Zhang Jiaozhu said I wasn't serious enough before, but that I finally looked more like a proper student this semester. That's why he let me do the speech now."


Anyway, he was the number one student in his grade, so there was no reason for him not to go up on stage even once.


"Did you agree?" Yin Che asked.


"I said I was not suitable for this kind of serious occasion, that I could easily lead the other students astray."


"You can make some slight changes to those words you said to Zhang Ke before, and use them in your speech."


"I admit that my oratorical talent is god-level." Jiang Yao smiled, "But I don't want to pretend to be a proper student, everyone already knows that I'm not anyway. Therefore, I have recommended another candidate to Zhang Jiaozhu."


Yin Che had a vague hint of foreboding.


"It's you! Go for it! Little Yin Che!"




Zhang Yinfeng pondered for half a day, but still felt that it was not quite right to let Yin Che do this, so he ran back to Class 1, trying to have another talk with Jiang Yao.


The back door of Class 1 was closed, so he first looked inside to see if Jiang Yao was there.


He was there, but he didn't look like a proper student at all. The collar of his school uniform was wrinkled as if it had been pulled by someone, and his pants were dusty.


After leaving my sight for just a short while, did you go to the sports field and roll around?


Truly speaking, his secret could be summarised in him pestering his deskmate, smiling and flirting openly, while totally ignoring their surroundings, before finally getting his just retribution.


How undecent.


Zhang Yinfeng frowned and sighed.


It was time to go find his parents, how can he let things go on like this?


On the contrary, Yin Che was not moved at all, calmly looking at his book, automatically blocking the source of noise loudly chirping around him.


Such strong willpower! What a proper attitude for a student!


Zhang Yinfeng nodded his head in satisfaction before turning back to leave.


"It's a great opportunity to let everyone get to know the real you."


"Get to know me for what? It's almost time for us to graduate." Yin Che paused, "Have you read the online posts again?"


Jiang Yao didn't deny it: "Don't you think there are a bit too many people targeting you at school lately?"


His words were similar to what Yin Ze had said.


"If they want to talk badly about me, so be it. What can you do."


He didn't think those people could make any waves, and there was no need to deliberately prove himself to those people.


"Anyway, I won't be doing this speech." Yin Che concluded decisively.


"I'll leave that to you."


In the Moral Education Department, Zhang Yinfeng patted the shoulder of the student standing in front of him, "Yin Che, your grades in the first model exam have improved by leaps and bounds this time. Your teachers and I are proud of you, so we believe you can set a good example for all the students."


The other students in the office were shocked and didn't dare to speak out.


Damn, Zhang Jiaozhu is really bold, he let the school tyrant do the speech in front of the whole school...


Yin Che pursed his lips, "Teacher, I..."


"No need to say more." Zhang Yinfeng did not want to be rejected a second time and assigned him the task directly, "Write a draft for me first so we can't go over it together by next week."




Jiang Yao learned that he ended up accepting this assignment and laughed so hard while mimicking his tone: I, Yin Che, will never do this speech. Well, you're very awesome."


Yin Che's hand holding his pencil tightened.


"Hahahahaha... Eh? What are you doing? Don't! I won't say that again! Show me some mercy!"


Yin Che grabbed a pillow and chased after him, "It's all your fucking fault, can't you do it yourself?"


Jiang Yao caught the pillow, and with a light tug, he pulled him directly into his arms and dragged him towards the single bed, his laughter sinking: "I won't be fucking anything, except this little one in front of me."


This incident soon spread throughout the school, incurring the sour mockery of many people.


In the past, when the school tyrant was mentioned, the students of the First High did not dare many opinions about him. Although they heard that Yin Che was not a person to be messed with, they had never seen him fight or cause trouble with their own eyes. They only knew that he was a loner, withdrawn and indifferent. He looked very fierce, so they were a bit afraid of him.


However, the situation has changed since Yin Che admitted to his Omega status at the Sports Meet.


Many people were ashamed of having been afraid of an Omega, and with all the recent rumors of him bullying students, a group of "righteous people" have sprung up to denounce him.


In the guise of justice, they were just venting their own personal frustrations.


"How could we have so many hateful schoolmates? Pooh!" Han Meng rolled his eyes and hurled a passionate insulting speech in a single post, "If our brother Che doesn't deserve it, would you dare say you deserve it? How many do you deserve it?"


Yin Che: "Just ignore them."


"No, I can't swallow this!" Han Meng quickly resumed his typing, "Brother Che, even if I always seem so graceful, I can actually curse people 800 times without even repeating myself, leave it to me!"




Jiang Yao thought about it, "I can clarify myself. They're wrong, you didn't ask me to give up this opportunity, I voluntarily did so."


"It's useless for you to explain, they'll think I asked you to say that." Yin Che continued to write the draft as he turned on the desk lamp on the dormitory desk, "If you stand straight, you do not fear a crooked shadow*. Just let them be."

[T/N: Simply put, because he did nothing wrong, he shouldn't worry about others accusing him.]


Wednesday, before the evening self-study session.


Yin Che went to the Moral Education Department with his manuscript in hand, and found Zhang Jiaozhu talking on the phone: "You're almost here, right? Okay, come straight to the office to find me later, no need to tell your child that you're here."


It looked like he was talking with a certain student's parent.


Yin Che waited outside for him to hang up the phone and then presented the draft to him for review.


Zhang Yinfeng held up his glasses, read it from beginning to end, and circled a few places with his red pen: "It's well written, better than I thought, but the wording and phrasing in those sentences that I've circled need to be more formal. Go back and write it again."


"Well, thank you, teacher."


Originally, he thought it would be a rather boring task, but looking at the marks on the manuscript that had been carefully reviewed, it didn't seem that boring to him anymore.


On the way back to class, Yin Che read those annotations by the street light and thought about how to improve them.


The evening self-study had already started, and there were no students on the road, only the shadows of the trees swaying in the windy night could be seen on each side.


Suddenly, there was a faint sweet and greasy smell in the cold winter air.


Yin Che stopped and sniffed carefully.


It was Omega pheromones.


Was there an omega in heat nearby?


Usually, if an Omega in heat was accompanied by its own Alpha, the scent should have been suppressed. If the sent is wafting out like this, it means that the other party is in heat, but there was no alpha around them, so they were in a very dangerous situation.


He didn't hesitate much and immediately followed the scent, turning along seven corners and finally reaching the sports equipment room.


It was pitch black inside.


Guo Zhixiong, who was from the Sports Committee, often came here. He has never been there before. The place was filled with miscellaneous items. People who were not familiar with it simply couldn't find where the light switch was.


"Is anyone there?" Yin Che borrowed the light shining in from the outside and could barely see the layout of the equipment room. The place was small and as far as the eye could see, no one was inside, but the smell of Omega pheromones surely did come from here.


He felt the walls and carefully walked towards the corner where the smell was the strongest, and finally found the source of the pheromones.


It was an open bottle of Omega pheromone.


It was impossible for such a thing to appear out of nowhere in the equipment room.


The moment Yin Che saw it, he immediately turned around, however, his pupils suddenly shrank.


There was a black shadow standing at the door of the equipment room.


Their body was petite, with short hair over their ears, like an omega girl's. The black shadow flashed by, and he did not have time to see the other traits of that person before the equipment room door was slammed shut with a loud "bang!


The sound of a key moving came from outside, as that person locked the door.


The window was not too high, but it was too small for people to get out through it, which was only used for ventilation.


Yin Che could only tentatively find a random spot on the ground to sit down.


That Omega purposely led him here to lock him up inside, did they want to scare him?


What were they thinking?


On the one hand, he wasn't scared at all, and on the other, Jiang Yao should soon find out that he'd gone missing. The whole school wasn't so big that he couldn't find him.


It was just a pity that it was too dark in here and that he couldn't find a lamp, otherwise, he could have seized this opportunity to make some changes to the manuscript right now.


Suddenly, there was another subtle sound coming from outside. This time, it originated from the small window, as if someone was passing by.


Yin Che stood up and was about to call out to the other party when he suddenly saw the small window creak open.


A hand passed through and was turned pale by the street lamp that shone on it from outside.


This image was truly a bit creepy.


"Who's there?" Yin Che rushed over.


The hand was holding a glass bottle and suddenly let go, the bottle fell to the ground with a "pop" and shattered.


The clear liquid was splattered all over the floor.


A peculiar smell quickly emerged in the air.


Yin Che's first reaction was to take off his school uniform and cover his mouth and nose. He hurriedly backed away, but the bottle was broken at his feet and he inevitably inhaled a small part of it.


That person immediately retracted their hand after throwing the bottle inside, and their steps gradually retreated as they moved away.


Yin Che retreated to the door, trying to get as far away from the bottle as possible in this limited space. He slammed hard at the door and shouted loudly, "Is there anyone here? Open the door!"


He kept smashing the door continuously until he couldn't move anymore.


The rate at which he lost his strength was still abnormal.


Moreover, the temperature of his body seemed to be rising slowly. Since Jiang Yao marked him, he has not been feverish in a while. Counting the days, it was, indeed, quite a long time ago. However, it was more likely that the gas contained in the bottle had caused this strange fever.


Nine times out of ten, it was an Omega catalyst.


The gas was still spreading. Even covering his face with that cloth was not a long-term solution. There is still one hour left before the end of the first evening self-study session. If he couldn't get out within this hour, he may be forced to go into heat right here.


The most urgent task was to attract people over.


There were a bunch of ping pong paddles in the equipment box, so Yin Che took one, sat down by the door, and smashed the door with the paddle, which was louder and less energy-consuming than slapping it with his own hands.


Who the hell did this? Who is it that is deliberately trying to get him on heat this early? He thought as he smashed the door.


The dark figure who closed the door earlier looked like an Omega girl, yet the hand coming through the window was on the larger side, it seemed more like a guy's.


So was there more than one person targeting him?


He slammed the door dozens of times, but the outside remained as quiet as ever.


The catalyst had penetrated through the cloth, and with each breath, his body temperature seemed to rise one degree. The beast inside his body smelled that scent and was ready to break out of its cage at any time.


Yin Che's mind became foggy as he tried his best to put aside these distracting thoughts. He covered his mouth and nose more carefully and focused on smashing the door even harder.


In the empty silence of the night, the sound of a "bang bang" smashing the door reverberated continuously, getting lighter and lighter with time, more and more faint and feeble.


The paddle dropped to the ground with a "pop".


Yin Che slowly fell down and curled up into a ball with his legs fastened to his chest, clutching his school uniform tightly.


Now, if someone came in to force him, he wouldn't even have the strength to resist.


"Jiang Yao...," he cried out weakly, and slowly closed his eyes.


"Knock knock!"


There was a sudden knock on the door and he came back to life in a desperate attempt at survival. Yin Che's spirits lifted, he opened his eyes and sat up holding on to his last ounce of strength.


"Is anyone in there?"


It wasn't Jiang Yao's voice, nor was it a voice he was familiar with, the tone was deep and cold, sounding mature and not like a student's.


"Anyone, please." He pleaded, "I'm locked in, can you open the door for me?"


"I don't have the key." The other person said.


He was in a dilemma again. The gym teacher had long since left, so if that person were to go find a key on the fly, it would be too time-consuming, and he didn't think he'd last that long.


Just as he was at a loss, the person outside the door suddenly said, "You stay away from the door."


"... What?"


"I told you to stay away from the door." The other party's tone was not very patient, even seeming a little irritated.


There was no other way at the moment, so he could only listen to the other party and retreated to a place four or five meters away from the door: "I'm ready."


"Hmm." The other party responded briefly and stopped talking.


Yin Che waited for a few seconds. There was no movement outside the door, so he could not help but ask: "Hey, you..."




There was a deafeningly loud sound, and the entire equipment room shook slightly.


It was as if his dizzy brain was hit by a heavy hammer, Yin Che briefly regained a clear head for a moment, dumbly looking towards the door.


The locked door of the equipment room was kicked open violently, dropping a section of the door frame, shaking like a decaying leaf that was about to fall.


The moonlight outside the door shone back in, pulling the figure of the person at the door into a long, dark shadow.


The other person kicked away all the clutter that was in the way and walked straight up to him.


Only then did Yin Che see that the man was very good-looking. Black hair and black eyes, thin lips, arrogant and beautiful.


Moreover, there was something about this face that seemed very similar to someone he was familiar with...


"Are you lost, little friend?" The other person held him up, and there was a reassuring smell of the same kind wafting from his body, "Don't be afraid, you're safe now."


The author has something to say:


It's him, it's him, our cool big brother!

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  2. omg i hope those two terrible A&O get punished severely for this.


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